Monday 21 August 2017

Diana Facebook Dietrich Jew Onstott Ghostbuster Utron Trump Pat Mills Millsverse

The Diana tapes prove we have to abolish the monarchy – not for our sakes, but for theirs

I commented on the Facebook post for that article : 'It's not only the British Royalty that would need to be replaced but also the divine monarchy believers, those who are Tories. The Tories are confused in the media with the Conservatives, they are not the same. Look up the terms Whigs and Tories, they haven't changed.' I got -1 like for this (only): Maybe it was too factual for them, in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons (Douglas and Dietrich)?

Give a join-the-dots puzzle to someone of the synagogue to complete and what do you get? A star emanating from one point labelled Jew. Dungeons and Dietrich would be a chef-and-dungeon crawler. Cook'n'Crawl+em'up, maybe even a crook'n'crawl'em up.
Chris Ken'doh is saying he has 5 or 10 books on the go at a time. So I guess that's why he didn't interview Scott Onstott but got John 'I haven't read any of your books' instead. However, Chris still doesn't think he's a book worm. Chris or John Adams reported to some guest on afternoon commute that skeptic means phile, he got that from NoAgenda. However, sceptic still means sceptic.

Douglas Dietrich, who's career is founded on being shocking and barely credible, is shocked to read 14 month old news, re 'The Diana Tapes'. It's only news in the UK, it was shown in America 14 months ago. So why has nobody mentioned it in shows? Also, the Independent posts stuff about Prince Philip talking about BummingHam(Birmingham) as if it happened today, when the article is dated Sunday 21 February 2016 17:30 GMT.

I was thinking of sending Tim Kelly a suggestion to do a show topic of 'How to read' using Chris's collection of 5 Ghostbuster comics as an example of how not to read.
'The Dark Tower' comics porn novels seem to be based around the books, 'tho, like the movie is going to be, not actually from the books. They have that cliche'd image of 2 gun-toting guy, 'tho
the recoil from that, means it doesn't work unless you're some kind of ghost or robot. A quarterstaff or pole would be much better. I had this image of Batman using explosive knight-sticks, name adapted from 'night-sticks'. He could fight with them, or twist the end and they make a delayed explosion.

I added Linda Bradley after she sent me a friend request.
Apparently she has posts from 1952! Page no longer exists.

SChwaschsch sent me a link to another video but it's only him singing. He'll have to do better than that if he's to be DD's #1 son.
I bought Age of Ultron collection, then found that there was a more complete collection, about 50% more expensive but i didn't buy it, it'd be the backstory of how Captain America broke his shield and sheeiit, the onewhere Captain America became mad looking like a goose, perhaps.

Donald Trump looked at the eclipse without glasses, maybe it'll make him like Black Sun Superman! Caprica might be an offshoot of BSG2004, I think one of the planets was called Caprica in BSG2004, it's  about women dying then coming back as robots, guessing from the trailer.

Pat Mills replied to my comment in a Facebook live chat! I asked if Joe Pineapples got his Pineapples name from grenades. He said that it most probably did so. Not quite a 'Yes' or 'No' response. He talks like he's overdosed on caffeine, even 'tho they were drinking wine. I suppose that's why he hasn't sent Tony Blair  to hell yet, they talk in similar manner possessed by the hahaHarlequin god?

I told Millsverse that danger is an anagram of grenade which is why Joe Pineapples is afraid of grenades. Yusuf Shakar shake pineapples a-ga do-do-do. Jo Pineapples is a name that's always bugged me, like a pineapple up the butt.
Facebook 'Like' thumb appeared, then disappeared! Then appeared again, perhaps it's the thumb of Ian Curtis.

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