Monday 24 October 2016

Bram Frank Master Dhalsim Street Zoltar Sardos Joeblow

Bram Stoker = Bram Stroker (Bram = brain;  Stoker=stroker=mental masturbator).
Frank 'n' furter would be a mockery of the Ferenczy (frank / frankie; furter = father), and Nosferatu is much more rooted in European history than Dracula. Frank'n'furter behaves much like Dracula would behave, and Dracula didn't behave like Vlad the Impaler, more likely Brain Stroker took the name and applied it to some perverted aristocratic stereotype.

In Streetfighter II V anime, M. Bison just said 'So, the fly begins to annoy the bull'. The M in M bison is for Master. It's a really good anime, it has story lines behind meeting all the characters. M Bison is the head of Shadow Law. Chun Li's dad is a police person who busts drug gangs. Chun Li is a tourist guide, and Ken learns from Dhalsim. Vega switched names with Bison in the Japanese version.

Vega / Master Bison / Kato+

'Street Fighter II V E02 The King of the Airforce'

'Street Fighter 2 V Episode 01  The Beginning of a Journey'

I wouldn't be surprised if fiddling with my Inbox is a strategy to stop others from knowing how many games I can buy on a minimal wage. For instance, I have over 3000 steam games.

In Streetfighter II V, one of M Bison's advisors has the same voice as 'I am Berg Katse' the 51st President in Gatchaman (1994), and another of the advisors is called Zoltar. Zoltar, Zoltan of Battle of the Planets,Sultan Gris of Mission Earth. Zangief's theme in Streetfighter II V is the same bass line(basically) as Trogdor(theme). M Bison after implanting a triangle (equilaterial) chip into Ryu 'How does it feel, Ryu' (New Order, Blue Monday reference) 'Ha, I forgot that now you feel only what I tell you'. The chip is a mood-regulator who's effect can be affected remotely.

That movie about girls being exploited by a Jew, with the ending of them in a pit, is called Bloodthirsty Freaks. I thought it was called Sardos because that was the central character.

The game Shroud of the Avatar has probably been made in homage to JoeBlow

I got some video clips of DD to upload, him looking all crazy like ghostbuster Luigi. DD 'Encounter with Ghouls' Ghost buster Luigi gear I think.

'Douglas Dietrich An Encounter with Ghouls'

Notice the wacky silver weapon on DD.

“Bill Clinton in private speech: UK's Jeremy Corbyn is a "guy off the street... the maddest person in the room"

Donald Trump would have lost if Bernie Sanders had been the candidate

Bill Clinton branded Jeremy Corbyn 'maddest person in the room', leaked speech reveals

This tree is 'The Hanging Tree' seen in the Phantasm movies, and probably the tree in the Queens of the Stone Age song. First I wanted a close-up of Jacob De tall manschild hanging, but none were available, besides this ones not only about the Rothschilds.

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