Thursday 20 October 2016

Tokyo Japanese Conan Lucifer Nun Steel Leopard Evans Young Glastonbury

I saw 'Tokyo: The last War' today, it has the same name as a movie I wanted to watch, it was all anti-war, with no background to why the war started, a Japanese movie the two things that I retain: Tulips will survive after everyone died (they basically said that), and the theme music to 'Conan the Barbarian' 20 years before it was used in another movie, at the end with 'Who shall set this right', as the war descends into times of Apocalypse, a-pair'o'lips, two lips, TULIPS or parted lips, the earth as a lusty k*nt. Lust was the subtext for the downfall of mankind in the movie.

'The Last War (1961) - Trailer'

The Conan music is right at the end. 1hour19minutes into it. they slipped it into the last 33 seconds.
Toho became TouHou, the game franchise associated with Zunn.
Two lips, the mouth of God. In the beginning there was God and the word, tulips are pretty much the identity of holland that and those silly hats that nuns also wear. Flappy Biggles hats and of course the windmills and the clogs, the learner cogs? Does Lucifer have to wear clogs as an apprentice? I think Pinocchio did. The German boy who keeps the evil feminine quiet, because all homosexuality stems from the feminine so the German boy keeps 'her' quiet so that the man can grow? The finger could be considered the least part of god, the hand is the wand, the finger is a baby wand, the digit (dig it) is the least part of the wand. The digit digs into the whole(whore),. There was actually a show called 'The Flying Nun'.

'Flying Nun,The (Intro) S1 E2 (1967)'

I never saw any nuns who dressed like this, I'd have said 'you are bunny rabbit nuns' or 'why do you dress like bunny rabbits'. We need a real man like Kealey to Investigate, call it the Kealey Investigations Force, 'KIF ah-ha,ah-huh' (as in the KLF).

Trump card wins (one, 1), 45th president, it's a hidden 451.
Steel Panther is Def Leppard, Def is death. The east?tablishment(establishment of the east) cannot handle Death Metal. Death leopard is a reference to Berg Katse etc, the one armed drummer is supposedly a reference to endurance. They are associated with a DVD entitled 'British Invasion'. One armed drummer = han(+d for drummer) solo.

Der Untergang der alten Welt, by Heimdalls Wacht

Der Untergang der Alan Watt, maybe he bit a Rockefeller.
Apparently DD and Harambe(Hamamoto) had a live fallout, I haven't listened to the show yet, I downloaded it within minutes of it being uploaded, and apparently DD even took down the interview link and usual 250 feet tall oil painting. However after checking, it's still up, Matthew Schwabb the wisest Jew has spent all day wibbling about something that could be checked in moments, just got back from work to read his wibble.

John Evans is a blind guy who's on DD's show, and DD is using the compensation for lack of sight to have him as a voice-reading talent. DD DareDevil. John Evans misheard Brandon Young before the show when he said that Max Spiers was buried at Glastonbury. He was told it was Canterbury. John Evans went off on a story about Glastonbury, now he's been corrected he says it doesn't make any difference. So he then was saying that Canterbury is just as terrible as Glastonbury.

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