Wednesday 11 January 2017

Kendall Bible Nukes Hoaxusters Obama Gross EU

Christ Kendall is doing some conversation about religion, but they are basing it all on the Christian Bible, and talking about people who never read it, but like to sound important. I might commentate on it, but that's the summary of it anyhow. I realised that I'll be back from work for Thursdays NoAgenda show, amazing, it's like that every week. The noNukes obsession puts Don Lashomb off Hoaxbusters. I think Hoaxbusters are dragging their feet, but everyone in the Truth Movement is. The Biblical God stuff is so retarded, the argument of people who believe the bible is literally the word of god, like God physically wrote it, is fundamentally flawed. Hoaxbusters hosts were hinting that punk is some educated conspiracy, because of the relatives of the most prominent punk musicians. It's nothing new, especially for fans of Alan Watt, and inject into society punks, their own values and morals to seed into the societies they interact with. They act like the family is sacred, but seem to think family stops at working class. Hoaxbusters in 'The Flintstones' would preach that the wheel doesn't work, 'the wheel doesn't actually roll. the wheel is so unnatural, that the Earth which is the back of a giant dinosaur, wriggles in protest during contact'.
Liberalism and other 'ism's could destroy Marvel in it's own civil war, a war of civilities that is, being polite. Probably the women end up raping each other, 'Jeez Rogue don't you ever wash your vagina?' said someone possibly.

David Icke as Adam Warlock on screen, gut and all 'Suddenly all those 1000's of remarks made about me being Adam Warlock make sense!', 'It was a...Yes moment, and another book is in the works', 'My life as a damn Warlock', David Icke might have said.
The Comixology sale is more like a blowout sale. Blowout here refers to the sale being great, perhaps even the last sale before a company closes? The sale is great! Everything is cheap! This is the sale of all sales! The final and best sale!

Hoaxbusters Chris Kendall ended up promoting propane on a show, like that guy in 'King of the Hill','Pretty cheap...1 lasts 4 hours'. He makes out that he's some wandering hermit that barely touches a computer, he's talking about propane he's using to heat his shack but I think that's in King of the Hill as well. Does Chris Kendall look like Hank Hill? I can't find any pics of him. I get called Chris sometimes, he probably does look like Hank Hill but when he goes out or maybe tries to gatecrash a party, people see Johnny Depp, and say 'Oh come in johnny, help yourself to drinks at this awesome party!', 'Later we'll have drugs and gratuitous sex, like in movies'. 'Pro-pain'? you want to increase my suffering?' Glen Kealey might have said.

It's weird when famous people add me on sites I don't use. Jeff Young (he was guitarist for Megadeth for a couple of seconds) added me on tunedIn.

Obama dressed as a KKK wizard set to physically prevent Donald Trump from entering White House, 'Thou'est shaltest notest passest!'.

Looks like me a bit

I had this idea of a global GDP website where you could compare GDPs of different countries and 'blocs' like the EU. But of course nobody on Earth would be interested in such a thing, as it would already have been done!
Of course the numbers are quite funny, EU is 36 times greater than 'Great' Britain, the Great Beast 3 multiplied by 6. Britain is not so great, the petty Beast, and the Queen the petty whore too? I guess the EU would be the SuperBeast a la Rob Zombie.

Maybe there's a Wakandan scientist who claims he invented white people in there.

Yakub:The Black Scientist That Created All White People - TRENDING

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