Friday 11 March 2016

Dibley Dietrich Solomon English War Jordan

I posted this on Facebook and simply(and obviously) wanted to know if it was true to Douglas Duane Dibley Dietrich.
Adolf Hitler: England Does Not Want Peace - 8th November 1939 (VIDEO) The Führer speaks about war with England and how his peace offers were refused by Churchill. (Facebook)

It seems answering a simple question is beyond Team Dietrich, because DDDD didn't answer at first. Laura Le Slug turns a simple question into some problem.
John Warrington Is this true, what Hitler said about Germany being used to kill the English for the French, and to kill the French for the English, although Hitler uses the (translated) word for gentleman (a la gentileman/not Jew), so possibly he is talking about the middle-and-upper classes, or those in the upper echelons of society with shared interests (not necessarily elected)?
Like · Reply · 1 · 8 March at 19:04
Laura Lee Solomon
Laura Lee Solomon Well, John, you're a lot more articulate than simply "Is this true?" We were getting kinda tired of monosyllabic inquiries... They're very
"Cao Dong." And so was Miss A.
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 March at 01:09
Douglas Duane Dietrich
Douglas Duane Dietrich I believe The Good Mister Warrington is Presenting us Rhetorical Inquiry In-Context of Satire, my Dear Lady Solomon.
Not satire DDD, but I didn't want to follow up my 'obvious' question, with ever more 'obvious' replies to explain what I wanted an explanation for, and so on which is what happens until I quit the 'conversation'. I started with 'Is this true' which was all that was required to pose the question. I deleted that as there was no response and added the unnecessary waffle in order for them to reply. Steve Jarosz answered for Douglas Dietrich first, even though he wasn't on DD's Facebook friend list at the time I checked, as for Laura Lee Solomon, she's daft as a brush.
I'm sure DDD could talk quite a bit about what started the second World War, but maybe it compromises his contract with the Quee(rr)n or something. I don't see why DD wouldn't take the bait to insult the English and French and show support for Germany circa 1939. He could probably get on Coast to Coast talking about it but, oh no, brush off my observation as satire. Hitler's not saying about 'killing their own commoners', Hitler uses gentlemen twice it's English 'bankers' using Germany to kill French 'bankers' and French 'bankers' using Germany to kill English 'bankers'. The toff's were the officers etc, perhaps they were the real targets of German aggression puppetry.
I've heard 'Hitler had a way of phrasing' said about him, but what if that way of phrasing was a way of getting around the British Propaganda. While DD was taking so long to not answer, I imagined Germany as a dog, maybe a German alsation, with a bandanna over it's eyes reading 'debt' and a German cross on it's harness. Holding it's leash was someone wearing a French outfit, then the dog was loosed upon some English people. Then the same dog  was leashed by someone wearing an English outfit and loosed upon some French people. Both times in a pit-fight scenario.

1 Corinthians 3:16 NKJV;NIV - Do you not know that you are the temple - Bible Gateway
1 Corinthians 3:16 NKJV;NIV - Do you not know that you are the temple - Bible Gateway
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
3:17If any man destroyeth the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, and such are ye.
3:16Know ye not that ye are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

The incorrect use of the word destroy, or rather the correct use but it'll be incorrectly interpreted. and holy means flawed, or built with holes like pan pipes of holey-wood. The quote as a whole implies that anyone who exposes the body of the follower of whatever God it is, they get exposed or killed, whoever this God is, making promises in vain?

Maybe someone else will pick up the baton of 'Who Started World War II', although DD's perfectly placed to do so. Maybe a Jordan Maxwell could regurgitate a list of commonly used words, with what people think they mean and what they actually mean. I thought of having a go at it myself, in a blog, but not yet.

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