Saturday 25 February 2017

Minor 49'er

'Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby'

Fox is 666 (Gravity amongst other things), Tar Baby is of course an Earthling, Brer Rabbit is '(like)wise brother', a talking rabbit, probably wears clothes, may as well be a human. The moral is of the Sir Isaac Newton (SIN) of Gravity, don't fight the Earth (or natural law), stay with your kindred (briar, another variant of brother, patch as in woven into a patch). The great(in their multitude) beast of (upon) the earth goaded their kindred humans, to force the natural law into obeisance, but of course Rat baby won. Perhaps he was partially made of pig iron, or sticky greased stainless steel.😁

Gravitation constant value ranges from 6.66 (Scott Onstott: Taking Measure Explorations in Number, Architecture and Consciousness), but YouTube videos are avoiding that, saying it starts from 6.67, however 6.66 is correct to 1 in 500 (99.998% correct).

'FOX = 666 | Illuminati EXPOSED'

Scott Onstott: Taking Measure Explorations in Number, Architecture and Consciousness

The Stainless Steel Rat Saves The World

Friday 24 February 2017

Marvel Adam Val Tina Dietrich Hoaxbusters Chrome Metallica Legion Kealey

Reading two page comic spreads is great on the Marvel app on the android tablet, it shows both pages, with no line or staple marks, viewed at landscape. I guess it's a copy of the version that goes to the printers. However, for single pages I usually have to rotate the tablet to portrait. Two pages per screen should be default or added as an option, I guess most tablet screen proportions suit that, widescreen.
Adam Curry(a dam curry, to be in a mess) is no misnomer, his girlfriend / wife / bitch is called Tina, Val+tina, Valentina, nee Valentine's day etc.
Internet connection is back at 1% normal speed. Douglas Dietrich has stolen Matthew Schwabbs' tales of a DNA donor to use as his own story.
Hoaxbusters probably hoaxbusted them as SomeAgenda. NewOrderAgenda (I guess) New Order Agenda disabled their chat room for their latest show.

I found that Donald Trump video game character. It's Mr X of Streets of Rage 2 intro Nintendo 3Ds version, maybe original version too.

CHROME CHapter ROME, a dislocated regiment of Roman soldiers. Chrome is like a metal, hence Metallica, Chrome was the original name for Metallica apparently, 'metal like a'.
People who talk about Putin and Trump as if they've met and/or bromancing are engaging in schoolchildren talk that passes for intelligence at the Clinton level. I heard John and Adam of 'No Agenda' talking about intelligence using intel terms, and it was retarded of course, like could be heard at school dinnertime. These people are about as relevant on such topics as the opinions of those weirdos outside the bubble in the movie 'Zardoz'.

The three poor/worthless craftsmen. These are all related to EU, and they are the Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick maker. The Candlestick maker, candlesticks are made from grease GREXIT. The Butcher, Marine La Pen has shown pictures of butchery, butchering her chances of FREXIT. The Baker, 'There's a may' be in every baker's oven. Overcooked bakery product BREXIT. A HA! Mother Goose, which is a code for Culture, perhaps, has 3 maids in a tub, all the versions I've checked were men in a tub. I'm guessing the Greek person was a man, so that'd make it a 21, the GREXIT broke her(broker)? Mother goose has them going off to the fair, I know of another one which has them going out to sea which would metaphor as going against the EU, then it ends with toss them out.

Rub-a-dub-dub – Nursery Rhymes

Legion TV they probably only put it out to piss people off about long hair like 'We'll prove that long hair makes no differrence...etc', not only in the psychic Kealey sense, but in the sense of persona etc. Samson, delilah = of lies. The strength wasn't in the hair, but in the confidence that having the hair gave Samson plus it's symbolic of the Sun's rays etc. Kealey should be talking about the EU, after it's opening partnership with Canada and how the flood was the electric cable(fiber optic / 'hair') flood that is happening from Ontario or whatever from EU, and will invade the US as people demand faster internet, better infrastructure such as plumbing, lighting. Alan Watt mentioned about the interest Canada has in putting down faster internet, via the EU connection.
Anyhow that's the flood, a data flood (data, dada, father flood) that 'trickles down' to affect US. EU will probably conquer US through superior culture this way, EurineVision, Eurovision, you're in vision. Listening to last two Kealey shows, but I don't think he's going to mention it.
Alan Watt betrayed his audience to the EU 'I'll say anything as long as I can get fast Internet speed' he might have said.

Monday 20 February 2017

NoAgenda Valkyrie Valerie Curry Hazel Scan Watt Brexit Frexit Ryzen Thanos Moondragon Death

One of the intro's of NoAgenda, the start proper, begins with 'Rites of the Valkyries', Adam VALcurry so I send them bugs bunny as VALkyrie. Maybe they'll get a VALkyrie witch Hazel as well. Adam Curry thinks that trannies aren't funny. Adam Curry referred to himself as Adam ValCurry, ie Valkyrie, and he has a mum called Valerie (same name as my mum's). Adam spiky curry, his mum is Valerie Curry (strong curry, Valkyrie curry), mine is Valerie Hazel strong haze(el, of him;haz-el, has Him), two Valkyrie opposed or are they as in Cain and Abel heteropaternal fecundation. Heteropaternal superfecundation occurs when two different males father fraternal twins.
Women flying strong fight in the curry house milling (limbs) knocks everyone out. Valerkyrie Hazel Curry Mills Warrington, except I think she took away Mills from her name. I don't know Val Curry's middle name, I guess there wouldn't be one. I could drop Warrington so the genealogy might be from Valerie Hazel Curry Mills plus other middle names. Valerie Hazel Mills Curry, from a lineage, Mc of hypnotic flying women, witches.

SCAN was a big online UK retailer for home computer hardware from the '90's, one of the first maybe to go from .CO.UK to .COM of it's type became associated with the advantage of online shopping, led to shrinkage possibly of 'PC Direct', 'PC World', 'PC Magazine' and other magazines. Maybe John C Dvorak still has scars from the SCAN period. Maybe people think Brexit will bring back those pre-Internet business daze(days). Maybe SCAN going global was the Death's Head for John C Dvorak's dream.

GCHQ 1, Alan Watt without man bun has been gone 2 days I guess, there's been an uncollected package for 2 days, the internet is 100 times faster since.

Then Britain(BrickSh*t) and France(FrogSh*t) remain in freefall, until Europe sort out a EuroSqueeza pleaser, then try to rejoin, and have to accept European VISA as well. I haven't checked the details of a European VISA, visor, why the V wore visors, specifically, it would mean free roaming in Europe I guess.

The new AMD range Ryzen, rising,risen

Ryzen is the new name for ZEN (Going After Zen)

Also similar to Aizen (of Bleach), eyes-on, horizon. Going After Zen, a techno London-based one-man band.


Without the stream, stepping stones are useless

'Punk is the heart of the family' Nino or his guest is saying on that punk show. I guess that the Windsors (ie royalty) enforce punk mentality so the family concept as per themselves is perpetuated. Windsores, butthurt, they're the butthurt ones, the punks 'tho. They made Her a moron indeed, from the Sex Pistols song 'God Save The Queen'.

Assuming there's a Frexit. The key is Excite, not death. Perhaps BrEXIT signals, heralds the arrival of Thanos. Since I guess 'Thanos Rising', Death has been replaced by someone else I guess people call Excite, as 'she' has ! on 'her' face, this could make sense Dragon Rising as excitement. Excited to death, over stimulation, remember when Death talked to Thanos? Thanos knew then it was a trick. Death can't talk, it's wilful witch women trying to inveigle themselves into Thanos's life. They see Thanos as having a mother complex so they imitate his mother, very Greek, greasy, sly. In 'Infinity War' movie, Thanos doesn't worship death, he wants to re-balance the universe maybe it'll be a direct follow up to the Infinity Wars comics, so it's as if he descended to Earth to make it as Heaven (Mandate of Heaven). The heroes are going to disagree with Thanos's vision of balance. There's also a Saturnian death cult that was supposed to raise/worship Thanos, Moondragon was the rebel one from that unit. Thanos could be some Skrull hybrid, Skrull / Galactus hybrid. Maybe what Thanos sees as death is an externalisation of his hunger which would be good as long as he eats his enemies. Of course he'd have to be 'mad' titan to do that. Thanos could call the Black Order gang, his gang the BO boys, bo as in the stick men / substitutes also Body Odour. Thanos might be blind to women, except historically, manifestations of death.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Jeff Tim Godkiller Schwabb Bambino Deadpool Hoaxbusters Nino Burroughs

JR(Jeff Rense) opened his welcoming salvo upon TR(Tim Rifat) with the news of King Yun Sun's? could-be brother's assassination, King Yong VIETnam, not Kim Yun Sun, Kim Yong Cheltenham.
'International Iron Man' is the one with the Godkiller robot in it I think, Tony finds out his parents are fake, placed by aliens, he's adopted and some kinda hybrid, a prototype ultimate being or something, L-Ron man (the man of god?), the god (of) man, the magickal childe perhaps.
Killing your wife 'Because nothing matters' as in 'Strawberry Fields' is always a good reason, shame John Lennon didn't practice what he preached. 'Ono!' Yoko's final word before John killed her with Lennonade (like Gatorade).

The multiverse is every wilful reality, the universe is the one that 'won', wonVerse, uni-verse.
DD's gone silent, not only him but all his friends on Facebook, except Matthew Schwabb. It looks like DD missed his show slot, I told Schwabb to do it in his place, he didn't respond concerning that.
DD was claiming that 'Putin is bumming Trump', 'Russia is desperate and has no money, resources','Trump is Putin's bumboy', all sorts of fantasy. Trump got the biggest boner(erection, election win) since Reagan, I think he's saying, part of it is that the media didn't matter in the US election, Trump knows who's controlling it, or not, regardless, most of his critics don't seem to understand elections or that if Trump leaves, another Republican will take over.
Bambi, wasn't Bibi a Ramone? 'Bibi Bambi Bambino (Italian for little boy)', or maybe it's that 'Inspiral Carpets' song again, 'Saturn V'. 'Bibi wants to be a rockette'. Bibi can also be BB as in Big Brother. Rothschilds have taken over Greece's economy, that's like it going into receivership I think. Lenny Bruce is silent on this state of affairs, it's almost a done deal.
Why is the USA media and people so creepy friendly about Obama, it's obvious that he double-bummed the USA, now suddenly with Trump all those old problems that Obama couldn't deal with or made worse, are blamed on Trump. The media handles this like they do not know the difference between responsibility and blame. Obama had a Mr Nicey personality on TV and he sounds educated, apparently.

'Trump: Question On Jewish Community 'Insulting''

"You heard the prime minister yesterday... Betayahoo... You heard him? BIBI!"

Is Deadpool's origin the same as in the moovie, in the movie the character who became Deadpool threatens to kill people to receive chewing gum from schoolgirls. More likely chewy vagina but whatever. I thought Deadpool was a Frankenstein creation, made up of different personas, bah.

AutoCypherItis, a condition is made up for Trump, he's read so much code he automatically talks in it, like a machine.

I had an idea for a character, someone who can make metal spikes grow out of their body, and retract them. I guess it'd evolve a bit, so it could grow weapons etc, anything they make reduces their body mass,a lthough the total mass is the same.

Punks must have sheltered lives, probably because of the Queen. They can live in 'rough' areas, play hardcore, and yet not be diverted by or know of hardcore porn. This is also in part due to them coming from posh backgrounds, it's such a farce.
Listening to some punk stuff on Hoaxbusters The American Punk scene with Nino Teaoneaux.

Old Religion Dystopia: Knowing vs Belief

instead of getting into hard-core porn, they got into exciting societal programming manuals like William Burroughs and other stuffy old farts, how punk! It's sort of slow, partially because they haven't opened up, as in how they could be so ignorant, who really were the fans of the music, what was the source of their depression. The host says he listened to punk to relieve depression. I think it's part of a fantasy life for them. Live according to some fantasy values, never worry about having it collapse because it's all supported by 'relatives', societies, it's funny how punks fit into the paradigm of an 80's bad guy, particularly in computer games. Hoaxbusters should be a comic series.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Cain We Do It, Yes We Are Abel!

Cain and Abel as twins

Implied in Tubla Khan, two-ball Cain, Tubal-Cain, 2BAEL Cain, 007.


Who's the turd one tho, Set perhaps.

Able and Can, likely a scheme of Jehovah to create the ultimate worker, different sperm same egg. Referenced in the media as the science fiction trope of a robot without free thought and a robot with some free thought.

Cain and Abel could have been R2D2 and C3PO from StarWars, until it turned out that they shared a 'Father', Anakin (of course that can also mean that they are orphans, adopted perhaps by Anakin(without a kin)?). I-CAN (raised can;R2D2 looks like an 'igh (high) garbage can), and ABLE (able to move his arms and legs).

More accurately, the V symbol can represent Cain and Abel as two sperms (snakes) meet one egg.

This is also suggesting it's open for discus-ion.

As is this, left and right hand path.

Or it can V (be) at an angel(angle).

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey;
Along came a spider
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
"Little Miss MuffetSat on a tuffet"
Little Miss Muffet Sat on her two feet. Muffit is the robot dog in BattleStar Galactica, also sounds like can mean alien woman/bitch (muff-ET). Dog-faced god, translation of Baphomet sat on the Earth? (Goat is Got (German for God,also Goethe). Baphomet as ElizaBaph'o'meet.

"Eating curds and whey"
Killing/consuming/covering Kurds and whey (protein) possibly links to underage marriage objectors, perhaps people who object to child prostitution and/or marriage.
Turkey (gobble'ists (globalists)), can represent an alien global agenda, also references Christ-mass, christs(en)mass against Turkey?

"Along came a spider"
By a long way (long-term plans) a spider (represents ambition for global dominance (for example WWW)), perhaps this is also incey-wincey spider.

"Who sat down beside her"
The personification of the global agenda, masked? (Who?) sat next to Baphomet (sat next to Queen Elizabeth, the meet(as in meeting) of ElizaBaph'o'meet). Also sat down is similar to Saturn.

"And frightened Miss Muffet away."
Miss Muffet (Baphomet) , is frightened orrrf by the exposure and destruction of her Shittish (shit-stabbing British) pederasty/pedenasty network? Away (A-way) can mean prime directive, also divides separated by a bar.

Saturday 11 February 2017

GCHQ Static Kid Hair Trump TrumpRon Sauron Schwabb Slob Black Warrior

GCHQ 2 was talking about the new Legion TV series, I said about how Xavier is a cripple, a hypocrite.
Wayne Static died so that Legion would have that hair or rather, died anyhow, maybe from the hair. It's supposed to symbolise free fall, anti-gravity, whatever, kid'n'play.His hair was supposed to be an indicator of psychic powers, like medusa's hair.

So much scaredy catty ness going on with that Legion adaptation

Kid from Kid 'n' Play

Kid goat and his playground, Satan's playground is the Earth.

Chris seems to think that 'Zip-a-dee-doo-dar' is a modern pop lyric.

eremy Corbyn: Donald Trump's state visit to the UK should be scrapped

Not only Trump can't talk to parliament in case he'd twist their minds like Sauron I guess, but TrumpRon's magic is so powerful he can obliterate the British Empire simply by touching the ground of the UK, as if he is an anti-pope!

The Trump elephant's dad is called Hathi, as in Hathor, Xasthur, Hester(Egyptian cow goddess). I was connecting my android device to Nintendo Frankfurt via my Nintendo Network ID, which terrifies Lenny for no apparent reason. At least, when I buy stuff it connects to an account in Frankfurt where my Nintendo eShop deals are done.

There should be a Trump spastic emoji.

Matthew Schwabb is trying to trace the origin of every thing that DD has supposedly drawn. It's also obvious that Matthew Schwabb is being fed leads as to who the other artists might be, or the ones' he's imitating.
M X "looks like dd might be subtly changing his ways in presentation he gave credit to artist who image he posted nice job"
Me "but it doesn't look anything like his stuff"
When I point out that he posts link to drawing alien to DD's style that DD has associated himself with: M X "true but guess thats(sic) his starting point in change tatics(sic) time well tell."
Time will tell, when it's years old. He drops in queer phrases, like 'Nice job' at the end, what's nice about it? 'Nice job. Nice diversion, nice thing that I don't want to give away that my stuff is from a cell of artists, and I get the credit for it?'. Or maybe job as in turd 'Nice turd!'.
DD cultural re-appropriation hooks Matthew Schlobb. He thinks that Alucard is based on DD, amongst others, Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII although only the hair dyed to the same color. I posted a pic of Blackbook from the ABC Warriors on a DD post, and DD took it down.

Can a digital signal pass through a black hole? I don't think there's any answer. My answer is as good as their's I guess, it can pass through if sent through the exact centre of the black hole 'the eye of the storm(tornado,stormnado)'. That's just me applying Wizard of Oz logic (Dorothy survived because the house was in the eye of the storm), 'tho so it's bound to work. The signal may get stretched from the further end of the event horizon (as shown in 'The Black Hole' movie and ABC Warriors 'The Black Hole'), so it'd probably be best to send it morse code style.

Would a black hole eat up stuff like radio waves and microwaves?

Found an answer anyhow, but if a black hole eats everything, where does the energy go?

Monday 6 February 2017

Truth Brexit Nigel NoAgenda Jungle Trump Vikernes France Ultimate Gwen Arthur

Truth Movement be like 'Brexit ftw', that somehow people are getting independence, we'll return to some halcyon daze of never year? Alt-media is doing what they are expected to do. After Nigel Farage gloating about 'Genuine Democracy', something he made up at the EU meeting. Donald Trump has been banned from speaking to UK Parliament. I think they are daydreaming 'England's dreaming'. Trumps immigration crackdown blocked by one judge, I asked NoAgenda chat, who is this judge? Judge Dredd? It's all fabrication, Hoaxbusters is behaving like a child that has wet the bed in it's sleep and now tries to sleep in it's own urine and faeces. Trump trumped them, Donald Trump is the kid elephant in the Jungle Book animation at least I recall he had some hair, and he does, and a baby elephant doesn't have hair like that, and Trump is what an elephant does with it's horn, it means to play a horn (like a trumpet).

Baby elephants do have hair on their head, but not like Mowgli's

The sprout at the top indicates a toupee or false-hood.

It's horn is it's trunk and in place of horns, an elephant has tusks. Donald Tusk, 'head' of the EU. Surely this is too complex for Hoaxbusters, childrens cartoons, nursery rhymes, my word!
Tom King, it's probably masonic. Tom king = substitute king, or king's drummer.

Saw Varg Vikernes, looking a little shaken talking about Chaos, and Manchester United fans, strange as he's a Norwegian living in France away from 'civilization'.

Chaos, chavs.

Ly'nn getting angry on the latest Hoaxbusters show, not sure about what exactly, at one point it was about the government actually killing people. Christ said 800 000 podcasts are crap, he listened to them all I guess.
I can't find Ultimates 1 in Marvel store at all but if I get it from there, it isn't added to my Marvel account. It is funny when even these simple, global database type stuff isn't handled correctly or at all. Data entry is a base-level job, paying about the same as crew member at McDonalds. We need a global linked database and put it in a floating pyramid and sh*t. It's more likely some neurotic made it unavailable just to get a 'rise' out of someone like me, the centralised database is the best thing that prevents people from only downloading stuff. Maybe they'll have it fixed in 1000 years, it redirected me to 'Digital Comics' store I doubt buying it from there would add it to the Marvel account. It might do, but it's a bother. I might try buying Ultimates 1 and 3 digitally 13=M, to see if it goes onto the marvel account, some day.

Gwen, isn't that the wife of King Arthur? 'G'wen g'wen g'wen' as in the tea lady in Father Ted, someone should do a Linn Spin For The Win (LSFTW) compilation at Hoaxbusters, trying to make her out to be some superheroin(super heroine) addict with an audience supporting her in the background.

Wonder Kealey Magneto Trump Don Lashomb Bluth Nasty

She's half-goddess and made from clay, so getting mere humans from her is quite the underachievement!

I imagine this to be part of Wonder Woman's dating profile:
Interests in men include: eating out (eating the limbs from the outer to the inner, fingers to hand to forearm to arm to shoulder), breaking in (breaking bones and eating the marrow) and other such fun stuff.

Shadow Welsh secretary quits over Brexit vote

Glen Kealey is 75, he's saying life is 72 years but the electro-magnetism let him off. Kealey's doing his policeman thing, it'd be better if he compared them to politicians, policy-man or a police man as enforcer of the policy, copper referred to them being mercenaries for hire at a very cheap rate from the government, paid in copper pieces, probably. Sold iers = sold to the highest bidder sold rise, makes them sound like mercenaries 'tho. Magnejew(Magneto) the holocaust reactionary could they have picked an even less attractive gay-role model or whatever, ice-dick man, I guess his boyfriend is hot-shit boy. Iceman's only power then is to have an ice-cold dick, and hot-shit boy's only power is to have a really heated rectum, and they'd parade around like they are important at Prince Charles a Saviour's place(Charles Xavier). They'd probably both have jobs at GCHQ.

On the John Adam's Afternoon Commute 3rd Year 'Heavy Med Special' they started talking about mum porn, or was it sex with Don Lashomb's mum? Time for Apocalypse to cull the SJW's 'You serve no useful function in this universe except as fodder for my vats', Apocalypse might say. Problem mics, Lenny used one, I just use a tiny mic that's hidden into the webcam and it has a range of maybe 4 feet? I couldn't record the last conversation with him, stupid Skype recorder app didn't do anything. I have new one installed now.
The same infantile arguments that begin with 'Is it ok to be gay?' cycle over time, now they have the man, a daddy figure to blame in Trump 'Trump's rump, why do I stare at it, am I gay?'.
I typed a comment on Hoaxbusters about a clip without watching the clip, but the clip explained what I was asking about, fortunately a fat pederast came to the rescue in the form of Don Lashomb's possible relative Don Bluth.

I wonder if Don Bluth sings 'Kids on Cam' to the tune of 'Girls on film'

'Ehhh, I does kids on video, I calls 'em videogames' said Don Bluth, possibly. Check out the hands (as if you can miss them).

Hollywood & The Pentagon: Video Games disposable culture Via: Jay Dyer

'Hollywood & The Pentagon: Video Games'

Is his superhero name paedo-boy or paedo-man or perhaps he's a villain, Mr Video Nasty.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Yellow DD Ted Danson Wagner Trump British Williams Bragg

Maybe build a mosque near the spot to commemorate the vandalism, or build a McDonalds (of course).

I have hours of DD stuff to go through I might listen to it first, the latest interview, Spiritwars he was telling lies about something dull Sylvester Stallone taught ballet some time ago, maybe used it to dodge draft? He's said it before, and apparently he got kicked off for swearing, though not sure, he was back on again after.

Oh my gawwwd! Wade or wayne whatever's face is so ugly in Deadpool! Bleurgh ,he looks like  Ted 'handsome' Danson or something, in a hilarious fell onto cheese and tomato pizza scene in Cheers like Ted Danson but they put a few slices of cheese on his face, so 2016'ly modern. Dead:poop:, the face of post-modernism, by the end it looks just like an old Ted Danson mask, terrifying.

Douglas Dietrich called me John Wagner, then John Warrington facepalm he says that I have some interest in the rapidity of what Trump is doing or Mexico (doesn't clarify) then says that Twitter isn't recognized in any official capacity.
Wasn't John Wagner the creator of Judge Dredd?

John Patry Mills Wagner

I heard a few seconds of Tramp (Theresa May) on the Brexit update sh*t speech, she was worshipping the Queen. Probably to cover up that she is actually only honouring the Queen's allowance for Donald Trump to visit the UK to the letter, by refusing him right to access Parliament (optional two visits to Parliament are allowed). I guess she decided the option was hers to allow or retract.
What are they so afraid of?

I think that's a colours restored type version, maybe signed by the artist

'Nigel Farage's 'Genuine Democracy' in action?
John Bercow criticises Donald Trump at Parliament, Donald Trump can't address back (at Parliament).'

British Empire is Empire X (empire exed;empire deceased)as shown in the Union Jack

It looks like the X of the Union Jack is going to stand for Xile or eXileX.
e ile? English isle?

Robbie Williams, Angels is sourced from Here Come the Clowns, and his 'new' Angels song is sourced from the Mr Men theme song

'Circus - Theme Song (I don't know if it has an actual name)'

'The Original Mr Men Theme'

Last time I checked Jesus Christ the leader of the Labour Party was talking about blocking the President of the United States from Entering the UK (and he's already forbidden to talk to Parliament)...Now it seems the British Government is relying on an entertainer to talk about it, Melvyn Bragg

So the British Empire has fallen back to lip-servicing royalty and minstrels to speak of the peoples' concerns, like the cartoon Disney Robin Hood.

If trump declares war on Iran, it's because he can't declare war on the British Empire (I ran so far away), as the British Empire has become like Iran or some other Muslim country run by an Ayatollah.

Apart from having to wait to vote, labour are also in on it via Jesus Christ, JC, Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the opposition. Not only he forced his party to vote for Brexit, he also pushed for Trump to stay out of the UK. maybe by space aliens in UFO's if USA isn't going to do it
Ol' Blighty shall just have to be invaded! *shrugs*

Britain has an opposition party that just happens to agree with the party in power on every major issue, it seems.
Jesus Christ is only the anointed one, the chosen people's champion etc, they always betray the people who praised them, thence cruci-fiction (hence their crucifiction) It was the people who threw stones at Jesus, and the Jews praised him it seems 'King of the Jews'. Perhaps more like Rome in biblical times of Jesus. Even Cheesus, Jeremy Corbyn's won an award for his cheeses. Crucify him, and let the Cylons sort it all out.