Saturday 29 October 2016

Comprehension Of The Immanence Of PanGaea Outlined



Ga(LL) : girls(feminine energy) links to lac(k); The gaul, gall (bladder)
Lac : As in milk (lactose), feminine energy, MoAther TRIX (your mother's tricks)
Tic : Marks (achievements,limitations), errors (failure to reach the moon (Sin))

Feminine energy prevents the subject(pupil) from seeing the bigger picture.


Same as above, but first two syllables are beaten by bulls (Taur(us)), a high peak (wizard) Tor. A strong masculine (1 part) rising out of the feminine (2 parts).

Sir Urthur PenFighter

The arcade game in The Last StarFighter was a front piece, the internal (machinations) were more powerful than could be guessed at. The stored high score being beaten caused a signal to be sent to the military who the boy saw as space aliens (pre-programming through the media). The real test was suspension of belief, the moo-v could be seen as mass shooter programming, 'death blossom', 'give out death and then die,' 'glorious death of the samurai in battle'. Part of a whole trend of JapAmericanism's (East/West, two headed eagle) in the media. The eventual suicide wasn't implemented in the movie, the hero lives, it has been threatened to be corrected in the remake, series or whatever else isn't happening, after the 'creator' initiated a blocking of any remakes for decades (as if he could), now it seems that they lost interest in doing it.

The interlinked rendering computers are termed 'Render farms'. In the Matrix, humans are being farmed to render the Matrix, they are the (cattle of the) Render Farm. The Aliens metaphor is as the people who live in the pods are alien to their environment.

Lords Of The Underworld

The concept of the underworld, as well as being a theme in ancient mythos, is also yet a metaphor for death. Morticians, doctors and even dentists could have been your entree into the passage of the underworld in times of yore. Portrayal of the underworld as DonJuan's (dungeons) is a popular recurrent theme in computer games (appropriate given the changes to brain activity entering the realm of deathlike silence thereupon).

In the past, all of the Ultima series by Lord British (aka Lord Illuminati) adhere to Roman numerals in the titles perhaps in homage to the ancients, and the moniker Ultima itself being emblematic of Ultima Thule perhaps. Recently the corporate (read: above earthly) media has been recalcitrant upon expanding these necroid realms in virtual format, however some games are being devil-oped that do so, the Kickstarter'ed game Underworld Ascendant for example.

Dungeon crawling is a representation of the sojourn into the underworld and as such is one of the ways in which the underworld carries on in the realm of the living, that is in the mind labyrinths (collective labyrinth or hub labyrinths for online players) of it's participants.

Into the Labyrinth (HTV Show)

Monday 24 October 2016

Bram Frank Master Dhalsim Street Zoltar Sardos Joeblow

Bram Stoker = Bram Stroker (Bram = brain;  Stoker=stroker=mental masturbator).
Frank 'n' furter would be a mockery of the Ferenczy (frank / frankie; furter = father), and Nosferatu is much more rooted in European history than Dracula. Frank'n'furter behaves much like Dracula would behave, and Dracula didn't behave like Vlad the Impaler, more likely Brain Stroker took the name and applied it to some perverted aristocratic stereotype.

In Streetfighter II V anime, M. Bison just said 'So, the fly begins to annoy the bull'. The M in M bison is for Master. It's a really good anime, it has story lines behind meeting all the characters. M Bison is the head of Shadow Law. Chun Li's dad is a police person who busts drug gangs. Chun Li is a tourist guide, and Ken learns from Dhalsim. Vega switched names with Bison in the Japanese version.

Vega / Master Bison / Kato+

'Street Fighter II V E02 The King of the Airforce'

'Street Fighter 2 V Episode 01  The Beginning of a Journey'

I wouldn't be surprised if fiddling with my Inbox is a strategy to stop others from knowing how many games I can buy on a minimal wage. For instance, I have over 3000 steam games.

In Streetfighter II V, one of M Bison's advisors has the same voice as 'I am Berg Katse' the 51st President in Gatchaman (1994), and another of the advisors is called Zoltar. Zoltar, Zoltan of Battle of the Planets,Sultan Gris of Mission Earth. Zangief's theme in Streetfighter II V is the same bass line(basically) as Trogdor(theme). M Bison after implanting a triangle (equilaterial) chip into Ryu 'How does it feel, Ryu' (New Order, Blue Monday reference) 'Ha, I forgot that now you feel only what I tell you'. The chip is a mood-regulator who's effect can be affected remotely.

That movie about girls being exploited by a Jew, with the ending of them in a pit, is called Bloodthirsty Freaks. I thought it was called Sardos because that was the central character.

The game Shroud of the Avatar has probably been made in homage to JoeBlow

I got some video clips of DD to upload, him looking all crazy like ghostbuster Luigi. DD 'Encounter with Ghouls' Ghost buster Luigi gear I think.

'Douglas Dietrich An Encounter with Ghouls'

Notice the wacky silver weapon on DD.

“Bill Clinton in private speech: UK's Jeremy Corbyn is a "guy off the street... the maddest person in the room"

Donald Trump would have lost if Bernie Sanders had been the candidate

Bill Clinton branded Jeremy Corbyn 'maddest person in the room', leaked speech reveals

This tree is 'The Hanging Tree' seen in the Phantasm movies, and probably the tree in the Queens of the Stone Age song. First I wanted a close-up of Jacob De tall manschild hanging, but none were available, besides this ones not only about the Rothschilds.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Tokyo Japanese Conan Lucifer Nun Steel Leopard Evans Young Glastonbury

I saw 'Tokyo: The last War' today, it has the same name as a movie I wanted to watch, it was all anti-war, with no background to why the war started, a Japanese movie the two things that I retain: Tulips will survive after everyone died (they basically said that), and the theme music to 'Conan the Barbarian' 20 years before it was used in another movie, at the end with 'Who shall set this right', as the war descends into times of Apocalypse, a-pair'o'lips, two lips, TULIPS or parted lips, the earth as a lusty k*nt. Lust was the subtext for the downfall of mankind in the movie.

'The Last War (1961) - Trailer'

The Conan music is right at the end. 1hour19minutes into it. they slipped it into the last 33 seconds.
Toho became TouHou, the game franchise associated with Zunn.
Two lips, the mouth of God. In the beginning there was God and the word, tulips are pretty much the identity of holland that and those silly hats that nuns also wear. Flappy Biggles hats and of course the windmills and the clogs, the learner cogs? Does Lucifer have to wear clogs as an apprentice? I think Pinocchio did. The German boy who keeps the evil feminine quiet, because all homosexuality stems from the feminine so the German boy keeps 'her' quiet so that the man can grow? The finger could be considered the least part of god, the hand is the wand, the finger is a baby wand, the digit (dig it) is the least part of the wand. The digit digs into the whole(whore),. There was actually a show called 'The Flying Nun'.

'Flying Nun,The (Intro) S1 E2 (1967)'

I never saw any nuns who dressed like this, I'd have said 'you are bunny rabbit nuns' or 'why do you dress like bunny rabbits'. We need a real man like Kealey to Investigate, call it the Kealey Investigations Force, 'KIF ah-ha,ah-huh' (as in the KLF).

Trump card wins (one, 1), 45th president, it's a hidden 451.
Steel Panther is Def Leppard, Def is death. The east?tablishment(establishment of the east) cannot handle Death Metal. Death leopard is a reference to Berg Katse etc, the one armed drummer is supposedly a reference to endurance. They are associated with a DVD entitled 'British Invasion'. One armed drummer = han(+d for drummer) solo.

Der Untergang der alten Welt, by Heimdalls Wacht

Der Untergang der Alan Watt, maybe he bit a Rockefeller.
Apparently DD and Harambe(Hamamoto) had a live fallout, I haven't listened to the show yet, I downloaded it within minutes of it being uploaded, and apparently DD even took down the interview link and usual 250 feet tall oil painting. However after checking, it's still up, Matthew Schwabb the wisest Jew has spent all day wibbling about something that could be checked in moments, just got back from work to read his wibble.

John Evans is a blind guy who's on DD's show, and DD is using the compensation for lack of sight to have him as a voice-reading talent. DD DareDevil. John Evans misheard Brandon Young before the show when he said that Max Spiers was buried at Glastonbury. He was told it was Canterbury. John Evans went off on a story about Glastonbury, now he's been corrected he says it doesn't make any difference. So he then was saying that Canterbury is just as terrible as Glastonbury.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Douglas Samsung Streets Rage Quetzalcoatl Illiterati Jews

Douglas Dietrich calls skyscrapers sky scrappers, as in Scrappy Doo.
In 2001, a prototype Samsung was found and worshipped upright, it's keen noise and increasing temperature ended in an explosion, the resultant burning shards taught primitive man how to make fire by studying their fellows ablaze.

'Streets of Rage'

I think this is the first best one, if it has a stagecoach on level two, genuine 80's stagecoach.
'Streets of Rage Movie Part 1 of 2'

'Streets of Rage - The Movie'

The 'Streets of Rage' movies are great. Hopefully more movies are going to made using 80's computer game mechanics such as as powered-shots in fighting.
'I heard that Joe received a flaming upper-cut to the face at the Bar bar.' (A bar called Bar)
'No way, how could they do that to Joe???'
'The other guy had been saving it up for some time, and Joe just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.'
'I don't know though, if you know Joe he wouldn't have fallen for any low blow unless it was a bar-driven blow at the Bar bar.'
'Joe would have wandered off into the sewers' says bar guy 'He was last seen heading towards the sewers. I swears I don't know why!'. Joe could be found on level 4 or so, nursing a bandaged head.
They could also talk like old-school computer game characters, with limitations on characters for talking, with a squeak between screens of talk, with limited vocabulary like it was translated or the writer had limited vocabulary as demonstrated above.

Of course, Quetzalcoatl is also known as an incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Joseph and his amazing technicolor dream coat; Joseph and his quite all dream coat all (quetzalcoatl; all covering pandemic apparition).
I put the comment on Facebook, but I don't want it there now, so maybe I'll keep Facebook for face value stuff. Facebook like face value, the face value of a book, the cover, which is to say, how much is a book worth to an illiterati (illiterate+thief),ti=tea leaf=tief=thief. The Jews 'bought' the bible on face value then they tried to understand it en route, threw it amongst the rubbish ('lost it') and rewrote something based on that.

'Die Verbannten Kinder Evas - The Serpent's Voice'

It's what I wanted a flying serpent (dragon) that is also (part of the) machine. Notice the spurs, spikes on the spine.

Friday 7 October 2016

Toast Nation Banks Pete Neutron Dalek Nation Faeces

In Toast Season 3 Episode 1 Toast was referred to as a Knight of Culture several times. Its in the first part, of course it's 'A night of culture' referring to his live performance of Macbeth. Also Terry Nation is featured in The Culture Show, about the Daleks I think. It's a brief mention, Terry Nation is Terrance Nation is T-E-R-R-A-N-C-E nation is TRANCE NATION. Say terrance in a trance, and you may end up dancing in your pants like they do in France! On the surface, what a sh*tty title for a show, 'The Culture Show', 'Who's culture is it anyway?' but it could be referencing the same Culture referenced by Iain M. Banks.

'The birth of the Dalek - The Culture Show: Me, You and Doctor Who - BBC Two'

Terry Nation looks like Dennis Fetcho. The Daleks punked more out of British Culture with one word than the Sexy pistols did in their career. I was going to use that to describe Pete Steele 'he seems really insincere and has he had cosmetic surgery?', his whole face seems to have been remodelled. I told someone 'At his funeral one of the attendees said 'What I remember about him the most is his jokes'', quite pathetic for someone who's career is in gothic(go thick) music. His jokes were done as if he'd saved them up or had been told them before filming. I read an interview of him where he said  'Yeh our songs are often tongue in cheek. But which cheek, upper or lower, and which side?' or something like that, and thousands of people read that, it's like he got all the leftover cheesy club toilet jokes and for someone who wanted people to think he worked industrially, his production rate was piss poor.
DDD was promoting Neutron bombs, as originally pushed by Aquino, but indirectly, he didn't call them bullsh*t. He said they were too powerful to develop, he came up with another missile that could remotely disintegrate flesh while keeping electronics intact, of course neutron could be a code word for new robot, like the Terminator, neu+ron, new god.

There isn't even a trailer for the Daleks' invasion of Planet Earth by Terry Nation. I noticed contradictory references about him. He did / didn't do this and that, there's not even a proper documentary about Terry Nation.

'Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD (Fan Trailer)'

Fan trailer! It could be said that it's basically the same as Battlefield Earth, and Terry Nation isn't even mentioned

Number five in Battlestar Galactica could be Terry Nation. Fives and sixes, apparently reality is built on the relationship between those two numbers, it's mentioned in BSG2004.

'Battlestar Galactica (2004) Season 1 Episode 3 "Bastille Day" Number Six and Aaron Doral.mpg'

Bastille is of course 21Steele. This was basically the picture of 'Origin of the faeces' the unofficial Type O Negative release, a pun on 'Origin of the species'.

The release was withdrawn, last time I checked you couldn't even find it online, of course Peter Steele was the cover model.

Schwabb Cheese Hoaxbusters Roman Celebrities Willy Family Television Triffids

Schwabb has much worse cognitive defects than Chris Kendall. He seems to be DD's greatest fan, thinks that DD puts out great info, yet he bitches about everything DD says as well. He said that the Josh Reeves show had nothing in it that DD hadn't already said, also that all the Jew stuff was wrong. Matthew Schwabb's a jew lover, he loves Israel like Homer loves Duff beer, the one remaining Duff beer in the room. Duff reversed is like Fudd, as in Elmer Fudd.
DD talks about Americans who worship the Jew. The media being so Jewish snares Americans, those people who can actually watch trash like Big Bang theory.

Alan Watt's Cheese and Hamish sandwiches. Bernard Matthews style.

Andreas(Unreal), a French person on Hoaxbusters is sure that Egyptian pyramids can be built today 'Why even tell the story that they can't', I could reply 'Where are the new pyramids, then', Luxor was an imitation of the GP(Great Pyramid) apparently, but even then they couldn't copy it they are assuming that the pyramids are made out of sandstone as well it sounds like. Davidovitch got mentioned, with a name like that he has to be a joker. David o'bitch.
Sounds like they can't explain why the GP hasn't been rebuilt to modern Masons, and have been given some phoney baloney excuses, to cover up that they don't have the knowledge, never did, only when Apocalypse built the pyramids could they have been built. Apocalypse, hidden ones, shining ones etc. The floating cap of the pyramid. One theory is that the pyramids were poured into place, block by block. But what would the block frames be made of, and where are their remains, and still how can they be so close that you can barely put a razor blade between them if they were poured into frames. The Taliban are smashing up ancient statues etc to obscure the fact that they can't build them themselves, on order from up high, probably.
As I recall, the Roman Colosseum was built to recapture Rome's glory days, that were lost probably due to the Jews.

John Adams Afternoon Commute w/ Andreas Thursday, September 29, 2016

Celebrities celebraties celepreties are pretty pawns.
Wherever was Apocalypse building his new city in 'Xmen: Apocalypse'? Apocalypse 'This was meant to be the centre of the universe before I was betrayed' - would have to be Memphis, but I can't find any name given of the place he rebuilds at. I was going to post a link to a book that would correct Hoaxbusters, but they didn't really go into any details, just said that the pyramids could be built anytime, just because.

'Theme song to Brexit was/is "We're only making plans for Nigal [Farage]"'! It's Celtic Rebels' theme song as well, or one of them.

Hoaxbusters are more about kicking shit about than actually doing anything constructive, but that's the usual.

Hoaxbusters style talk about calculators 'And who can prove that 1 and 1 is actually 2. Not me!', they do pathetically little checking of their own sources. It's basically the same amount of checking of sources that might be done in a school assignment, copy and paste. That's not only Hoaxbusters but in general, and I expect the government has operatives to ensure that not much checking is done. They'd use people, who are only voices that respond in the affirmative as an authority. One of the giveaways is the bizarre promotion of the family by saying that 'they' are trying to destroy the family structure and that it's part of human life. Jeff Rense uses that on Jordan Maxwell. Family..mafia. As if life in the state isn't real life, but living like the family in Willy Wanka's Chocolate Factory is uplifting, all hosts do that. 'The Family' is another name for royalty, their backers. Demise of the family, it's an embarrassment it's horrible especially if one or more of them's a homosexual 'oh my family's a bunch of drug using perverted criminals and that's OK, but if anyone else shows any of those traits I'd f*cking kill 'em', they migh say. Marriage can f*ck people up for life, and families also can do that, instead the Truth Movement promotes that the family makes them human, and that is something sacred and godlike. It's ridiculous that children aren't the property of the state by now, they are virtually anyhow, from the birth certificate, state education.
At least the Roman Empire was more honest about ownership. 'Well, yes, the nuclear family can be bad. but we mean the extended family. that was the goody.', the Truth Movement now refers to the extended family instead of the nuclear family, which means that they are getting benefits from it themselves which is selfish, to promote something as good for everyone, because they are benefiting. Incestuous, and any individuality in families is stifled. Individuality within the family is secondary to the food and shelter needs traditionally, but those times aren't coming back, you can't have one 'gifted' person sustaining a family of 20, if it ever happened, those stories were probably bullsh*t. Mostly single people living in shared accommodation now, you don't get one person houses in urban areas usually.
Television=photosynthesis. People live like plants, they photosynthesise from the TV which provides the photosynthesis as the word television means photosynthesis. The image of the television surrounded by plants, I have not been able to find, it's as if nobody else made the connection, although it's a word automatically deconstructed into it's English parts. I was thinking of maybe plants in front of a television with the caption 'photosynthesis', of course the plants would resemble a family. 'The day of the triffids', tamed triffids are the people.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Jeff Doctor Dalek Clinton Zuckerberg Hitchhikers Mice

Jeff Young admits that he has only one ball, and his time in Megadeth was just an act.
9/14/16: Can You See the REAL Me!?
"DOWN THE TUBES W(ith) SPREAKERGATE : DOUGLAS GOT BUSK-ED and THE DIETRICH TAPES RELEASED – THE PRIVATE SIDE ‘O’ THE ‘Д (“D”) RECORDED W / OUT HIS CONSENT AND PUBLISHED W / OUT HIS PERMISSION Ô’‘ēr THE 091416 (September 14th, 2016) TRANSMISSION (68:00—111:44 [from an Hour-and-Eight Minutes Through an Hour-and-Fifty-One Minutes Into Podcast] "
I was looking for censored Doctor Who episodes, I've been posting links to recovered / remade episodes. Youtube blocks certain scenes from some episodes. Some guy has rebuilt in computer graphics the episodes for which the video is lost, others have used stills to cover over the audio, all the ones I've seen are Terry Nation creations.
Dalek quotes: 'WE ARE YOUR SERVANTS!','WE ARE THE NEW WORLD ORDER', concerning the Daleks 'MARSHALL LAW, WHAT GOOD WOULD THAT DO AGAINST THE DALEKS?'. (CAPITAL quotes from Power of the Daleks episode 4/5, and episode 6).
It's the Terry Nation ones that interest me, the Daleks. The archives were damaged, lost, destroyed. I blame the Queen for not ensuring that the shows were archived. BBC and fans have been recovering them ever since they were first shown, I wouldn't be surprised if there is some monkeying around of the recovered material.

The Youtube Who Recons Channel shows were coincided with the BBC release of same episodes, audio only. The dodgy shadows hint that it might be a ReCon itself, shadows are usually messed up in computer graphics, a reference to Spectre I think. Spectral forces, the shadow realm 'This spectred isle' (this sceptred isle). The Daleks are vertical maggots. Whore Cons (who recons = whore cons).

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump squared off at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. Hemel Hempstead, my birthplace.
Renses' talks to Maxwell are bizarre 'Using the internet is walking across a crowded boulevard, blindfolded'.
Alan Watt is mumbling through his shows, maybe he's practicising his death metal growls.

Mark Zuckerberg, is a one-armed Dalek, a Dalek with a typing stick and no gun.
In the Master Plan, The Daleks receive a 50-year deposit of Terranium from Uranus. However it turns out to be bad sh*t. All 50M's of it (Terranium is weighed in M's). In the Master Plan of the Daleks, Episode 8 Volcano, two bumbling time travelling monks seal the door lock of the turdis, forcing the doc-taur(doctor) to jimmy the lock using the sun reflected off his (ruby?) ring. Master Plan is based on an idea by Terry Nation only.
'Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy', Earth is run by mice. Mouse is mousse (mousses are enemies in Final Fantasy), moussetache = mousse ache, the male that the female wants(aches) for, moustache, mousses are women as compared to puddings. Moon mousse Final Fantasy IV 'The After Years', the after birth.

Hamish died! HARAMISH!!

'Alan Watt (Sept 18, 2016) The Cunning Few, The Master Knaves Now Own the World, and You, The Slaves'

Even tho' there's supposedly 422 Hoaxbusters files currently files on Talkshoe, I can only get 274, also on the earliest shows, Chris sounds maybe 10 years younger. Latest Hoaxbusters calls show didn't mention the death of Haramish!