Monday 6 February 2017

Wonder Kealey Magneto Trump Don Lashomb Bluth Nasty

She's half-goddess and made from clay, so getting mere humans from her is quite the underachievement!

I imagine this to be part of Wonder Woman's dating profile:
Interests in men include: eating out (eating the limbs from the outer to the inner, fingers to hand to forearm to arm to shoulder), breaking in (breaking bones and eating the marrow) and other such fun stuff.

Shadow Welsh secretary quits over Brexit vote

Glen Kealey is 75, he's saying life is 72 years but the electro-magnetism let him off. Kealey's doing his policeman thing, it'd be better if he compared them to politicians, policy-man or a police man as enforcer of the policy, copper referred to them being mercenaries for hire at a very cheap rate from the government, paid in copper pieces, probably. Sold iers = sold to the highest bidder sold rise, makes them sound like mercenaries 'tho. Magnejew(Magneto) the holocaust reactionary could they have picked an even less attractive gay-role model or whatever, ice-dick man, I guess his boyfriend is hot-shit boy. Iceman's only power then is to have an ice-cold dick, and hot-shit boy's only power is to have a really heated rectum, and they'd parade around like they are important at Prince Charles a Saviour's place(Charles Xavier). They'd probably both have jobs at GCHQ.

On the John Adam's Afternoon Commute 3rd Year 'Heavy Med Special' they started talking about mum porn, or was it sex with Don Lashomb's mum? Time for Apocalypse to cull the SJW's 'You serve no useful function in this universe except as fodder for my vats', Apocalypse might say. Problem mics, Lenny used one, I just use a tiny mic that's hidden into the webcam and it has a range of maybe 4 feet? I couldn't record the last conversation with him, stupid Skype recorder app didn't do anything. I have new one installed now.
The same infantile arguments that begin with 'Is it ok to be gay?' cycle over time, now they have the man, a daddy figure to blame in Trump 'Trump's rump, why do I stare at it, am I gay?'.
I typed a comment on Hoaxbusters about a clip without watching the clip, but the clip explained what I was asking about, fortunately a fat pederast came to the rescue in the form of Don Lashomb's possible relative Don Bluth.

I wonder if Don Bluth sings 'Kids on Cam' to the tune of 'Girls on film'

'Ehhh, I does kids on video, I calls 'em videogames' said Don Bluth, possibly. Check out the hands (as if you can miss them).

Hollywood & The Pentagon: Video Games disposable culture Via: Jay Dyer

'Hollywood & The Pentagon: Video Games'

Is his superhero name paedo-boy or paedo-man or perhaps he's a villain, Mr Video Nasty.

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