Sunday 27 August 2017

Tim Times Gunderson Germand Mami Pinocchio Beast Jew George Orwell 1984

Tim Kelly of 'Our Interesting Times' said he was in his 30's when the 911 happened, he forgets Ted Gunderson's name every time he tries to bring it up. It's the only thing he has difficulty remembering, and it's always been via the story of the boys in the van. He repeats that Ted Gunderson is 'dirty', what does that mean? Sexually? It sounds like someone imprinted him and others with that suggestion, I think they wanted to knock him out to carry on with their villainy, discredit him, even 'tho he's dead now.

No monitor social media, Nigerians tell military - BBC News

Dem is wise words, tho eh? I wonder if most 'readers' would notice the difference. Maybe they read by keywords and guess the rest.

Germand Rudolf seems to be an utterly useless holocaust researcher, after going on about how he couldn't put jokes in his science papers, he started saying that 'If X has 1000 victims, you claim you have 1 million'. He does mention other things, but is oblivious to the importance of the 6 million number, he says 'numbers aren't important'. Rudolf or Randolph = Adolf. Randolph the red-nose Rudolf had a very shiny nose, he was saying how it's illegal to laugh in Germany. His main thing was that the death camps got run down so everyone was starving by the end of World War 2, he was in a room full of tweety birds. I think Dennis Fetcho 'The Fetch' who also had a load of birds in the background, as worshipped by Mami's Sh*t. The birdies are a hint that he's talking from the birds / women / witches like Tweety-Pie in the Sylvester McCoy cartoons I guess.
The Great Beast could be the Star of Israel, and that Star isn't mentioned in the Bible. Goyim are donkeys, which is why they used asses in Pinocchio I guess, unless they were supposed to be donkeys but I think asses, because decadence makes gay people into assholes.

From 'Timothy Kelly - James Perloff on Christian Zionism and the New World Order'
James Perloff on the Star of Israel as the Great Beast 'Because it has six points, six triangles and a hexagram in the middle', anyhow what about 'it is the number of a man'. 'Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man'.
Making the beast with two backs is a euphemistic metaphor for two persons engaged in sexual intercourse. It refers to the situation in which a couple—in the missionary positionwoman on top, on their sides, kneeling, or standing—cling to each other as if a single creature, with their backs to the outside.
 No beast of six backs. It's another Dave'version (diversion), besides it's a hex and 'is real star'.

Beast with two backs

Every jew is the star of Israel according to a quote read by Dr. Eric Karlstrom

'Timothy Kelly - Dr. Eric Karlstrom on War via Finance'

Henry Fords' The International Jew, it's about the state of Israel being wherever the Jews are.

No Agenda seems to be a little fatalistic these days. I tried to listen to the live stream, of course I tried to enter the chat room heard something about 'know it's EU' but the stream was something read aloud about UFO's. I'm fairly sure the show is normally still going live about the time I listened.
Cain could be a code for Marxism, Marx of Cain.

'Shopping Online At' just liked my comment about George Orwell. I said that Orwell was like his character Winston, whose poorly thought out plans only strengthened the authorities he plotted against.
I found a full feature of the 1954 version. 1984 both literally and figuratively has been and gone, it could be seen as an exaggeration of the effect of British World War 2 propaganda.
The first 1984 movie made in 1954, is the best representation. It's difficult to get to see on YouTube, 'tho.

 'BBC Television's live production of George Orwell's "1984"'

George Orwell's 1984 1954 BBC TV Movie (with Peter Cushing as Winston).

Far-right commentator gets 'schooled' by historian over George Orwell and Antifa

Sure, I just noticed that cushing has devil horns in the first clip i linked to made by the clock in the background.


Moses/Katse etc have those horns as well.

Friday 25 August 2017

Nick William Fantasy Impaler Bass

Nick The Rat reminds me of The Chris Morris Music Show.

'CHRIS MORRIS Music Show 1 of 24'

Why do these guys keep on coming up with new ways of saying Jehovah, some of them are jokes (yehshua = yeh sure), or sound like sneezing, also there's a Swerdlow vibe coming off his Youtube channel, his wife does recipes, they insist on using lion symbology, what, promoting the good ol' British Vampire? Oh and WS has the sinister past like SS.

Dr. William Schnoebelen (Youtube channel)

'Giant African Bullfrogs eating everything in sight'

Funniest troll tale I heard about FFXV is that it was a last attempt to hype up a road trip that some old nerd had as a teenager.
FFXV set new standards for rendering of food in Japanese culture.

This style is called Chibi, apparently
'Final Fantasy 15 being remade as a chibi adventure on mobiles'

What three word phrase can be added to describe the two Vlad's (Putin and 'Impaler'), perhaps as the name of a restaurant?
Vlad's Steak And Chips
Steak = stake, impaled on a stake/steak, chips are Putin with code (inputting; inPutin), chips are also what comes off the impalement (chips off the wood stake)
Space anthems would be bassey, with like electronics and floating strings and sheeeeeeeeeit. The biggest bass you can get is in spaaace.

'Deepest Musical Note Detected In Outer Space'
Who knew: big black holes sing bass. One particularly monstrous black hole has probably been humming B flat for billions of years, but at a pitch no human could hear, let alone sing, astronomers revealed yesterday (Sept. 9).
As far as I know the black hole is literally a bass speaker.

Who started that sh*t about Stephen Hawking's inventing black holes, when the movie The Black Hole came out in the 1970's?

I reckon Maximillien Schell drilled SH into that wheelchair

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Tourrerist Package Holy Daze

There's also a guy who was present at two terrorist incidents. I might name them terrtourists or terrortourists, they are part of the terrorist package that the CIA I guess hands out graciously.

I watched a bit of Alex Jones Info Warts *LIVE* on YouTube.

There were 176 viewers!

176 viewers, maybe he's all propped up by Trump, Jones does look like a cherub, Trumping his horny pills. The show was mainly adverts, vanity pieces featuring ApocaLIPS Watson showing off a shirt with his face on it that I bet wouldn't get you any sex and his overpriced pills for the Jones.
They had a live chat room on the YouTube, it was mainly composed of paedo bots! There didn't seem to be any moderators.
I still told them how Americans are cucks with regards to not talking about the abolition of the monarchy and how superstitious they are, how they fought a war to get away from the British and not one of them would insult the queen and so on, got no direct responses but I heard random chuckles.
But it's still recorded, even 'tho it's old news, i've said it before.

This Owen Jones has more balls than the whole of American manhood even with all those genital pills, and what a name! With Alex Jones also being a woman on UK TV, it's almost as if it's Co-ordInAted.

Alex Jones Show 🔴 LIVE Stream - Wednesday 8/23/17
Screengrab from the next day's show
188 Viewers!

Monday 21 August 2017

Diana Facebook Dietrich Jew Onstott Ghostbuster Utron Trump Pat Mills Millsverse

The Diana tapes prove we have to abolish the monarchy – not for our sakes, but for theirs

I commented on the Facebook post for that article : 'It's not only the British Royalty that would need to be replaced but also the divine monarchy believers, those who are Tories. The Tories are confused in the media with the Conservatives, they are not the same. Look up the terms Whigs and Tories, they haven't changed.' I got -1 like for this (only): Maybe it was too factual for them, in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons (Douglas and Dietrich)?

Give a join-the-dots puzzle to someone of the synagogue to complete and what do you get? A star emanating from one point labelled Jew. Dungeons and Dietrich would be a chef-and-dungeon crawler. Cook'n'Crawl+em'up, maybe even a crook'n'crawl'em up.
Chris Ken'doh is saying he has 5 or 10 books on the go at a time. So I guess that's why he didn't interview Scott Onstott but got John 'I haven't read any of your books' instead. However, Chris still doesn't think he's a book worm. Chris or John Adams reported to some guest on afternoon commute that skeptic means phile, he got that from NoAgenda. However, sceptic still means sceptic.

Douglas Dietrich, who's career is founded on being shocking and barely credible, is shocked to read 14 month old news, re 'The Diana Tapes'. It's only news in the UK, it was shown in America 14 months ago. So why has nobody mentioned it in shows? Also, the Independent posts stuff about Prince Philip talking about BummingHam(Birmingham) as if it happened today, when the article is dated Sunday 21 February 2016 17:30 GMT.

I was thinking of sending Tim Kelly a suggestion to do a show topic of 'How to read' using Chris's collection of 5 Ghostbuster comics as an example of how not to read.
'The Dark Tower' comics porn novels seem to be based around the books, 'tho, like the movie is going to be, not actually from the books. They have that cliche'd image of 2 gun-toting guy, 'tho
the recoil from that, means it doesn't work unless you're some kind of ghost or robot. A quarterstaff or pole would be much better. I had this image of Batman using explosive knight-sticks, name adapted from 'night-sticks'. He could fight with them, or twist the end and they make a delayed explosion.

I added Linda Bradley after she sent me a friend request.
Apparently she has posts from 1952! Page no longer exists.

SChwaschsch sent me a link to another video but it's only him singing. He'll have to do better than that if he's to be DD's #1 son.
I bought Age of Ultron collection, then found that there was a more complete collection, about 50% more expensive but i didn't buy it, it'd be the backstory of how Captain America broke his shield and sheeiit, the onewhere Captain America became mad looking like a goose, perhaps.

Donald Trump looked at the eclipse without glasses, maybe it'll make him like Black Sun Superman! Caprica might be an offshoot of BSG2004, I think one of the planets was called Caprica in BSG2004, it's  about women dying then coming back as robots, guessing from the trailer.

Pat Mills replied to my comment in a Facebook live chat! I asked if Joe Pineapples got his Pineapples name from grenades. He said that it most probably did so. Not quite a 'Yes' or 'No' response. He talks like he's overdosed on caffeine, even 'tho they were drinking wine. I suppose that's why he hasn't sent Tony Blair  to hell yet, they talk in similar manner possessed by the hahaHarlequin god?

I told Millsverse that danger is an anagram of grenade which is why Joe Pineapples is afraid of grenades. Yusuf Shakar shake pineapples a-ga do-do-do. Jo Pineapples is a name that's always bugged me, like a pineapple up the butt.
Facebook 'Like' thumb appeared, then disappeared! Then appeared again, perhaps it's the thumb of Ian Curtis.

Saturday 19 August 2017

Megan Mog Fog You See

Originally published 1972. What is that Windows logo doing on the cauldron? Is that what the Kat'se?

'meg and mog'

Friday 18 August 2017

Shaky Toff

Taylor Swift not only looks like a 'younger' clone of Theresa May, her infinitely played song 'Shaky Toff' (Shake It Off) is a reference to Theresa May as an unstable posh person. Also you can see another copy of Taylor Swift (kwik-e/kwak-e/krak-e fix) in 'IT! (1967)'. Her being pushed as country(k*ntish/k*untTree), is more to do with her being likened to a k*nt or li(c)ked by k*nts.

Virtue is a word who's meaning is mistaken, it is not morality, but it is power. The Guardian knows this, but perhaps Lord British does not.

'Taylor Swift's social media accounts and website have been "blacked out".
Fans noticed on Friday that past posts from the singer's Instagram and Twitter accounts had been removed, and her profile pictures gone.'

Satan 1
Taylor Swift 0