Friday 2 March 2018

Bro Bee Flow Joint Snow


Bro'collie, same as brocollie but sh*t brown.

'My god it's full of bees!'
'Wonders where she left her meatloaf'

Beast from the East meets storm Emma, causing UK's worst weather in years

The storm is called Emma, it's from Russia.
How is Emma a Russian name? It isn't. M, eh? MA? First two letters of Mary.
Emma is short for Emmanuelle, the second name of Jesus.
(Jesus) Iessus Emmanuelle Christos. You can check with Stewart Swerdlow on that.
So this is one month (the Mad March of Hare a la Alice in Wonderland)  before Easter, the birth of Jesus Christ (an inverted pregnancy (12-9=3) after his death at the Roman Solar Solstice of December 25th).
So as Fuhrer Glen Benton saith 'Descend to Earth in a killing display'.
Anyhow this storm is combined with Beast of the East (which sounds like Gary Bell's 'Feast of the Beast') but also a reference to the beast being from Japan 'it is a rising sun' a la Bill Clinton.
It's also a reference, as it is a blizzard here in the UK, to 'Blizzard Beasts' by Immortal.
Beast from the East could also be a nomer for Johannes Krauser II in Detroit Metal City.

Rolling a joint is one way of being a Mason I guess by circling the square. Square as a means of measurement (the paper), and circling as in rolling the joint.

I went out, but it was snowing!
Lucky for the snow perhaps.
As I spared it their desecration of snowsholes.
Those special snowflakes.

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