Monday 3 July 2017

Superman Keogh Jeremy Queen EU Steam Unfilter Transformers Luke Leia Schlobb

Superman is to return from the grave, so Harry Keogh! He'll be like Zupersombreman (super zombie sombre man).
Maybe even if Brexit is illegal the EU are letting it through because they are not interfering with a live performance of prince Charlie Chaplin's, British plonkers making a mess of things.

NATIONAL DISGRACE: Jeremy Corbyn refuses to bow to Queen and then WINKS at colleagues

JEREMY CORBYN has come under fire on social media after the Labour Party leader appeared to refuse to bow to the Queen and then winked during the State Opening. Now, he could say 'I'm a fan of the Maggot channel of course'.

Perhaps my 'What the EU?' meme would have started that fall of monarchy, JC's only winking to say he got the message.

I'm guessing Venom is the Father, meta-programmer of Carnage. Remote programmer is closer to it, like cloud programming.
Harry Keogh Jr was 'metaprogrammed' by Harry Keogh even tho' HK was dead, probably the best way to Father / Son program.

Crunchyroll animes are available on Steam, I can get whole seasons for 300 trillion pounds each, however it happens to coincide with the Steam Summer sale, so it's been pushed to the back and Steam's GUI can't handle it.

Listening to Unfilter, it's better than NoAgenda. It's drier 'tho and not so sample heavy, but NoAgenda is like the Beavis and Butthurt poocast.
Transformers V movie, I can see why it's had bad press as a 'goddess' gets killed in it, shot in the back, it has character development in it and stuff as well.
I was posting stuff on DDDibleyD's Facebook wall and found when checking a previous post that my search history was cut short at the 23rd of June. It was a Brian Lumley quote, I was saying that Harry Potter is based on the same observations of a person as Harry Keogh, and quoted from Brian Lumley the author of Harry Keogh stories. I also sent notes and links to and Facebook reported that they had been read.
Brother and sister is another family thing Star Wars got wrong. Brother Luke, Sister Leia, Luke is ordained monk or priest in service of Jedhi. Leia is an ordained nun or member of the Sisterhood of the Empress Croissant-head.

'Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington Found Dead of Apparent Suicide'
'In the end, it doesn't even matter', who cares?. Siatan was at a park, I sent him a Link'in park. Of course that was the best placed and timed Linkin Park joke ever.

Schlobb doesn't use video properly in his video, he uses single shot flash imagery with long gaps of empty between.
Actually, it's two images displaying for 7.5 seconds each, from the start. I didn't find any others by scrubbing.

'x rants drunk plastered dd revisted'

I've had a go at fixing the audio, trying out apps to make the video. He sounds like he wants to be in da mafia or thinks he is, and slurring his words? I couldn't get rid of that click/boom sound completely, it sounds like he's spitting. It sounds like shit. I only amplified it a little so the beginning sounds better. Sounds like he's used a worn-out microphone. I haven't bothered to listen to it all yet, it's him singing a lot.

'Matthew Schwabb Speaks Wisdom'

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