Saturday 30 December 2017

Lord Illuminati Whore King In Space

Eeeeeeeeeeevil Lord British went on a spaceship ride with crippled Haw King (crippled whore King), so it must be true!

Richard Garriot (Lord British) top left

I wonder why there aren't more pictures of them together?

Better PR with William Shatner (lookalike) perhaps?

M Bison 'Psycho Crusher' move

'Indeed it is a perp;exing situation. Mayhap Lord British chose this venture to extract the urine out of M Bison in a figurative manner'

Friday 29 December 2017

Thanos Hoaxbuster Daily Shoah Discord Our Interesting Times Trump Czhecneia

Thanos has a beard Allah Thanos (all of thanos includes the beard). Code THANOSWINS gives you a free Thanos #13.
I caught John Adams somehow cancelling my recording of them with Linux in Hoaxbusters Call Discord Server. I didn't even know someone could remotely stop a recording on Linux, I know it can be done on Windows, with special software. I restarted the Discord app, started recording and held my hands to my sides and saw it happen again. They were talking about how they got committed to the madhouse, Delcroix was warning them that I'd be recording. They must be secret government agents, John Adams officially knows nothing about computers, he was saying how they had special training to do their shows, which figures. I was saying that I couldn't do what they do, on Windows. The group of them were saying I'm not English, which is absurd. I started recording after they were saying I wasn't English, but they had quietened down and it was JA's usual stories. I was taking the piss out of them, but also there wasn't any warning of the recording stopping, the recording icon switched off 'by itself'. Perhaps John Adams was overrun by someone else who used a synthesised version of his voice warning me not to record, and exploiting Meltdown and Spectre to remotely disable recording. Obviously if someone tells me to stop recording, I'm going to carry on recording!  JA's 'daughter' is also a recording, as is Lynn, she hasn't said a thing in the Discord group (Lynn = lyin', lying). I had what had previously been recorded, but it only got wacky afterwards. Anyhow it was late and a weekday and wasn't even interesting, just paranoic babble so I stopped listening. John Adams suspected Christ of stealing his belongings during his move. John Adams has been moving house for months.

Now I hear on the Daily Shoah, they've got an English guy, new to shows, 18 I think, hugely anti-EU, who says he's got a podcast coming up with Master Brewer on Radio Albion, couldn't find it. How convenient for them. 1hr 6minutes 32 second in 'The Daily Shoah-250: Love Wins (January 29th 2018) Pt.2', the English guy talks about upcoming podcast. Video has since been removed from YouTube.

Discord's where it's at, even if you get blocked you can see read what happens, it's like a shadow ban.

I didn't listen to all of the California show on 'Our Interesting Times'. The Hoaxbusters call about Star Wars VIII, Chewbacca not eating chicken was apparently promoting veganism and there was something about milk, maybe was the highlight. Chew-backa-bakka. Chickens go bakka-bakka, but does he chew chicken? No!

Glen should apply for a job as Trump's Chief Magician, even create the opening himself. He can arrive at the white house on a drone shaped like a bagel.

 'Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History - Part 2'

Chris Chan, Christian?

John Adams was also saying about a TalkShoe purge and a YouTube purge. My stuff is still up, I think it was Christ deleting their accounts, they still do shows 'tho.
'@JRAdams857 this new THKelly guest questions the validity of your most recent talk with Tim. '
John Haskins on the Council for National Policy, Conspiracy and the Culture War by Our Interesting Times

John Adams literally picked that book on sex with robots from a pile of books left in a library in Czhecneia. I saw it in a photo as part of an article.

abandoned libraries czechnia - Google Search

Astro Turf Planing

Artificial grass is possibly the new euphemistic name for astroturf, maybe this is superior to astroturf. However grass also means spy (informant), maybe the grass is bugged.

Anyhow, I looked for astroturf, which is why the heading is as it is, in part it's a joke about the astral plane (astroturf), is the grass greener on the other side of the astral plane.

'Might & Magic IV & V: World of XEEN Ending'

Found this, which explains why they don't use the term astroturf anymore

'astroturfingˈastrəʊtəːfɪŋ/nounthe deceptive practice of presenting an orchestrated marketing or public relations campaign in the guise of unsolicited comments from members of the public.'
It reminds me of being buried alive in the astral plane.
Is The Astroturf Greener On The Other Side?

Chris Kendal Artificial Grass

Thursday 28 December 2017

Amuse B Or Abuse M, That Is The Question

Fritz Lang - Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Teil 1 (1922)- 1080p [Multi Subs] 

Dr. Mabuse, I presume. Sectioned 45(degrees) and another 1

I'm guessing this predates Aiwass Lam 

Also note the Crowleyesque 'shadow' to the left, reminiscent of AC in his infamous 'ohh arr I'm a pirate' hat.

Mabuse is an anagram of Baum'se, Baum, the Wizard Of Oz. Baum'se Kat'se, see? As the Mafioso say in the Bugs Bunny cartoons.

Friday 22 December 2017

Jeremy Slob Claus Conspiracy Semite Varg

Jeremy Corbyn is the commie Obi Wan, brainwashing Puke into fighting the 'evil' Darth Vader on his capitalist flag ship (death star)

'Merry Christmas, children. 
Ho ho ho. 
Oh this drinks' for me?'

Nobodies linked this suicide of Slobodan Praljak to Santa Claus apart from me.

This is that new A View From Space show.

'JACS (Just Another Conspiracy Show) second episode. I would appreciate feedback, and I am open to suggestions for other platforms, at least until I figure out how to get the video part working!!'
'The world war 2 deception, and how the world is heading towards another blood sacrifice' Hosted by J.R. Williams. I've only listened to a few seconds, but I don't see much comparison and where's the intro or after, outro.

Who in the Holy Bible S(e)MITES?
s-s-s-S-MITE! So, anti-Semite is doing the Lords' will?
'The LORD shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart:'
Definition of Semite in English: Semite
'Semite ˈsiːmʌɪt,ˈsɛmʌɪt/Submit noun a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.'
As Jews and Arabs have been against each other historically, who is the offended party, or maybe it's an offence against the language itself. Speaking English is anti-semitic then.

'If man evolved from apes, why are there still blacks?'.
Biggest boobs gets the worm as Mother Mary may have said

The Fat Controller, Churchill sounds like Chuu Chuu, a Chuu Chuu train, Cth-chuu-chuu (Cthulhu).

Just try selling your bitcoin: Cryptocurrency pioneer warns against 'extremely risky' investment
Breakit, Brexit, is Britain hoping to sell bitCoins (britcoins?) to make a fortune?

Latest hoaxbusters call has live video, Chris is the drummer from Pantera, with underpants on his head and a spermcatcher in front of his mouth!

The Last Jedi is blatantly Varg 'tho.

Thursday 21 December 2017

Stone Whinging The Apocalypse

David Duke made the most silly comments about Stonehenge, although he says he's visited it, he made it sound like some venerable stone cathedral instead of a bunch of badly formed teeth all falling down and shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiit. Also they often don't use Stonehenge in pics that people assume are of Stonehenge, that is, if those pics are of +human-sized henges, and not some models. There you go, stonehenge 2017 it looks like a bum's teeth that got knocked out. Why would anyone want to be associated with it, I thought Quatermass (conclusion) was going to have the whinge nuked, but no such luck.

Who left all those smaller stones lying around, that can't have been part of the original design. Even the restored version didn't look anything like completed, bunch of cowboys.
Heres the whinge at winter solstice (Dec 21st) 2017, did it have a bum makeover?

'You call this completed? Get back to work you bloody gypsy!' as Apocalypse might say

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Water P*ss Take

'Trump's drinking water with 2 hands, is to do with him being God Emperor of Dune.'

“Bless the Maker and His water. 
Bless the coming and going of Him. 
May His passage cleanse the world. 
May He keep the world for His people. ” 
― Frank Herbert 

Seems like he's taking the p*ss.

Sunday 17 December 2017


From an angle, the taut (taught) cord would look like the Nasa logo parts chevron and loop as a shekel (circle with a hole).

I prefer to describe shekel as that coin with a hole because 'there's a hole in my pocket, Delilah'

Saturday 16 December 2017

Seer(CIA) WACjobs Vs The User

If Americans aren't Wimpy American Cuck jobs then why have they said or done nothing towards the Butthurt (Windsore/Windsor) family since the release of the Dianagate tapes? I've heard nothing from Wankee Doodoo Gandhi's (America) synagogue(alternative to the mainstream or Truth Movement), even 'tho those tapes were released 14 months ago. Only in the last few days have Sh*ts (Brits) heard it, cue cries for the abolition of the monarchy.

Do Americans of the synagogue (Truth Movement) have to agree to not talk about 'Abolition of the Monarchy' and instead have to wait until the British press talks about it, and then can only talk about it in reference to that?

How did Americans go from this in 2011:
Doug Stanhope on The Ridiculous Royal Wedding (Charlie Brooker's 2011 Wipe Year in Review)
Doug Stanhope thinks your monarchy is embarrassing.

To this in 2017:
Gay Fat Woman S(h)*tting on the American Flag
Is this the spirit of 1776?

Friday 15 December 2017

A Dam President Awakens Zunn Force

Orwell on Steam 'Big Brother has arrived - and it’s you. Investigate the lives of citizens to find those responsible for a series of terror attacks. Information from the internet, personal communications and private files are all accessible to you. But, be warned, the information you supply will have consequences.'

Star Tetrahedron
'The Merkaba is perhaps the most astounding and all-encompassing of all designs in Sacred Geometry. The "self-contained Universe" depicting Creation and Infinity. This video contains two merkabas (star tetrahedrons) spinning at a 21 to 34 ratio as determined by the 'Fibonacci Sequence'. ~Please enjoy it ! :-) Music: "Excape" by Baker Beltz from the album "Goodbye Restless Night" now available on iTunes.'

A star tetrahedron is shown in Gatchaman 1994, it's the strange objects that attract people on Earth (possibly). The star tetrahedron is unfortunately touted by Hoagland, but I suspect he was right on one thing, and the rest is bullsh*t.

John Adams for President 2016- Allison Eaton

John Adams on the 2016 US Presidential Election and Political Theater

Same John Adams as on Hoaxbusters?
'Why didn't I get any votes?' maybe the whole clinton campaign secretly hinged on everyone listening to John Adams on Hoaxbusters and following his Clinton tip. Deep state, deep waters they probably still swim in the shallow end of the pool.
If there was any credibility they'd be talking about tossing away preconceptions. They just study the graffiti in plato's cave. Play'doh's cave it's their own graffiti, sometimes generations old it's like discovering how to build the Cheops pyramid by studying the hieroglyphics inside. Undertone, subtone,bass,spectre,spectral, meaningful words they don't use +subtext. It's a childish fear of shadows, admire Cliff Richard, don't look at the Shadows.
It's like watching Bond movies, in every movie, spectre in various forms is poised on world domination, after appearing from seemingly nowhere, and the only person who can stop their plans apparently coming to fruition also happens to work with them, but nobody mentions that in the movies.
Nobody has tried to sack 007 for being a double-agent, or even questioned his integrity, it's a win-win for him, like night follows day
Coca-cola=cock'a'cooler, Shiva's lingam, which is why Coca cola made the modern image of Santan (Santa Satan).

How kind of Jeff Rense and Barack Obama to voice on a MoonMan album

John Adams is actually younger than me, he's almost 40 and talking about feeling old.
I've always been accused of doing incredible, ridiculous, impossible things, it's easier for them to attribute superpowers onto other people than actually try to do things for themselves. which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I can imagine the hosts of the truth movement reincarnating endlessly on the wheel of life always fighting 'the man'
That's why people want summaries of things, then they judge on those summaries, and go to the next thing, summarised and learn next to nothing, their memories are a list of book titles and authors and summaries and miss out on the details going through life like myopic back-seat drivers or anyone not in pole position in the race.

I think it's Obama that was set up to demoralise America Amoralica. Now marijuana's legalised, people are more daft and lazy and don't even know it the daft and lazy have crept to the foreground, pushing the active and thinking types to the background, and if anyone objects they are seen as not being liberal enough.

He'll have to order the sausage pizza on every menu 'does it come with a kid attached?'

"'Feed them pizza' becomes 'Gate them with Pizza', PizzaGate, John Podesta are a cover-story and a front-person to divert attention from any real investigation that's happening globally, as those investigations bear fruit so does the abandoned Pizza wither on the Gate. " I started that on a DD facebook wall post, but abandoned it.

I couldn't find any images of pizza boxes left on gates.
'Yes we can(n)-abis' 'Yes we cAhnubis'
After saying that people are saying that Hoaxbusters is some kinda dis-info or fraud, Chris starts going on about nukes being faked! The Nuke'd kid on the (mason) block (New Kids on the Block). It's sort of like a stage magician starting his show by saying people are complaining that the rabbit out of a hat trick is getting stale, then doing the same trick, wearing different socks.

Thursday 14 December 2017

From The Pit To Kennedy Space Via LaVey'tation

Oy Vey, attention vey, attention LaVey (as in Anton LaVey)?

Anton LaVey, might have planted the phrase 'Oy Vey' into the culture.
Anton is also Tony, as in Tony Stark (Marvel Iron Man). I M Iron Man.
I've found another LaVey'ian reference in a Brian Lumley book where it suggests he could shapeshift.

"Now then, tell me about . . . tell me about your dreams, my Tony, my little Anthony. This was a dream, as Anthony was vaguely aware; albeit a 'repeat performance' of a conversation that had actually taken place some hours earlier. But now, feeling that ominous something creeping closer still — beginning to understand or remember what it was — he shivered as he answered: 'My dreams? What of my dreams?' But his father only tut-tutted, and said: Ah, Anthony, my dear, sweet boy .'But I have listened to them. To yours, and to your brother's dreams. For years I have listened, even decades. Not merely to eavesdrop —though that was part of it — but because that was how . . . how it started in me. In dreams, yes . . . And now the something, no longer unknown — but definitely unspeakable — reared up large as monstrous life to come knocking on the doors of reality! Thump! Thump! Thump! A timid, triple knock at first. But Anthony was ignoring it, gazing into the mouth of the pit even as he had gazed in real life. And he was asking the same question, too: 'Father, that was how what started in you?' I had thought . . . perhaps Francesco? his father answered, as if he mused to himself. No, no, let's be honest: I had even hoped it would be your brother. But alas, I hoped in vain. For I have seen it in your dreams, my Tony, my poor dear boy. Even as it was in mine, so it is in yours. His dreams: those terrible dreams that he had hidden from everyone, even himself. The nightmare that he was — or that he was like, or that he would be like — the thing in the pit! But now Anthony knew, and horror reared up in the heart of him, in his mind, in his flesh and bones. And creeping up from the pit — climbing the walls in sickening, seething rags, tendrils and groping limbs, staring up at him even as he stared bulge-eyed down upon it — Anthony saw his own mad future!"
Anton LaVey never said he was a Jew, from his writings, he was a Romanian Gypsy.

Anton LaVey was the go-to source for satanism in Hollywood, whenever there was a ritual in a movie script, they'd send it to him. He 'dated' Marilyn Monroe, who seems to have followed the path of the Satanic Witch (one of his published works), also she may have been seen as Jayne Mansfield.

This is sorta publically acknowledged, search Anton LaVey Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfields' name appears.
Alter-personalities with alter-bodies, JM said she was in rituals with ALV before he started the Church of Satan, also Anton was very good at holding back information, timed-release.

Also of course ALV looks 'just like' the actor in Flash Gordon who played Ming the Merciless, who's role was previously played by Charles Middleton, now I'm thinking that this 70's Ming actor was an alter-body of ALV. MM pillow-talked with JFK, and we know JFK wanted so badly to go to the moon.

Badly enough that they created the whole moon hoax for him, the only thing remaining was to make him a martyr.

'Let's pretend the demons are space aliens from out there. That way as information is exposed, people will not accuse us of exposing it, but look to others...out there.'
Space brothers!
Masons in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaace.

Of course communists used the word comrade instead of brother, but it means the same thing.

Space brothers (Russian translation) : космические братья kosmicheskiye brat'ya
Kosmic brats, ya?

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Ze Carrier Stitch Witch Saves Nein

The only credible book Z Sitchin wrote might have been the one about time, but it's contents are difficult to verify and I expect it went over his readership's / cult following's heads. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a Masonic Jew, the only photo going around about the time of publication of his books in the UK was of him clutching a stone egg on a table. 

Urban Dictionary: Shemhamforash
Usually spelled "Shemhamephorash." It is translated from a Hebrew phrase meaning "the explicit name." It refers to a name of the Hebrew God. Most commonly, it refers to the name "Yahweh." It has also been used to refer to a 72-letter name of the Hebrew God. "Shemhamforash" is also used in Anton LaVey's "The Satanic Bible" to refer to the LaVeyan Satan or to say "Hail Satan." It is commonly questioned why LaVey used a Hebrew phrase used to refer to a white-light God as a Satanic Statement, but today, "Shemhamforash" is usually used as a Satanic statement instead of Hebrew.

Nothing about 'blast off' or 'launch rocket ship' or whatever there, unlike in your writings Mr Stitchin'.

From The Emperor And The Golem (Europe's most expensive movie)

[English subtitles]The Emperor's Baker, The Emperor And The Golem, Part 1(1952)

[English subtitles]The Emperor Of The Baker (1951), The Emperor And The Golem, Part 2(1952)

'Teach your 'kids' to worship Satan'

Dwarves (are Jews)

Friday 8 December 2017

Don't Ask Who The Gray Bell Tolls For, The Granny Bell Tolls For Jews

Have you noticed that the Wind'sores are being called the Sachs Colbert now (Goethe has (got)up and left Them). I still don't have a sticky enough name for the truth movement, I like the Synagogue 'tho.
Gary Bell got thrown off Toronto AM640 for anti-semitic comments, Jews tried to cover things up in the Gary Bell AVFS Facebook group.
Gary Bell=Gabriel

Who are the Jews?

Jews, you's gotta protect Israel 'cos Lord Palmerston said so.
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston Jay Dyer mentions Lord Palmerston on Our Interesting Crimes(Times).
Timeline of Zionism This is a partial timeline of Zionism in the modern era, since the start of the 16th century.

"'1840 Lord Shaftesbury presents a paper to British Foreign Minister Lord Palmerston calling for the 'recall of the Jews to their ancient land'. 1840 (August 11) Lord Palmerston writes to Lord Ponsonby, British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire: "There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe, a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine... It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and settle in Palestine because the wealth which they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan's dominions; and the Jewish people, if returning under the sanction and protection, and at the invitation of the Sultan, would be a check upon any future evil designs of Mehemet Ali (of Egypt) or his successor... I have to instruct Your Excellency strongly to re-commend (to the Turkish Government) to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine."[8]'"

Couldn't find any pics of him 'palming one off' so to speak 'tho.The Jews are one of the three slave religion types under Abraham, namely Judo'ism, Christianity and Islamabangadingdong-alinglong-a-Laden.
The Granny Bell Jews in particular? They'd be pop-up Jews, claiming to have spoken to Gary Bell for hours on the phone and claiming to have known him for years.
It's a damage limitation exercise, diversion, I sent
'what next, some fake holiday video like in 'The Running Man'?'
Gray Bell 'left' literally one week before completion, now all the Windsore's are due to get hitched, Hairy to a black woman! Ha, and black-haired, which smacks of desperation.
Don Black (of the Daily Shoah) said 'now the cycle is complete' about Harry having his marriage announced, thence 'completion'.

Gary Bell may be Soundwave in the Transformers series. Soundwave, the one who captures a satellite in 'Rise Of The Fallen'

'Transformers ROTF - Soundwave scenes'

I think there's been some doctoring of birth certificates etc going on, 'tho. Gary Bell would say that marrying Princess Diana Spencer? meant that Charles accessed all the noble bloodlines. Really? How did Prince Charmless get to the front of the queue?

To spell out the obvious (perhaps) all these women or 'lay'dies (get laid and die) noble bloodlines do is talk about who they should marry, under the umbrage of sex, what else is there to talk about for them?

Ahh, I think that was also hinted at in Alice Through The Looking Glass with Johnny Depp.
'They made Johnny Depp go mad so he wouldn't expose the truth about lazy lady tarts and sheeeeeeeeeeeeeiit'

CheltenHAM (See Hel Ten Ham) Actors

Semen Simon and Rick the prick (Cheltenham residents) have been at the 2 Pigs again, prick said to me 'Can I stick my finger up your arse' I said 'can I chop your mother into pieces and force them into your mouth?', if I got a gun and splattered their brains around, they'd still turn up next weekend.
F*cking semen made my room stink of glue all week, semen(Simon).
Glue chosen because it smells like spunk?
So he could claim we had sex?
It's obviously very important to Her Majesty (Maggotsty).
'Is Simon gay?' Guess from his Facebook pictures (deleted now). It's their hilarious joke, there were countless pictures of him with prick on Facebook in gay 'suggestive' poses.
Semen said once 'Its OK, I didn't sleep in your bed', but the bed stank all week. It's all contrived, they have people (some claimed to work for GCHQ) crisis (cry-sis(ter)) actors, around them when they say such offensive things.
'Is Rick gay?', he's ugly as f*ck so I expect so. Neither of them are officially, but you'll find many pictures of them 'pretending' to be. What those f*ckwits don't get, is there is no pretending they are queer, because lust can't be faked and captured in a photo with another man unless you're in lust with another man. Maybe it's all to push the gay agenda and neither of them have had gay sex. King Simon'd(King Diamond) and Prince Charmless(Prince Charles) or more likely Prince Prick(Prince Willybum).

Spies everywhere, useless spies, and not one can think.
(Water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink)

Mental cases who get money from the government so they can hang around annoying people, how is that cool.
Shitty British humour, ha laughing at the British, Shittish humor.
My half-dead sister's last email to me was one weird thing about me seeing a psychiatrist. I notice someone's deleted it from it's folder. I was going to send that to Prick, ha, with the header removed, like Valerie (Hillary) Clinton does. Now that, as they say, is funny!
Some black woman went up to me and shook my hand, asking 'how are you?' I replied, and she said 'you look sad' then I remembered it was a prostitutes' chat up line. I don't remember her at all 'tho, I thought that Michelle Obama had fallen on hard times.
I sent this to some olde timey Facebook friend, Ade Davey after getting a request from Facebook to poke him:
'Facebook suggested I poke you,  I have no idea how it decided that 😀
Here's a band you might like. I did some promotion for them on facebook, and one of the guitarists is now on my friends list and he requested to be added! 
'Vampire Squid - Vampire Squid (FULL ALBUM 2013/HD)'
Don't know if that's their 'best' album, I like all I've heard, they are probably my favourite band I've heard in 2017 'tho. But really needs to be listened to in .FLAC not .mp3 youtube format
The above got me a reply of 'What are you on about?', to which I replied 'never mind'.

Somebody was complaining about talking about games in Discord. Discord was created as a games chat server so whatever.
I was told I was crashing the Unity Answers server (or something similar) by editing one of my posts 6 times. The person who said it had ridiculously high credentials, 2000+ posts and at least as many up-votes.
Plus they'd worked on so many games, why would they even stoop so low as to comment on me? Their post was really bitchy, also they made basic technical errors the equivalent of saying I had damaged hard drives, as if they were AMPing it up.
Point is, there are high-level trolls just waiting to snipe people. Tower troll shooters.

'Absu Interview with Eville TV'

Interview with Proscriptor McGovern in Vienna @ The Viperroom
'Have you ever any problems with your voice'
'I usually don't', who's voice is it, anyway? I guess, Stewart Swerdlow's.

Dating sites are like writing names in public toilets, I've always had those salty slugs that know nothing about me, put on airs and graces as if they did and talk so.
After all most British people can't read simple English (as in the EU referendum).
The salty slugs are going to carry on making up stories on me regardless, as they did since school and probably since before I was born.
The one person I unfriended on Facebook, Sigrid Menzel,  I did so because she said I was 'handsome' on Facebook, the only person to say anything like that even after the comment was 6 years old on Facebook. She'd stalk me with comments on pics that I liked. She claims to have moved to Germany, and has a gay son, or maybe she is her gay son. She said he was visiting the UK, U Gay more like, she wanted me to show him around town, as if I could show him all round Cheltenham to London, probably the gay clubs only. It's always the same with these people, or entity singular; they're obsessed with gays, have awkward social skills (have handlers) and are compulsive liars.

Went to MooMoo's on Thursday 'cos it was metal night. It was on one floor, quite small but the bad thing was the pink glowing floor, or it might have been peach, at least it wasn't set to multi-color flashing. Mostly it was short-haired guys with those Scottish pattern things on their shirts.
The only male metaller there apart from me that I remember was dancing with them, for them, like a gay boy. Ha, maybe it was a gay boy's metal parlor.
The music was really weak, they played Tenacious D and the thing with Tenacious D is it's shit and a joke on the audience.
Tenacious D is a bunch of lame ideas strung together.
Tenacious'ly(d) clings to the Devil's butt, like the Pope does to Powdered Toast Man
The music 'peaked' at around that time.