Friday 24 February 2017

Marvel Adam Val Tina Dietrich Hoaxbusters Chrome Metallica Legion Kealey

Reading two page comic spreads is great on the Marvel app on the android tablet, it shows both pages, with no line or staple marks, viewed at landscape. I guess it's a copy of the version that goes to the printers. However, for single pages I usually have to rotate the tablet to portrait. Two pages per screen should be default or added as an option, I guess most tablet screen proportions suit that, widescreen.
Adam Curry(a dam curry, to be in a mess) is no misnomer, his girlfriend / wife / bitch is called Tina, Val+tina, Valentina, nee Valentine's day etc.
Internet connection is back at 1% normal speed. Douglas Dietrich has stolen Matthew Schwabbs' tales of a DNA donor to use as his own story.
Hoaxbusters probably hoaxbusted them as SomeAgenda. NewOrderAgenda (I guess) New Order Agenda disabled their chat room for their latest show.

I found that Donald Trump video game character. It's Mr X of Streets of Rage 2 intro Nintendo 3Ds version, maybe original version too.

CHROME CHapter ROME, a dislocated regiment of Roman soldiers. Chrome is like a metal, hence Metallica, Chrome was the original name for Metallica apparently, 'metal like a'.
People who talk about Putin and Trump as if they've met and/or bromancing are engaging in schoolchildren talk that passes for intelligence at the Clinton level. I heard John and Adam of 'No Agenda' talking about intelligence using intel terms, and it was retarded of course, like could be heard at school dinnertime. These people are about as relevant on such topics as the opinions of those weirdos outside the bubble in the movie 'Zardoz'.

The three poor/worthless craftsmen. These are all related to EU, and they are the Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick maker. The Candlestick maker, candlesticks are made from grease GREXIT. The Butcher, Marine La Pen has shown pictures of butchery, butchering her chances of FREXIT. The Baker, 'There's a may' be in every baker's oven. Overcooked bakery product BREXIT. A HA! Mother Goose, which is a code for Culture, perhaps, has 3 maids in a tub, all the versions I've checked were men in a tub. I'm guessing the Greek person was a man, so that'd make it a 21, the GREXIT broke her(broker)? Mother goose has them going off to the fair, I know of another one which has them going out to sea which would metaphor as going against the EU, then it ends with toss them out.

Rub-a-dub-dub – Nursery Rhymes

Legion TV they probably only put it out to piss people off about long hair like 'We'll prove that long hair makes no differrence...etc', not only in the psychic Kealey sense, but in the sense of persona etc. Samson, delilah = of lies. The strength wasn't in the hair, but in the confidence that having the hair gave Samson plus it's symbolic of the Sun's rays etc. Kealey should be talking about the EU, after it's opening partnership with Canada and how the flood was the electric cable(fiber optic / 'hair') flood that is happening from Ontario or whatever from EU, and will invade the US as people demand faster internet, better infrastructure such as plumbing, lighting. Alan Watt mentioned about the interest Canada has in putting down faster internet, via the EU connection.
Anyhow that's the flood, a data flood (data, dada, father flood) that 'trickles down' to affect US. EU will probably conquer US through superior culture this way, EurineVision, Eurovision, you're in vision. Listening to last two Kealey shows, but I don't think he's going to mention it.
Alan Watt betrayed his audience to the EU 'I'll say anything as long as I can get fast Internet speed' he might have said.

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