Saturday 19 November 2016

Tolkien About RageWar Hand Signals

CNN: “Drunk Hillary” Beat Sh*t Out Of Bill Clinton On Election Night  A CNN reporter claims that Hillary Clinton flew into a violent fit of rage at Bill Clinton on election night when it became clear she was losing. 

It's one of the most famous hand signals, it's OK, invented by the CIA (allegedly) it's pretty much as American as cheeseburger and fries have you seen the robot Trump Mexican wall prop-piece? (propaganda piece) it's funny 'cos Quetzalcoatl was that Conquistadore person it was divine judgement for all the murders etc that they all contributed to oh then blamed the priests for.

Seems legit

Douglas Duane Dibley Dietrich is saying that Tolkien and Lewis were talking about the same place, Lewis was talking about the East, and Tolkien about the West. He's only gone and said that at the Kontiki restaurant, it's apparently filmed and probably going out on DVD, and now it's a theme on his show. You remember all that oriental influence in Narnia? Like, erm...

It's like he's just mushing things together

Tolkiens' work wasn't finished by the time of publication of Lord of the Rings.
It needed editing of course, he had it shanghai'ed? (stolen, then told it was for his benefit).
Well, the Calormeen? people were based on asians, or muslims and there is a talking monkey 'great Ape' in narnia.

Lewis and Tolkien just pulled the material out of their ars*s. How could they have some kind of global view of things living in Oxford, England or wherever.

It is ridiculous to merge the two creations. Like saying (Super) Mario is based on Lego.

This is going to be his big thing, though, I guess, East is Lewis west is Tolkien

Lord of the Rings should have had all that gay sh*t about hobbits, the songs taken out and more about Sauron and that ilk.

Or just reduce the book word count. Crap about hobbits could go in his sh*tty poetry prose.
It needs moreGoth!

If you can put a map of banania into middle earth, then maybe but it's really ridiculous franchising, like trying to merge Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.

Exotic clown, he'd want people to believe that he's an Elf he probably has a certificate to prove that he is

'Message From Prime Creator ~ 2.5 Million UFO Ships Have Arrived to Earth' OH MY GAWWWD!  Red-haired woman talking about ars*holes, it must be true!

It's been the same message since whenever The Aquarian Conspiracy was published I guess. How are 2.5 million ships to help humanity, are they shaped like bowls to carry water? Carry water back to Uranus?

I posted two articles about Valerie Clinton buggery network on Douglas Duane Dietrich facebook, they were there for about 5 hours before anyone commented or liked, he has over 3400 friends.

The likes came rolling in after his show I expect, when the Clinton wagons rolled in, and DDD 'likes' anything that he keeps on his facebook for publicity.

Donald Trump may be time traveller John Titor from 2036

I found that time-travelling movie with a game of 'chicken' near the end
(RageWar :The Challenges of Excalibrate: AKA The Dungeonmaster Trailer {1984})

Excalibrate? Eats all? Or out of tune. Paul, the hero, is told that Masteema is a giant and that he can't possibly win by woman who looks like a man thing.

'What's this you're reading?"
"A book."
"(ahh)This book tells you the future.
(mm)Get out *slams book onto dashboard.*" 

From RageWars, no idea why that's in there so far. The moustachio'ed police guy suggests that the 'hero' is Gumby in that outfit and the other wonders aloud where Pokey is. Gumby, Grumby, Grumpy Pokey.

Gumby and Pokey

Masteema: Prepare for the end
'Hero' Alone at last

Masteema according to CAL (the computer thing on his power glove thing) is Beezlebub, although it shows an equation it makes no sense. 'My steamer' (Steamboat willy?) and that 209 i'm guessing is a 911 reference.
That RageWars movie was quite good, and the best part of it is it was quite short, 77 minutes or so.

The only media I'm missing is that cartoon about the alchemist, although I know that one anyhow (homer-esque guy falls asleep at chemistry lab, imagines a witch tormenting him putting him through the chemistry set)...ahh, found it I think, I was looking for alchemist. It was known as Chemist, now it's known as Bottles. It's unavailable on YouTube.

Bottles (film) From Wikipedia The free encyclopedia Bottles is a 1936 MGM Happy Harmonies animated cartoon directed by Hugh Harman and produced by Rudolf Ising.

Actually, one more to find, that hansel and gretel cartoon as well, with a wizard and cats(instead of a witch).

Maybe doc is hitler, using a nazi time machine and then Biff could be Trump, because he liked Biff's style

Star is arsehole, smiley face=gay, blue rose (flower) is vagina

But it's probably just pasted on, not really from that account it might be a dig at Obama, suggesting that he's into child buggery Obama has had children at the white house recently, sitting on his lap, doing the loving thing 'I'm such a good parent' that weird story about the 6 year who let a Syrian refugee into 'his' house even tho' he's six, how can he own property? an obvious code, let a dog up his arse dog(reverse god)=atheist or godless person,sinner.

(Welcome To The Shadow Zone - Promo)

It's hilarious, dare I say, better than Matt Berry. Onyx the Fortuitous - Slayer of the Bright Realm, slayer of the brightish, British? What could that mean? His shirt I think is based on the E Emperor logo

(Icon E design)

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