Thursday 31 March 2016

Trump Plaza Stevenage Apocalypse German Culture Nation

'Illuminati Exposed - Donald Trump Admitting Everything is a lie'

I think that's the clip maybe the 400 million dollar hotel he bought, that he was in Home Alone 2 with McCaulay Culkin at.

Donald Trump bought the Plaza Hotel for $407.5 million in 1988 (equivalent of $814 million today), that's the hotel that McCC is at in Home Alone 2.

I keep on finding this when browsing just now:

So, Donald Trump isn't an adult? McCaulay Culkin's character is not lost he's asking for directions. Also Trump is leaning at an angle (implying he's an angel?).

Two houses reportedly ‘burnt down’ after huge explosion in Stevenage

Two houses have reportedly ‘burnt down’ in Stevenage after a huge explosion in Stevenage.
This is where The Kennedy's was set, Chells is Cheltenham, like Wills is William. It could be headlined as 'O'man', like Omen.

Invader Zim is a comic now, it's a reworking of the story lines used in the cartoon series. I doubt their audience will notice, explaining how a story works is best done in private meetings. People don't even weep when it's explained to them, how cheesy their stuff is, if they wept it might be amusing, instead they just gape their mouths 'ahhh' like goldfish.

Apocalypse's armour is slightly wrong, he should wear this.

Apocalypse is the German, germ-man. That's what the 'first mutant/not a mutant ever lived' is about, the germ of man, mankind as bacteria.

Iain M. Banks, Tim Rifat talks about him. His science fiction Culture novels, are about Germany in space. That's what the Culture is, Germany. He died before he could be accused of doing 'Nazis in space' stories I guess. It could be that all culture originated from Germany, based purely on it's word association(germ many, culture), or maybe it refers to Roman culture, roaming culture. A Freak Accident occidentally sent many germs roaming (A Freak A(ccident))(Afreaka). That event (a freak accident sends many germs) is in the start of Survivors by Terry Nation as well.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Jordan Christian Rump Kealey David Queen EU

'Joseph Laycock X Michael Aquino | EODR 88'

I can hear Jordan Maxwell call someone 'young man' in the intro. 'sonic the hedgehog as an old woman' why doesn't this come up in google searches. No results, yet it's an old woman hairstyle for sure.

Shortwave's Classic Conspiracy Broadcasts Vol 1. Ep. 1 1993

it's really poor quality Christian radio about aliens. Space brothers, space sisters=freemasons and loose witches. Space=free space, free masons renew confidence in the bible with the space brothers or, even, masons like%20brothers, space botherers, space bugs, buggerists.

"Glen Kealey" on the latest Hoax Busters Call.
Starts at 2:27. Big revelation is that "TRUMP is the RUMP".

TRUMP is also related to Brussels because of Brussel Sprouts (make you trump)
That Brussels attack has antichrist written all over it

I said something or other on the internet so I better check if Glen Kealey blah's about it.

Trump Yarmulkes Are Biggest Seller at AIPAC Conference
TweedleDee (Donald Trump) TweedleDumb (Boris Johnson), that's the yarmulkes connection.

OMG Ted Cruz has one of those sneaky mafia-type voices 'eeeh see'.

Gary Bell says that Trump's name is Dumpf and he's Germanic, but that could be misdirection, because BoJo his apocalyptic twin is dumb, U-turning on EU, he may have been taken the piss out of by Jeremy Corbyn and David Cameron as well. Apparently the Queen is against the EU but this could be a ploy by the antichrist whoever it is, doesn't want to remain in EU because they fear Justice (European Courts of Justice). Deeply entrenched vermin, they fear that their nest of whoreish vipers, 'the Queens' whores, although I think they could be Prince Charles and co's whores, will be exposed and their base ripped up. I think this Brussels attack is directly related to fears that Britain will remain in the EU, Prince William 'a Grevilous(grevious) wound to the head' (antichrist) and co are messed up and have a history of their actions backfiring on them, the results being the opposite of their illwill. The harder they try the bigger they fail, if they try hard enough the ECJ may be moved to take action against the British Royalty. This stuff is show material but the usual suspect hosts are keeping very quiet, 'queens whores-men' all!
As it's going to hinge on the referendum to stay in the EU, depending on the figures, may change the extent of action. Another trademark stamp of the antichrist is that it is hysterical, over-reaction, over-thinking etc. If they had kept quiet, not forced BoJo's hand, not staged terror attacks etc, Britain would still remain in the EU but without any extra appendages. The most likely outcome is for Britain to stay in the EU, businesses want to stay in the EU. For the antichrist brigade, EU means YOU ie me, that's how a paranoid hysteric would take action on it as. Apparently the Queen said that Obama is not to give a pro-EU speech at the palace. The insinuation is that she prefers the commonwealth over the EU, commonwealth an oxymoron. It could be more false press generated by the antichrist.
'30 people killed' hints at the antichrist, because 31 is the trve Christ's number. It's more than 30 now, when I first saw the headline it was 30, typical Omen style, hopefully Obama will speak about the EU, loud and proud then trump will arrive later and also talk about how great the EU is, both during the 90th Coronation Street extravaganza and perform a Eurovision style song called 'All we need is EU' and the Queen at least tries to kill herself as a fake Goethe.
2011 is supposedly the last year the antichrist came up with anything. Everything since then is leftover from 2011 and before, or recycled. All the plans they are carrying out now are from that time and before and have probably already been leaked to the media. I saw a speech Trump made years ago where he was talking about working with European business people, he dictates the terms in which he would do business with them. But it could be interjected that the EU facilitates this process.

Friday 11 March 2016

Dibley Dietrich Solomon English War Jordan

I posted this on Facebook and simply(and obviously) wanted to know if it was true to Douglas Duane Dibley Dietrich.
Adolf Hitler: England Does Not Want Peace - 8th November 1939 (VIDEO) The Führer speaks about war with England and how his peace offers were refused by Churchill. (Facebook)

It seems answering a simple question is beyond Team Dietrich, because DDDD didn't answer at first. Laura Le Slug turns a simple question into some problem.
John Warrington Is this true, what Hitler said about Germany being used to kill the English for the French, and to kill the French for the English, although Hitler uses the (translated) word for gentleman (a la gentileman/not Jew), so possibly he is talking about the middle-and-upper classes, or those in the upper echelons of society with shared interests (not necessarily elected)?
Like · Reply · 1 · 8 March at 19:04
Laura Lee Solomon
Laura Lee Solomon Well, John, you're a lot more articulate than simply "Is this true?" We were getting kinda tired of monosyllabic inquiries... They're very
"Cao Dong." And so was Miss A.
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 March at 01:09
Douglas Duane Dietrich
Douglas Duane Dietrich I believe The Good Mister Warrington is Presenting us Rhetorical Inquiry In-Context of Satire, my Dear Lady Solomon.
Not satire DDD, but I didn't want to follow up my 'obvious' question, with ever more 'obvious' replies to explain what I wanted an explanation for, and so on which is what happens until I quit the 'conversation'. I started with 'Is this true' which was all that was required to pose the question. I deleted that as there was no response and added the unnecessary waffle in order for them to reply. Steve Jarosz answered for Douglas Dietrich first, even though he wasn't on DD's Facebook friend list at the time I checked, as for Laura Lee Solomon, she's daft as a brush.
I'm sure DDD could talk quite a bit about what started the second World War, but maybe it compromises his contract with the Quee(rr)n or something. I don't see why DD wouldn't take the bait to insult the English and French and show support for Germany circa 1939. He could probably get on Coast to Coast talking about it but, oh no, brush off my observation as satire. Hitler's not saying about 'killing their own commoners', Hitler uses gentlemen twice it's English 'bankers' using Germany to kill French 'bankers' and French 'bankers' using Germany to kill English 'bankers'. The toff's were the officers etc, perhaps they were the real targets of German aggression puppetry.
I've heard 'Hitler had a way of phrasing' said about him, but what if that way of phrasing was a way of getting around the British Propaganda. While DD was taking so long to not answer, I imagined Germany as a dog, maybe a German alsation, with a bandanna over it's eyes reading 'debt' and a German cross on it's harness. Holding it's leash was someone wearing a French outfit, then the dog was loosed upon some English people. Then the same dog  was leashed by someone wearing an English outfit and loosed upon some French people. Both times in a pit-fight scenario.

1 Corinthians 3:16 NKJV;NIV - Do you not know that you are the temple - Bible Gateway
1 Corinthians 3:16 NKJV;NIV - Do you not know that you are the temple - Bible Gateway
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
3:17If any man destroyeth the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, and such are ye.
3:16Know ye not that ye are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

The incorrect use of the word destroy, or rather the correct use but it'll be incorrectly interpreted. and holy means flawed, or built with holes like pan pipes of holey-wood. The quote as a whole implies that anyone who exposes the body of the follower of whatever God it is, they get exposed or killed, whoever this God is, making promises in vain?

Maybe someone else will pick up the baton of 'Who Started World War II', although DD's perfectly placed to do so. Maybe a Jordan Maxwell could regurgitate a list of commonly used words, with what people think they mean and what they actually mean. I thought of having a go at it myself, in a blog, but not yet.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Koch GALA Adolf Jones Final Loki Turtles Initial

Koch Bros plan to Stop Trump -Roger Stone (Facebook)

Gay And Lesbian Agenda=GALA. GALActor=pretending to go along (Actor) with the GALA.
The plane that is better than Air Force One is a reference to Gatchaman 1994 where the leaders are hi-jacked and taken aboard the Galactor vehicle which is much better than anything the humans have. 9 minutes 6 into, describing the Jet as OK, and verbally as much nicer than Air Force One.

'LoL Alex Jones #61 - YOU WILL DIE!!'

Alex Jones with his Hitlercut. Adolf H Jones, like that's the average Joe's concern that he won't have space colonisation, when they aren't 'coping with life' or 'feeding their family' or 'doing their job' or 'paying the bills' or 'putting food on the table'.

Final Fight, there was a movie called Streets of Fire based on that game, or that game was based on the movie, both were released about the same time.
Streets of Fire's name might also have been the inspiration for Streets of Rage. Now, we might get Streets of Coronation with the 90th b'day(bidet) party and the death of Coronation Streets' original writer.

Tributes to Coronation Street creator Tony Warren

Marvel is predicting Loki for president, although Loki is another form of Abigor so it's really predicting Trump for president. I'm not finding the actor who played John in V TV Series (1984-1985) yet. John aka Leader. V (1984 TV series)"At a cost of one million dollars per episode, V was the most expensive series to be produced for television."
Found him, Leader was Richard Herd, he looks different in this photo, though still recognisable:

'To pay or not to pay (VISA), that is the question'

He looks like an american Father Ted

I've got Speed Racer, the original was by Tatsuo Yoshida, at #1 on my queue of 1 movie to watch, it's done by the Wachowski brothers. The M on Speed Racer's car is the same as on Bishops' face, maybe they both take speed? Speed Racer movie introduces stuff with no explanation, one guy drove through another car, you're supposed to guess why that is? I'm about 9 minutes into it, that's a marathon watching session for me. They use green screens like nobody would notice it, and offset characters slightly who are stationary.
Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I don't know if Michael Bay has splinter as secretly working for K'orang (K'rang;Ko'ran) and co, and Shredder as the hero.

I like those leading characters they use in medieval documents I guess called an initial, it could take up a whole page.

Large initial L from a Romanesque Bible

it looks like a big green groin monster is growing up the column of L.