Sunday 27 November 2016

Hamilton Hempstead George John

Hamilton (play where queers made themselves out to be the new normal), Mark Hamill (queer who pretended to be straight so Star Wars would be shown in the UK, gay) "Mark Hamill(t)on Donald Trump’s cabinet: ‘It’s a who’s-who of really despicable people’"

It would be hard to name a work of popular art more emblematic of the Obama years than Hamilton.
Long before it became an unstoppable Broadway sensation, Lin-Manuel Miranda's Tony-and Grammy-winning musical made its first appearance in the public and political eye at a White House celebration of the spoken word in 2009.
Where to next, Hemel Hempstead? Or maybe it's Hamil instead of Hemel. The pied piper of Hamlin (Hamil/hemel)? Their death star ray is in dire need of calibration.

The FA=The F(0)1

DD 'trump is a puppet of Putin', he's actually holding off accepting Trumps' presidential elect status until recounts are finished.

The Tetragrammaton contains the whole of creation, it's an absurdity tho' translating the esoteric into the literal. Tetrahedron, four heads of Ron(God).

I imagined the same system with Morbid Angel via the cover of Domination (Four heads on a pillar).

DD went on about Trump; 'Trump is a child molester because he went to that island' (Pleasure Island) 'Trump is bankrupt, if not physically then just because'. If DD had any real audience, it'd be fun to put him on as a fake guest on Alex Jones. Alex Jones would intro with 'Douglas Dietrich has only good things to say about Donald Trump', with Alex Jones interjections, like he couldn't stop the madness, and ending with Alex Jones saying 'Douglas Dietrich is the devil!'

I was in a chat room for one of his shows, he was on air accusing someone of calling him a tranny or making 'sexual orientation slurs' or something in the chat room, all that the person did was call him an idiot or similar.
I think he's really worried about trump getting the presidency, he was saying how the election was rigged by Trump's pal Putin and so on conspiracy theory. Oh i think he might get deported as well even tho' he says he wants to leave, ha, he also wants to stay to see america fall

There was a Squidbillies episode about it.
They were going to deport Early (the squid) to Atlantis and he hid amongst a bunch of working mexicans where he became radio-operator.

Weeks of recounting, a long list of court hearings up and down the state and federal court systems, myriad legal motions and all the strategizing the Democratic Party could muster in 2000 failed to overcome the 537 votes giving George W. Bush the Florida victory over Al Gore.
This is a John vs George thing? Al Gore is an anagram of George and George Bush vs Donald John Trump, 2 against 1. Al george=Al Gore, God George and George in the bush, Jesus's vision of the devil in bush?

Friday 25 November 2016

Trumping Portals To Gatchaman

Donald and Melania were a cunning ploy to seduce Obama MEL+DON~=melon, his mouth watered. D Melon, the melon, or devil's melon.

Trump, dumph, royal flush (toilet humor)

*Royal Flush*. Toil-ET =The alien(foreigner) who toils

Douglas Dietrich: Abraham Lincoln was gay

Roughly a 7 fold profit level, I was wondering when 7 would turn up, as 7 is the letter J in Donald J Trump's name, well i based that on my estimate on how much i spent on steam games (it's wrong). The calculator doesn't actually know how much I spent to buy those games, but its much less than they are currently valued at (maybe 7 times)

SunKing=sunken(Cthulhu the sunken SunKing) 

'DARKNESS REVEALED Satanic Mind Control Drug'

Moses, why isn't Kealey croaking on about him?
Ha, David Seaman is moses. Divides the sea, man.
Ha, I think there was a prostitute class in AD&D
Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998.

I don't know if a white house pardon would prevent any investigation. For one thing, there has been no investigation into the deaths of White House administration staff during the Clinton years. I don't think any pardon by Obama would make any difference. I think the next chapter of this story begins when Trump gets in, and it's going to be originated from the Kato institute. Kato institute teach Roman law, as done by Kato (surprisingly) so I'm guessing they know how to deal with corruption it won't make any difference, it's like Caligula pardoning Nero (if that's chronologically accurate). The Kato institute? Yeh, I don't know how that'd work out. All trump needs to do I guess is allow the Kato institute to make an investigation into White House corruption related to the Clintons. It wasn't so important to get Trump in, as to get the Clintons out.

Kanye West might be a catalyst to more exposure of PizzaGate if he says he cancelled the concert due to disgust at Clinton's involvement with PizzaGate, he'll probably be booked to appear on Alex Jones

Mark ZukBerger Katse says Facebook has a problem with fake news this literally means that CNN,ABC,FOX news networks are pushing fake news (and he's pushing against it). I have a FaceBook 'Like' natural tatoo/sexy tumor (actually it's an acid burn) on my arm, it naturally grew that way.
You know when you've been Zucker-punched

It's the mark of the ZuckerBerg! I'm guessing Zuckerberg has traced the posters of the fake news/Clintonistas back via the CIA etc.

'Message of Hope (Gatchaman 1994 OVA Part 3)'

If I merge the voices of Alex Jones and Donald Trump, then I guess it'll be an 80%+ convergence.

'Gatchaman (1994) OVA Part 3 Message of Hope '
Originally broadcast Christmas Day 2014 The Queen's Speech

Thursday 24 November 2016

Me(n)tal Elitism

It is metal muse-ic (thinking robotically pure) that threatens the establishment, not so much Heavy Metal 'hm... said the ship, I knew it was stalling'.

Thrash as an orient, which is why Metallica stayed around, after killing off Cliff, to act as a diversion, a sluice-gate that lets mentalheads in but they them won't get deeper into the Earth (where the more valuable metal is).

Musical plagiarism is apparent between the two bands Megadeth and Metallica, I considered segueing between the two bands on their early songs to demonstrate. The chief suspect plagiarist is the drummer of Metallica, Lars 'baron' Ulrich, who was apparently seen trading for Megadeth cassettes, and bringing them into the studio and playing them on walk-man with the rest of the band apparently unaware. Baron Ulrich is also known for pushing the band, particularly Burton off a Cliff. He is also known as the most gay man in metal, with a kisstory of attempted rape and is married what might be a tranny.

Government malfunctioned robot The Gormless George lied when he said that Sepultura were not on 'The Word' TV show, it was so important to deny that they left it 20 years before the clip was uploaded to YouTube, The clip shows you British Elitism (represented by the man voiced bear woman) versus (generic) metal). Iron Maiden doesn't count 'cos its gay and Thatcher.

Anyhow the sound quality was crap, as if they hadn't installed correct recording equipment, and it seemed like a poor set. Whatever, I only listen to the music and don't care at all for the fans or the clubs, scene.
'Sepultura - Refuse/Resist [OFFICIAL VIDEO]'

Originally wrote the comment above to link to this: 

Megadeth - Hook In Mouth "HD"

From the lyrics:

'As long as there's a PMRC'

The P.M.R.C. is of course Pregnant Mothers Rights Council, but in context of this song that's an euphemism for a place in society for scheming women (women pregnant with ideas who hold positions of authority).

Megadeth - Hook In Mouth
"Cockroach in the concrete with courthouse tan and beady eyes
A slouch with fallen arches, purging truths into great lies
A little man with a big eraser's changing history
Procedures that he's programmed to, and all he hears and sees
Altering the facts and figures, events and every issue
He can make a person disappear and no one will ever miss you
Rewrites every story, every poem that ever was
Eliminates incompetence and those who break the laws
Follow the instructions of the New Ways' Evil Book of Rules
Replacing rights with wrongs, the files and records in the schools
You say you've got the answers, well who asked you anyway?
Ever think maybe it was meant to be this way?
Don't try to fool us, we know the worst is yet to come
I believe my kingdom will come
Solo - Young
Solo - Mustaine
F is for fighting, R is for red
Ancestors' blood in battles they've shed
E, we elect them, E, we eject them
In the land of the free and the home of the brave
D, for your dying, O, your overture
M, they will cover your grave with manure
This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me
As long as there's a P.M.R.C.
Solo - Young
Solo - Mustaine
F is for fighting, R is for red
Ancestors' blood in battles they've shed
E, we elect them, E, we eject them
In the land of the free and the home of the brave
D, for your dying, O, your overture
M is for money and you know what that cures
This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me
As long as there's a P.M.R.C.
F is for fighting, R is for red
Ancestors' blood in battles they've shed
E, we elect them, E, we eject them
In the land of the free and the home of the brave
D, for your dying, O, your overture
M, they will cover your grave with manure
This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me
As long as there's a P.M.R.C.
Put your hand right up my shirt
Pull the strings that make me work
Jaws will part, words fall out
Like a fish with hook in mouth
Rewrites every story, every poem that ever was
Eliminates incompetence, and those who break the laws
Follow the instructions of the New Ways' Evil Book of Rules
Replacing rights with wrongs, the files and records in the schools
I'm not a fish, I'm a man
Hook in Mouth
Music - Mustaine/Ellefson
Lyrics - Mustaine"

Something Fishy About This Cause Of Death

Obituary (Cause Of Death) album cover

It could be a reference to steak and kidney pies, made by spiders. The figure is staked out, held in place suggested by the Obituary logo, and also by the eye on the left, which has a kidney shaped pupil, and the picture features much webbing.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

'Nellie The Elephant' Decoded

Annotations in italics, anagrams underlined

To Bombay 
(by Obama; bye bye Obama, to replace Obama)
A travelling circus came 
(circus is the satanic circus, a sham)
They brought an intelligent elephant 
(donkey; dumb monkey, role reversal)
And Nellie was her name
(Nelly is nearly nearly, as a Donkey is nearly(near to) an Elephant in US politics)
One dark night
She slipped her iron chain
And off she ran to Hindustan 
('Trump loves Hindu..' Stan is abbreviation for Satan, he's not going to Hindustan (He's not the one who leaves),ran as in ran for office, or could mean became a Hindu, ran to Hinduism)
And was never seen again 
(Fell off a clint(cliff), off is on)
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk 
(trunk as metaphor for penis/willy/Billy Clinton)
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump 
(petty complaints about D(evil) Trump)
Trump, trump, trump 
(...more complaints, possibly about dicks/men)
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump 
(3 word campaign slogan, such as Drain The Swamp, Lock Her Up)
Night by night
She danced to the circus band
When Nellie was leading the big parade
She looked so proud and grand 
(gay parade; gay pride,agenda)
No more tricks
For Nellie to perform 
(destitute presstitute prostitute)
They taught her how to take a bow 
(to bow out, leave the stage)
And she took the crowd by storm 
(insults her supporters? A 'final' calamity, yet to come?)
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump

The head of the herd was calling
Far, far away
They met one night in the silver light 
('Ever Dance With The Devil In The Pale Moon Light?')
On the road to Mandalay 

(dalay~=delay the Man, her mission)
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump

Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump

Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump

'Donald Trump - I Love Hindus, I Love India'

'Ever Dance With The Devil In The Pale Moon Light?'

'TOY DOLLS - Nellie the elephant . TOTP 1984'

Sunday 20 November 2016

Trump Jones Hoaxbusters Michael Brexit

Trump's Inside Plan To Defeat The New World Order Leaked
Published on 20 Nov 2016
The US has been a leader in all facets of the progression of the Human race and has recently been seized as of 30 years ago, the proof is in the tens of thousands of quotes by world leaders and the folks behind the scenes that post they’re opinions on world govt in white papers.'
In Mission Earth by L Ron Hubbard, 'Private planetary government' is exactly what Soltan Gris supposed that Lombar Hisszt wanted of planet Earth while the Voltarian empire jubilant in it's apparent dominance and 'enlightenment', planet Earth was to be part of the Voltarian empire, but not in the areas that Soltan Gris supposed that Hisszt wanted to rule. A 'nest-egg' of vipers. However the Soltan Gris interpretation is woefully (woesfully / Rose-fully) inadequate and Will-fully(Will folly) misinterpreted. 

Lombar Hisszt was to deal with all the resistance/backlash/farts that objected to the integration of Earth with the Voltarian empire, however in the story Mission Earth he had given in to temptation, not much, but enough (and the sh*t of earth was so much stronger than his agents anticipated) that he fell (from grace;grace shown as an infinite prison sentence, fell literally from a cliff).

If one world government was set up to fail, it's part of some plan, so that Voltaire would abandon Earth and the cream-in-al's would have a base. It's about heaven's mandate not touching base (Earth) I guess.

I listened to the latest Gary Bell, around an hour in he starts going on about William again, it's like he's saying ill'i'am about William, even after I mocked his obsession in the 'Gary Bell A View From Space' Facebook group (I stopped listening about then).

Arkanoid revenge of d'oh-nald trump, 'You dare to break my walls?' Special new version, with ladder item (ladder lets the ball go over bricks, or the player, but the 'safety net' would have to move as well)
or maybe you get to use the ladder twice, once up, once down the screen or, exactly the same game, with Donald Trump head instead of Easter Island head.

"Kanye West Kidnapped Forcibly Taken To Mental Hospital"

"Obama 'chokes up' awarding Ellen DeGeneres medal: 'It's easy to forget how much courage was required to come out' " how little, not how much. Who's career has been ruined in show business by coming out as gay? (I'm guessing nobodies', and it's only boosted their public relations). She looks like a dyke witch, she has no talent, what's she going to do to get ahead?

This is the only relevant page I found, plus it's really badly coded, oldey worldey as if it was done in Netscape or something. That's 6, not 60, or 600, 6.

One of them was in friends, that's about all I could see

This is exciting news! Yesterday, the media was all about Trump isn't metal, he's no metalhead. Today, the media is all about Trump makes Metal great again!
'Trump builds us a wall for us, so we can headbang it down with our pinheads' said one supporter
pinhead (the name of the ball in pinball, I think)

Chris Akabussi is worried about people acting on suspicions that he's an anarchist on HoaxBusters Call

Nothing can be done about Clinton corruption until Trump is President, something which nobody (else) is saying (because when Trump is President, the Clinton administration has to leave the white house, otherwise there'll be more killings etc) I don't know if the Clinton's would be able to retain any staff at the white house, but I guess the corrupted power structure wouldn't have the same backing.

Archangel Michael Mouse
Archangel Michael Mouse

Pence Thanos Hoaxbusters Killing Morrissey American Clint Hisszt Joeblow Obamacare

Maybe because he is!

A new Thanos comic with Thanos d-d-dying! Return of thane, who's already saying he's weaker than he was before, I guess he's gay, got GAIDS (Gay-Related Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

There are two characters in Camp Concentration who know they are dying and come up with conspiracy theories of everything, dying even as their intellects increase due to the drug given to them, and they won't mention Douglas Dietrich even Theobold Jamzen mentions Douglas Dietrich on video.

Hoaxbusters punk routine. I heard some 'Killing Joke', it's so generic, like generic pop to me. 'Killing Joke' has been name-dropped for decades by certain types of pseudo-intellectuals, there's some Crowley connection, but probably 'Killing Joke' put their own name into the media with predictable 'wacky' music, like Monty Python was 'wacky', oh those 'wacky' Masons. It's like Spandau Ballet with the drum machine programmed differently, and the guitars tuned different.
I've met people like John and Chris of Hoaxbusters before, at 'Pu-Na'Na''s in Cheltenham last, I've heard their theories before. They won't hear any other opinion or any other research, I got the impression that they are insecure and probably fags. They are like the snooty intellectual college types, like Rik Mayall's character in 'The Young Ones'. 'Oh you like Morrissey, so you like putting plants up your bum then, ha!' would be something they might say.

The Truth Movement is shocked that trump won. He's not part of the establishment, they are trying to minimalize damage through until January by trying to brainwash Trump, 'browbeating' I think they call it, trying to make him make concessions, but I expect come 12 December 2017 he'll carry on with his plan regardless. The whole delay from elect to actual president has been set up ages ago to allow that browbeating, stop an alien from taking over the Presidency. An alien who could get to the white house by using charisma, blue skinned, like in Gatchaman Crowds with Gel Sadra.

'Gatchaman Crowds Insight Episode 4(インサイト)Anime Review & Reaction - Big Gel'

Of 300 million American people, so many hated Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein so much they voted in someone with the name almost the same, twice.
Nobody mentions that Clinton was actively pushing for a war with Russia, and were already blaming Trump. 'If we have a war with Russia, it'll be you who started it' Valerie (Hilary) Clinton fumed, which could mean 'we are planning to have a war with Russia, and you are going to be blamed for starting it'.
All sorts of manipulation in the campaigns, but the stories around them are not anything new. I think the Truth Movement has been fed information by the Clintons the whole time. Campaigns = campaign / campaigning; champagne.

Definition of clint (Merriam-Webster)
Definition of clint
plural -s
: a hard or flinty rock : a rocky cliff : a projecting rock or ledge
: a crevice or gully in limestone rocks
Lombar Hisszt 'died' falling from a cliff face. He fell and was never seen (mentioned) again in 'Mission Earth'. It's probably not 33k Hilary Clinton deleted emails, they claim it is because they know what people would make of it,  but for them to 'expose' it as something only they know is bordering on the ridiculous. 33 is the most famous masoninumber, they know that most people aren't going to access the emais, so they simplify it to more famous numbers. 33k means cypher emails, emails with a hidden meaning, 33 is memorable, 6 followed by any 0's is memorable. Popular conspiracies cycle in the media since Hollywood. I doubt that Trump's new to conspiracy theories, he apparently called out 911 as an inside job on the day it occurred.
JoeBlow should appear and claim to be Trump's mentor, maybe he'll base his opinion on Trumps wrestling career.
Truth Movement is probably worried about not getting their collective Obamacare.
Maybe Iconoclast 'actually got a f*cking job', or will do now, forced out of retirement. Obama should have visited Icono and insulted him, maybe slapped him as well.

Saturday 19 November 2016

Tolkien About RageWar Hand Signals

CNN: “Drunk Hillary” Beat Sh*t Out Of Bill Clinton On Election Night  A CNN reporter claims that Hillary Clinton flew into a violent fit of rage at Bill Clinton on election night when it became clear she was losing. 

It's one of the most famous hand signals, it's OK, invented by the CIA (allegedly) it's pretty much as American as cheeseburger and fries have you seen the robot Trump Mexican wall prop-piece? (propaganda piece) it's funny 'cos Quetzalcoatl was that Conquistadore person it was divine judgement for all the murders etc that they all contributed to oh then blamed the priests for.

Seems legit

Douglas Duane Dibley Dietrich is saying that Tolkien and Lewis were talking about the same place, Lewis was talking about the East, and Tolkien about the West. He's only gone and said that at the Kontiki restaurant, it's apparently filmed and probably going out on DVD, and now it's a theme on his show. You remember all that oriental influence in Narnia? Like, erm...

It's like he's just mushing things together

Tolkiens' work wasn't finished by the time of publication of Lord of the Rings.
It needed editing of course, he had it shanghai'ed? (stolen, then told it was for his benefit).
Well, the Calormeen? people were based on asians, or muslims and there is a talking monkey 'great Ape' in narnia.

Lewis and Tolkien just pulled the material out of their ars*s. How could they have some kind of global view of things living in Oxford, England or wherever.

It is ridiculous to merge the two creations. Like saying (Super) Mario is based on Lego.

This is going to be his big thing, though, I guess, East is Lewis west is Tolkien

Lord of the Rings should have had all that gay sh*t about hobbits, the songs taken out and more about Sauron and that ilk.

Or just reduce the book word count. Crap about hobbits could go in his sh*tty poetry prose.
It needs moreGoth!

If you can put a map of banania into middle earth, then maybe but it's really ridiculous franchising, like trying to merge Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.

Exotic clown, he'd want people to believe that he's an Elf he probably has a certificate to prove that he is

'Message From Prime Creator ~ 2.5 Million UFO Ships Have Arrived to Earth' OH MY GAWWWD!  Red-haired woman talking about ars*holes, it must be true!

It's been the same message since whenever The Aquarian Conspiracy was published I guess. How are 2.5 million ships to help humanity, are they shaped like bowls to carry water? Carry water back to Uranus?

I posted two articles about Valerie Clinton buggery network on Douglas Duane Dietrich facebook, they were there for about 5 hours before anyone commented or liked, he has over 3400 friends.

The likes came rolling in after his show I expect, when the Clinton wagons rolled in, and DDD 'likes' anything that he keeps on his facebook for publicity.

Donald Trump may be time traveller John Titor from 2036

I found that time-travelling movie with a game of 'chicken' near the end
(RageWar :The Challenges of Excalibrate: AKA The Dungeonmaster Trailer {1984})

Excalibrate? Eats all? Or out of tune. Paul, the hero, is told that Masteema is a giant and that he can't possibly win by woman who looks like a man thing.

'What's this you're reading?"
"A book."
"(ahh)This book tells you the future.
(mm)Get out *slams book onto dashboard.*" 

From RageWars, no idea why that's in there so far. The moustachio'ed police guy suggests that the 'hero' is Gumby in that outfit and the other wonders aloud where Pokey is. Gumby, Grumby, Grumpy Pokey.

Gumby and Pokey

Masteema: Prepare for the end
'Hero' Alone at last

Masteema according to CAL (the computer thing on his power glove thing) is Beezlebub, although it shows an equation it makes no sense. 'My steamer' (Steamboat willy?) and that 209 i'm guessing is a 911 reference.
That RageWars movie was quite good, and the best part of it is it was quite short, 77 minutes or so.

The only media I'm missing is that cartoon about the alchemist, although I know that one anyhow (homer-esque guy falls asleep at chemistry lab, imagines a witch tormenting him putting him through the chemistry set)...ahh, found it I think, I was looking for alchemist. It was known as Chemist, now it's known as Bottles. It's unavailable on YouTube.

Bottles (film) From Wikipedia The free encyclopedia Bottles is a 1936 MGM Happy Harmonies animated cartoon directed by Hugh Harman and produced by Rudolf Ising.

Actually, one more to find, that hansel and gretel cartoon as well, with a wizard and cats(instead of a witch).

Maybe doc is hitler, using a nazi time machine and then Biff could be Trump, because he liked Biff's style

Star is arsehole, smiley face=gay, blue rose (flower) is vagina

But it's probably just pasted on, not really from that account it might be a dig at Obama, suggesting that he's into child buggery Obama has had children at the white house recently, sitting on his lap, doing the loving thing 'I'm such a good parent' that weird story about the 6 year who let a Syrian refugee into 'his' house even tho' he's six, how can he own property? an obvious code, let a dog up his arse dog(reverse god)=atheist or godless person,sinner.

(Welcome To The Shadow Zone - Promo)

It's hilarious, dare I say, better than Matt Berry. Onyx the Fortuitous - Slayer of the Bright Realm, slayer of the brightish, British? What could that mean? His shirt I think is based on the E Emperor logo

(Icon E design)

Hoaxbusters AMD Cheltenham Truth Uranus Zapoper

So, on Hoaxbusters John had to go and the guy who replaced him doesn't sound like him or maybe it is him but somehow he sounds different. He kicks off back with some different topic, or at least I don't get what he's getting at. The way Chris says Trump, it's like he's trying to say it like a fart sound.

AMD may launch next-generation Zen processors on January 17
Intel's i7 processors may be given a run for their money for the first time in January, when the first-generation Zen hardware from AMD is set to launch.
This is what I'm waiting for, and if they make laptop / mobile versions I'd recommend those instead of Intel based laptop / mobiles Also it's quite big news, if they do release at that date, it's pushed forwards at least 3 months.

Penissylvania was the lynchpin state, that Trump won the election with. Pennysylvania USA is twinned with Cheltenham UK.

Cheltenham From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cheltenham is twinned with Annecy, France;[57] Cheltenham, Pennsylvania, USA; Göttingen, Germany; Sochi, Russia; and Weihai, China.[58][59][60]
They hate even saying the name of the mighty Trump on the Kealey show. The show is absolute crap so far, it's like sentences strung together. How does Kealey intend to raise 1 billion dollars for his madCap scheme? What has actually been done to raise this? It seems that 9/11 2016 is the new 9/11, the beginning of the end of something

I haven't found any predictive programming that's valid for Valierie Clinton (Hilary Clinton). They didn't even have a proper title, Madam was the only one they could use Trump doesn't have a team big enough to feed the truth movement spin, besides, they'll probably let these fools starve.
Trump would have been given any identities of anyone in the Truth Movement already, by the CIA or have them available on request. This 'wait-to-be president' routine is a sham, it shows in any article that calls Trump president. There's no way that Trump would be given all the sensitive, secret information that he could have access to, if he can just walk away and sell it to the Russians or whoever if Clinton somehow clinched the presidency after Trump became president elect.
Where are the terrorised gay videos? 'Hes going to electrocute us!'. Reminds me of 'Bum Fights', which was supposed to be a gentle rolling comedy of gays being beaten up, instead became a series of snuff clips.
The story about the President-to-be being told about aliens, Uranus, high-flying arses? It was probably bullshit, but that's to be expected, they want to see how much bullshit he can swallow 'To join the team', it's like getting a lecture by a crazed parent or 'adult'. I wonder if they do just feed these presidents misinformation about UFO's and things like 'John Wilkes Booth travelled through time and was the real assassin of JFK too.', followed by 'We want you to repeat this story as if it were true, because it may be necessary for national security that we tell you something which we know is not true, and which you may or may not believe is true, but that we want you to repeat that it is true as if it were true.', something like that. I call it 'The Talk', as in the birds and the bees talk that 'adults' give children, also I doubt that the white house talk is the main one, it's there for the media. A formal talk that you might get joining a company, an induction.

Shame about the sh*tty camerawork on that pic, it looks like Zapoper or could do if the photo was taken a bit further away or less cropped.

Friday 18 November 2016

De Rigeur Mortis

Hoaxbusters could do a show in the closing hours of the election, giving their prediction for the result and getting it wrong even after the final result as they didn't check. Then they found out their prediction was wrong, and so become election erection correction apologists.

I guess they'd have to have some diversion in the show so that they forget, or maybe parts of the internet go down.

Trumping for victory!

I might make this Great Again, by captioning it and getting rid of the border/wall was looking for an angel playing a trumpet with donald trumps' face an angel with donald trumps' face playing a trumpet (a cherub)

The lack of creative imagery surrounding trump post-election might be a sign of how much of a surprise it was?

Trumpet should be in the 'erect' angle, not the Morbid Angle.

'Fanfare 'Dy Trumpet''

'Renaissance Music in a Castle. Ancient Music in the Loire Valley.'

'Medieval Music - 'Hardcore' Party Mix'

Alex Jones is actually using Pepe the frog to reference himself. Alex Jones is doing an erection special, 30% off his drugs!

'Mr.President! Can you take a bullet for the soon to be President of the United States of America?! You play as Dick “Rock-Hard” Johnson a bulletproof man, the best bodyguard money can buy. He is sworn to protect the most hated presidential candidate of all time Ronald Rump.'

Tim Rifat got around his false prophecy by reading from my notes.

'Gays in hell'

Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency on Steam Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency. A Pro-Donald Trump presidential simulation. Make America Rich Again through trade. Make America Safe again by Defeating ISIS. Make America Great Again!

Maybe someone will make a shoot-em-up with a bald eagle with the head of Donald Trump, similar to Agony.

AL-GORE-rhythm = algorithm. Also MAG=21, (13=M,1=A,7=G) (13+1+7=21)MAGA is 22, so maybe Donald Trump lives next door to me! Or maybe the house smells of cabbages and other farty smells.

There's a high correlation between Judge Mortis and people with heads of Donald Trump in 2000AD 

Also, JM uses the choke hold? I'm not sure of the name of it, but it's associated with a certain type of character. I compiled a little gallery of people doing this 'bear grip' into a post on Facebook, it got deleted.
Apocalypse, M Bison, Darth Vader, Bane, Judge Mortis, Hector etc do the choke hold.

Not Judge Mortis this time, Judge Fear. Judge Fear correlates to King Fear.

'Prince Sincline'

Prince Sincline has the same W pattern on the head, as does Galactus. Bathead, batty, bathory man

'Count Egobossler from Gatchaman III'

'Count Egobossler also known as Laughing Boy'

'William Shatner Theme Song Cover | Squidbillies, Season 8 | Adult Swim'

Monkey predicts Trump election victory

A monkey in China has predicted the outcome of the US election..with a kiss.

Esther (Rantzen) worked at Child Aid as I recall, she collected a list of child molesters, got 'fired' and sold the list, to who I don't know, Sir Jimmy Savile perhaps?

ChildLine, not Child Aid. Child Line as I recall was a 'completely confidential' number that children could call if they were being abused by their parents or other adults. Of course the numbers called from were stored in a database, which she had, and sold.
"Rantzen was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1991 for services to broadcasting, Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2006 Birthday Honours for services to children, and Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the 2015 New Year Honours for services to children and older people through ChildLine and The Silver Line."

Esther Rantzen was notorious for her program 'Thats Life' where apparently she'd compare vegetables to genitalia. I think it was Ian Hislop who said that, the program was garbage I didn't watch.

Check out his arm where it meets the hand

Thursday 17 November 2016

Bernie Lashomb Trump Clinton Pence Homosexual Kealey Jack Morbid

I think it's bullsh*t that Bernie would have won if... Obama's tear jerking performances to get a 3rd term in office. I never saw a live rally, I tried, but they froze every time, except once which was an almost empty room with nothing happening. Trump calls Barron Don? or is it Don Lashomb he thanks?

'Donald Trump FULL Victory Speech President Elect ! - November 9, 2016'

Barron's later. Maybe Trump was looking at someone invisible, maybe he was looking at a hologram of Don Lashomb. Bernie is an amateur, so no way he could have won, he'd be that clueless old man. I bet Bernie explode from a drug overdose, a combination of penis pills and champagne. Bernie probably sweated so much he slept in a swimming pool, in a donut, then he went down a giant water chute spinning yelling 'Its a Ron Paul revolution!'.

All of the crying Clinton 'voters' are women or feminine men, I wonder if someone is going to post a meme of Trump as Conan with the 'lamentations of women' quotation. In his victory speech Trump says that his parents are unbelievable, don't believe that he has parents.

Some people draw signs on a small map with a big marker pen, to prove connections. They even had that as part of the story of Artemis '81, a pentagram drawn on a map of, maybe, Europe to prove where the killer would strike next.
I read that Pence says homosexuals should be electrocuted?

Mike Pence Supports Electroshock Gay Conversion Therapy-Fiction!

The article says it's fiction, then puts that bold statement above in a picture at the bottom. So it must be true! 'Gay out out', energise a negative gay wave to pass out of the body? Mike Pence has supported electroshock gay conversion therapy that would “electrocute the gay” out of teenagers. Don't sit on the fence Pence, electrocute those homo's you know it makes sense.

Kealey is terrified that it may be so, or aroused, pounds and pence. The pound has the image of the ruler so if Trump conquers England and thenceforewithwardeth Britain, his would be the new face of the pound coin, perchanceth. There is a connection, digging (trump) spades, 'Ace of Spades' is a trump card, 'King (of) Diamond(s)' is a trump card, so KD could be Satan, Trump could be Dragon (as in the worship of the dragon, Revelations etc), the beAst would be ace of aces, Ace of BEST.

Standard 52-card deck - Wikipedia

The Jack of Diamonds is sometimes known as "laughing boy". Fifty two is the hidden dragon, "3" cards are also known as treys.

Triumvirate of Trey Azagthoth from Morbid Angel album Formulas Fatal to the Flesh

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Cheat Ravaging The Angles Of Roman Salute

Someone's only merged in all 5 phantasm movies into one. I posted link to it on my facebook wall. One 88 minute movie, the tall man, big brother.
I saw Phantasm : Ravager, it was very good, only 98 minutes? long.
Sea change=C change=Comment change.

'Mr Cheato
The cheat theme song. The cheat theme song to be found on made by the brothers chaps featuring the cheat strongbad and homestarrunner'

'The Cheat Is Not Dead
Strong bad sings and other type hits'

'Cheat Commandos Commercial'
Some of the faces of Trump Comman'dohs

Soon, the goldfish attention-span cycle or 'the goldfish cycle' for short

That's tagged as 'Cat on bicycle'

I just searched for 'goldfish on a bike pic'. It's a metaphor for the western mentality, Tripitaka was called goldfish in Monkey Magic, it also became a feminist phrase 'need man like a fish needs a bicycle'.

AJ often confuses entertainers and comedians with 'serious' people

All Charlie Sheen did at that time was act out a bunch of inside jokes in character of 'conspiracy theorist sheen'. It was a sort of piss-take, and sheen if he like's Jones, it's more in a business enabler way, although he may agree with some of the stuff, that also is less important than as to how it motivates his character like a person might like the club manager who lets you play out comedy routines. Sheen's career's always been on the rocks anyhow, that's how he rollllllllllllls. But some people take bill hicks seriously when all he did was spout bullshit about drugs, as if they were a wonder cure. Nobody has trips like bill hicks pretends, his is what a christian evangelist might imagine a drug trip to be like. A Christian evangelists imaginings of what a Buddhist-style enlightenment would be like, and then Tool used him to promote their entertainment agenda, and the funniest part is the people who take it seriously (including Tool, almost Fool). They were programmed into it through the televangelistas'as'as i expect.
The Vangelis ts th'(e-virtual)Vangelis 's


"The Roman Salute, it suggests 'Here is Rome'. Douglas Dietrich was promoting the Nazi Salute as The Roman Salute.
I checked, the builder wasn't openly fascist, but was of a type of conservative building for the same type of conservative...

Nazi salute - Wikipedia 'The Nazi salute or Hitler salute (German: Hitlergruß, lit. 'Hitler Greeting', IPA: [ˈhɪtlɐˌɡʁuːs]) is a gesture that was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany. The salute is performed by extending the right arm from the neck into the air with a straightened hand. Usually, the person offering the salute would say "Heil Hitler!" (Hail Hitler!), "Heil, mein Führer!" (Hail, my leader!), or "Sieg Heil!" (Hail victory!). It was adopted in the 1930s by the Nazi Party to signal obedience to the party's leader, Adolf Hitler, and to glorify the German nation (and later the German war effort). The salute was mandatory for civilians,[1] but was mostly optional for military personnel who retained the traditional military salute until shortly after the failed assassination attempt on Hitler in July 1944.[2]'

A ha! So maybe DD was making up 'the Roman Salute' to cover the Nazi salute that Taiwanese use.

Actually the 2nd episode of Man in the High Castle was all about some guys cock, but I doubt anyone would mention that. Some family got to stay in America, not registered as Jews, because they had the paperwork. When they were captured, the 'dad' was stripped naked, and although he wasn't circumcised he must be a jew because of the size of his schlong. There was this lingering scene with the general Nazi staring at his penis, although it couldn't be seen. I wonder why nobody else picked up on it, there was pretty much nothing else happening for the whole episode.

It's Jew'v'nile (juvenile). So of course the family got gassed to death and he probably did as well, or got beaten to death for having a bigger dick than whoever the script was written for.

'When a bomber believed to have crashed in the ocean 17 years ago is found in the Libyan desert, a Colonel and Major accompany the only surviving member .'

A shocking expose by Mr William Shatner of the perils of bum sex.
'Life is hard enough the wind blows the wrong way a bum break and PFFFT it's all over'

George Takei 'I am vely offended!'

I've noticed that views on memes jumps up between monday and friday. I expect most of the people who look at them are in the government.

Tinder update includes 37 new gender identity options I read an article like this, this morning before going to work, I laughed all day
"Agender/Neither Without gender. Often used as an identification for people who do not identify with or conform to any gender. Androgyne A person who fits both physical characteristics or feels like they are both a male and female. Some androgynes have both male and female parts and, in this case, they sometimes also identify as “intersex.” Androgynous Androgyny is the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics. Gender ambiguity may be found in anything from fashion and lifestyle to a person’s singing or speaking voice. Bigender Bigender people experience two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two. These two gender identities could be male and female. Female to Male/FTM/Male to Female/FTM Someone who once identified as female, and who know identifies as male. Or vice versa. Gender Fluid A gender that varies over time. A gender-fluid person may at any time identify as male, female, either, or some combination of identities. Their gender can also vary at random or vary in response to different circumstances. Gender Nonconforming This term refers to people who do not follow other’s ideas or stereotypes about how they should look or act based on the female or male sex they were assigned at birth. Gender Questioning Used by people who may be unsure, still exploring, and concerned about applying a social label to themselves. Gender Variant Gender variance, or gender nonconformity, is behavior or gender expression by an individual that does not match the gender norms of the gender they are perceived to be by society. Genderqueer/Non-binary A person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders. Male to Female/MTF Someone who once identified as a male, but who now identifies as a female. Neutrois Neutrois is a non-binary gender identity that is considered to be a neutral or null gender. It may also be used to mean genderless, and has considerable overlap with agender. Other Someone who has not found a term that they feel accurately represents their gender. Pangender Pangender people are those who feel they identify as all genders. The term overlaps with genderqueer and trigender. Trans—Man/Person/Woman/Male/Female Short for transgender, the term includes people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex. Transfeminine Transfeminine relates to a person who was born male but whose gender identity is more female than male. Transmasculine Transfeminine relates to a person who was born female but whose gender identity is more male than female. Transsexual—Man/Woman/Male/Female/Person A person who has undergone treatment in order to acquire the physical characteristics of the opposite sex. Two-Spirit Two-Spirit is a modern term used by some indigenous North Americans to describe certain spiritual people—gay, lesbian, bisexual and gender-variant individuals—in their communities."
It's like 37 varieties of turd. At first I thought it was a handheld device, like a Kindle and you had to identify which gender you are from the 37.

Super Trumpio World

'I heard of someone who got the Kanye for Trump'ing in class!'

It seems that the Queen won't allow any of her subjects to talk of the present British Empire, yet she sent out 243 OBE's
"1,044 candidates have been selected at BEM, MBE and OBE level. 329 at BEM, 472 at MBE and 243 at OBE"
The New Year Honours lists 2016, published today, recognise the achievements of a wide range of extraordinary people across the UK.

OBE Order of the British Empire, if there was no British Empire, the honour/award would be void.

Maybe Superman takes over the world with his meme's, and becomes Supermeme
R.I.P. Charles Michael "Chuck" Schuldiner (May 13, 1967 – December 13, 2001) a ha! 'Charles'

'There are actually more than 2 sexes' Yes male, female and freak.

Beyonce tan. beyonceTAN beyon' Satan (beyond Satan), and Beyonce is tanned. Maybe that means she ain't black?