Friday 23 March 2018

Dirty B Rats

Someone 'hacked' my instagram account, deleted the telephone number and put 'Nice' on my Bio (nice BO(body odour)). Deleting the telephone number was strangest, I wonder if they tried it, I used to put out fake numbers of tell people it was the number for the Samaritans, recently I just use an old number - that at least gets through verification. After 18 years I have a landline again, I didn't ask for it, and don't know the number.

In the 1990's where I had to have a mobile so agencies could call me to see if I was interested in some job, I really wanted a 'redirect calls' button to send 'random' callers to the Samaritans (the closest match to suicide helpline).

Suicide helpline, helpful advice on your suicide, or suicide hotline - where you get hot tips on how to suicide yourself.

It would be embarrassing if you were the only one there @yevintrystal
it's okay. there's plenty of resources in the UK to help.
That message of mine ^ was on screen for maybe half a minute before I deleted it, it seems that yevintrystal (stupid name) took a screenie of the screen it was on by then, and then cropped it and pasted it.
@yevintrystal To help who? I don't think that they are entitled to them. 
Spies are to be ejected from the UK, don't you read the news?
Why didn't you post what I said about my fridges being poisoned?
Oh dear, what is that hysterical sound coming from spies in my house just now?
Both fridges are poisoned.

The note has been on the kitchen table for a week. I placed it in the fridge to see if it would photograph well with the fridge's.
Written on the note:
To All Concerned I have seen inside the fridges and found them to be in a deplorable state with mould and algae. This is not acceptable for health and hygiene reasons. The cleaner is prepared to give them a thorough clean and in order to do this requires you to remove any of your food items that you no longer require or are in an unacceptable state. Only leave in the fridges the items that you wish to keep otherwise all mouldy food will be put in the bin.
What are the fridges poisoned with? Rotten vegetables I guess.

it's been like that for years, just like no-one brings their bathroom things to the bathroom because they don't want to be the douchebag. The shower has rusty razor blades and opened showering paraphenalia. All their bathroom things are to be thrown in the bin, come Easter.
my stuff is at the top of the fridge. People don't clear up their mess, rotting vegetables create mess. there is no link from mine to theirs. It's been cleaned before, 'They' allow it to get filthy messy again. It's a metaphor for poisoning the well.
Maybe I'll sell the photo's to the papers 'They Live Like Rats The Best of British Intelligence' headline? BI-Sexual Rats? (Brats).
The cleaner didn't turn up the following Friday, the fridges were left uncleaned for a week after.

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