Friday 7 October 2016

Toast Nation Banks Pete Neutron Dalek Nation Faeces

In Toast Season 3 Episode 1 Toast was referred to as a Knight of Culture several times. Its in the first part, of course it's 'A night of culture' referring to his live performance of Macbeth. Also Terry Nation is featured in The Culture Show, about the Daleks I think. It's a brief mention, Terry Nation is Terrance Nation is T-E-R-R-A-N-C-E nation is TRANCE NATION. Say terrance in a trance, and you may end up dancing in your pants like they do in France! On the surface, what a sh*tty title for a show, 'The Culture Show', 'Who's culture is it anyway?' but it could be referencing the same Culture referenced by Iain M. Banks.

'The birth of the Dalek - The Culture Show: Me, You and Doctor Who - BBC Two'

Terry Nation looks like Dennis Fetcho. The Daleks punked more out of British Culture with one word than the Sexy pistols did in their career. I was going to use that to describe Pete Steele 'he seems really insincere and has he had cosmetic surgery?', his whole face seems to have been remodelled. I told someone 'At his funeral one of the attendees said 'What I remember about him the most is his jokes'', quite pathetic for someone who's career is in gothic(go thick) music. His jokes were done as if he'd saved them up or had been told them before filming. I read an interview of him where he said  'Yeh our songs are often tongue in cheek. But which cheek, upper or lower, and which side?' or something like that, and thousands of people read that, it's like he got all the leftover cheesy club toilet jokes and for someone who wanted people to think he worked industrially, his production rate was piss poor.
DDD was promoting Neutron bombs, as originally pushed by Aquino, but indirectly, he didn't call them bullsh*t. He said they were too powerful to develop, he came up with another missile that could remotely disintegrate flesh while keeping electronics intact, of course neutron could be a code word for new robot, like the Terminator, neu+ron, new god.

There isn't even a trailer for the Daleks' invasion of Planet Earth by Terry Nation. I noticed contradictory references about him. He did / didn't do this and that, there's not even a proper documentary about Terry Nation.

'Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD (Fan Trailer)'

Fan trailer! It could be said that it's basically the same as Battlefield Earth, and Terry Nation isn't even mentioned

Number five in Battlestar Galactica could be Terry Nation. Fives and sixes, apparently reality is built on the relationship between those two numbers, it's mentioned in BSG2004.

'Battlestar Galactica (2004) Season 1 Episode 3 "Bastille Day" Number Six and Aaron Doral.mpg'

Bastille is of course 21Steele. This was basically the picture of 'Origin of the faeces' the unofficial Type O Negative release, a pun on 'Origin of the species'.

The release was withdrawn, last time I checked you couldn't even find it online, of course Peter Steele was the cover model.

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