Thursday 30 June 2016

David Jesus Brexit Farage Makara Banks Culture Superman

David Cameron mentioned David Icke
PM denies 'giant David Icke EU conspiracy' as he unveils £17m border cash

David Cameron: There is no ‘David Icke-style Conspiracy’ to Keep Britain in the EU [videos]

So that's another global Truth Movement first that never got mentioned, first time a conspiracy theorist got mentioned by a Prime Minster / President / leader. Obama never mentioned Alex Jones, Alex Jones should rant about it. I wonder if there's a soundbite of that, probably buried under one of the so-called suicides in the white house.

Headline: Jesus Christ blames Jew'lia's for 911!"
Chief Rabbi condemns 'offensive' Corbyn anti-Semitism comments - BBC News
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is accused by the Chief Rabbi of making "offensive" comments at the launch of a Labour party inquiry into anti-Semitism.
Jeremy Corbyn is hinting that Jews did 911, it's part of the opening of the petals of the flower of doom!
""During his speech, Mr Corbyn said Jews were "no more responsible" for Israel's actions than Muslims were for "those various self-styled Islamic states"."
In other words, they were! This is why they want to get rid of JC, perhaps. The Romans are Europe(free borders/roaming), Jeremy Corbyn is Jesus Christ and the establishment are the philistines? Philistines becomes phallus steins=stone cocks masons, men who pretend to be gay / dildos?
The Brexit show could have an opening with a brick smashing a window 'Just another Brex-it the wall'(brick wall as backdrop). Someone who JC appointed resigned with 48 hours,  he placed her on a pedestal so she'd fall off, possibly to draw fire? She's now going to try for leader apparently.

PM Tells Corbyn 'For Heaven's Sake Man, Go'.
David Cameron told the Labour leader it was in the "national interest" for him to go after his performance in the EU referendum.
'For heavens sakes, man, go' is a Jesus Christ reference, coming from a pig-headed demon DC DemoniCunt? It is something that Pigsy as the idiot might say to Monkey.

Nigel Farage is like the astronaut in 'Planet of the Apes' in the court scene. Someone could spook him with the head of a commander Makara doll sticking out of the ground, like the statue of liberty. Then he could sing 'You finally made a monkey out of meee'.

Iain M Banks in State of the Art, the first Culture story, published in 1991, used the word piffling, which I invented in the 1980's to describe trash that is associated with PIF(Planetary Investigations Force). I called it piffle, things that mimic the activities or behaviour of Planetary Investigations Force, and I invented it to describe people who'd try to mimic me. Piffling was itself derived from trifling, as also in the pudding; a trifle. Truffles; pigsy. Superman II;Superman I vs I, is all about piffle, that's why they dress in trash bags, leads in with the piffle(Eiffel) tower.

 Trashing the trinity

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Rifat Rense MI Trump Queen GCHQ London European Scotland

I heard the RiRense (Rifat Rense) show, after Tim Rifat put up some pictures of the Royal Family as monsters. Tim says he doesn't even have a computer! Excellent work by the MI(Military Intelligence) people, he said that he took down the images yet I've been sharing them from his site on Facebook's group 'Using Social Media Wrong'. I didn't even bother downloading them to my computer, they are still on the Internet. Of course me browsing the upload directory of Psychic Warfare is the biggest evidence that he works for MI whatever, all the pictures are still there, it's click bait. Tim Rifat claims a lot of things concerning computers, he runs an Internet porn company for instance. It's suspicious that they picked my birthday to have him arrested, or maybe they thought it was Donald Trump posing as me, 'Donald Trump is actually Maggot'. DD announced my birthday on one of his shows, and it could be fallout from that. Now I have heard the reasons Tim gave, it's less suspicious, but I thought they might have arrested him thinking he must be me. That RiRense show is pretty random, does anyone follow Rifat's opinions? He just seems to place things in opposition to other people's opinions. Person X doesn't seem to mind Y, so I'll hate them, they like Z so I'll back A who hates Z, and so on sort of covering his allegiances, he says on his website he expects to become a trillionaire through his Star Wars merchandise. Right now, Tim Rifat hates poles, hates Europeans, very pro-Queen, before he was pro-poles, hating blacks, anti-Queen. When someone becomes very pro-Queen after uploading a bunch of stuff that could be seen as undermining the monarchy, and being sent to a mental institution as a result, and comes back with a paper-thin explanation for what's enough to make Jeff Renses' hair curl!
With the pic's still being there, were they ever seen as subversive or threatening to the establishment, or just part of the propaganda. Maybe Tim Rifat got arrested, and used his MI whatever credentials or bluffed his way out then he had to make up a cover story for shows, there's even a recording of Mike calling him at the loony bin on his website where he sounds really hearty for someone who's just gotten off from almost been banged up, so maybe got out of jail free.

Still waiting for the truth movement to adjust to talking about Europe.
Someone contacted Steve Outrim regarding Douglas Dietrich and mentioned GCHQ, probably random schizoid behaviour I expect it fell to pieces already.

Spain will block any talks between Scotland and the EU

So Tim Rifat was perhaps premature in comparing his invaders to the Spanish Inquisition.
UK looks like a witch riding a pig, UK without Scotland and London would be a headless witch riding a pig with her heart cut out. A delicious thought for the children who'd only get to eat bangers and mash as importation of all other foods had been blocked by the European Union. Scotland if they did join the EU, what I have suggested could possibly happen, so in order to eat croissant in the UK, you'd have to be in London or Scotland. No new vacuum cleaners for non-EU areas of the UK, no new EU products of any kind to be allowed in Britain, it'd be like Dalek's invasion of planet Earth, where if you are slaves of the Daleks you get to eat different foods. I think Boris had no post-Brexit Leave plans. He bluffed, saying that he did. If the truth movement was dynamic or young, there'd already be radio shows about Brexit, Internet ones, with pictures. Also, there could be a 'Fahrenheit 451' recall of EU products from Britain or mass burnings of European goods. All those chavs with no hair-driers, what'll they do!

'EU Trade Commissioner: No trade talks until full Brexit'
"The referendum - which of course we take note of and respect - has no legal effect. First there has to be notification, which the next prime minister will do, I hope swiftly. And then that process can start." - Ms Malmstrom(Maelstrom?), the EU Trade Commissioner. 
Britain may have to go back on Brexit, stay in the EU and face the eggs that are pelted at them. So nothing at all until October or whenever there's a new prime minister. Messy, long-winded and pointless 'a waste of time' as the saying goes from Gatchaman 1994.

Scottish lobsters and knickers, it's more like trading in Elite, both those backfired now that Scotland wants to join the EU. This means Scotland may have it's independence from the UK just to join the EU.

Saturday 25 June 2016

UK EU English David Rifat Gay

Maybe some pensioners are going to try and toss the UK into space, they could shout 'I hate EU' and throw punches at each other to simulate throwing the European Union away. Google searches for EU from the UK went up after Brexit result was to leave EU. 'I don't know what it is so I want out', it's like they are talking about vagina. Any phrase that has the word European goes over them, I saw one person's eyes boggle when I said 'European Union'. I was indicated to leave the country by someone at work. A pakie, I've never said anything about Europe at work. Then after work he said my name, like 'Hey John?' as if in apology, I couldn't see him as he was in a car with blacked out windows and I was walking, he calls me John English because he's a pakie and gay I expect. I saw someone else get that sort of reaction, but they said that they were known to be pro-Europe. BJ (not the BJ in Necroscope The Lost Years unless in disguise) was talking about selling French knickers to France from Scotland, and lobsters or crabs are sold in Spain, from Scotland, which was used to promote leaving the EU. Crabby knickers indeed! Scotland voted to remain in the EU and may join the EU which would mean leaving the UK, also BJ's mayoral province of London wants to join the EU.

David Cameloon(Cameron) has resigned. Speeches from European spokespeople has been getting to be all about austerity, and David Came'loon wanted to use Europe like running a train on a sleeping whore, special deals for him and his mates, and poorer deals for the working class I expect. Jeremy Corbyn would be more in line with European austerity measures I expect, not sure about BJ, he's a clown until October I guess. Most people don't know what they voted for. If they voted 'Leave' to get Cameroon out, I guess it'd be in the media by now. Apparently lots of Leave voters are saying that they never expected the Leave vote to win, in that case why vote? Remain was 'well ahead' after 11pm, by 7am, Leave was well ahead. David CameRon = divide god's spunk,or divide the son of god. I imagine a lot of the leave voters would be in government, working for defence and such, or maybe a lot of older people. "Johnson" is slang for penis,"BJ" is slang for blowjob. Boris Johnson, bore his johnson, deep throat.


Tim Rifat's planned appearance on Rense radio on the 14th of June never happened because the Police arrested him. They also denied him legal defence trying to pin mental illness on him.
Tim Rifat says 'all of us'. "Finally we have returned...All of us" King Diamond ~ Conspiracy ~ At the Graves.

These are the 19 best countries in the world to be gay

Met Police officer proposes to his partner at London LGBT Pride 2016

The same guys, different haircuts?

Scrolling to the first message in a chat. 'computers going insane trying to process this data', Saved to make the backup. 66.6 MB (69,929,885 bytes).
There's so much comedy drama material regarding Brexit, it could be reported on all day and still not catch it all.
Hoaxbusters host flipped out Pepsi truck style on the latest show, talking about oil wells filling themselves up, and then got stopped by talking about gators.
Thing is I played some music Vulture while playing the show back, just to sample it, at the time he lost it for a bit.

'Vulture - World Remains (Death Metal | Brazil) (only about the first 7 seconds)'

Saturday 18 June 2016

Vaporware Middle Trump Blade Rifat Astley William Father Swallow

Vaporware has become a series of memes and videos of the simpsons. A site of media from Vaporware would probably be better
Really, this age should all be about Vaporware, it should be the true Post Modernism, rollocking around in the debris of a dead society and a dying civilisation, so to speak. Also TV adverts for discontinued products should be used, whether it was for safety reasons or the company went bankrupt or otherwise and fictional adverts for games that were never made, and TV shows that were only ideas.
As per the 4th and 5th age of Middle Earth, humanity stumbles around in oblivious haze, also imagery of bands that split up and won't play again, and musicians who are deceased can be used and their audio of course, but it would be better to have that distorted as if on n-generation cassette tape.

'Japanese Donald Trump Commercialトランプ2016'

"See what I did there? I vaporized the entire planet" Donald Trump might have said.
Hollyewood(Hollywood), j and y are interchangeable biblically. If anti-aliasing wasn't used in videos, you wouldn't be able to tell if green-screens / blue-screens were used, anti-aliasing is used to compensate for low resolution images. Blade Runner had a puzzle scene which was founded in high resolution imagery, it was a 'spot the clues' type puzzle with reflections(probably also a metaphor for thought, memories).
Tim Rifat's appeaRense's(appearances), maybe they went into the Bermuda Triangle for a couple of years. 'Talk like no-one's listening' I might have as the motto for the Truth MOOvement, maybe it's a shared brain development disorder, like a broken parachute that won't open fully they'll still die whenever they hit the ground, except they never do so they are in infinite free-fall. Rick Astley dyed his hair dark brown/black to hide the ginger, What if he is the father of Prince Harry or Prince William or both?

Nissan to take legal action against Vote Leave campaign over leaflet

I guess it's even at pole position

DD is calling it a father's day week
'Strawberry like my father's severed choad mouldering in my mouth'

David Wilcock sell out: David WilSuckCock 4 cash. Davros is also Berg Katse, he has a face like a burger or is a berg, sees' kats (daleks have cat ears).

The EU referendum result has upset David Attenborough

BBC woman (didn't catch whether she was part of Leave, but who obviously was pro-Brexit) said that they might get SIR David Attenborough to speak for them to leave Europe They said that people aren't voting leave because although they see that the European economy is bad, worse than Britain, they don't see it affecting their pocketbooks. Pocketbooks, who uses pocketbooks in the 21st century, you'd have to go back to World War II and rations to find the last time pocketbooks were issued. They brought up pocketbooks, they used it in the 90's I guess they must be talking to the pensioners.
"In the run-up to the referendum, Sir David did not make his feelings on Britain’s membership of the European Union known, but after being questioned by the Guardian on the impact of a Brexit on the environment, he said: “That is sad. Swallows aren’t members of the union, and migrant birds and so on.”"
Swallow is one of the names of G4 in Gatchaman(1972).

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Baphomet Jerk Guardian Christ Berg Cell Watt Pulse

Originally The Sabbatic Goat, not Baphomet or the Goat of Mendes

"You may recall seeing the image above, single-breasted, which was used to promote the hermaphroditic agenda."
Actually Jerk posted it on : INVESTIGATE JOHNS
INVESTIGATIONS (Facebook group)
Jerd Guillaume-Sam can make 'bathroom A' sound like Baphomet without having to be stung in the lips first, that's his function in life I guess. In the Levi's, lav's (lavatories). I suppose it could be broken down into simply bathroom, but I'd prefer to have the option of bathroom B, soon to be buggered around with in the next Kealey call, probably. William gravel and Rose quartz/
Burning man (Guardian) Black Rock (associated with the Guardian) in the Ultima games. Richard Garriott spaced out at Burning Man 'I A-M L-O-R-D B-R-I-T-I-S-H', maybe he kept on insisting he was supreme, and only thing that kept him quiet was chicken soup. Also Burning Man apparently burnt down the family barn although it was more likely the Grevil. Burning man is the symbol of Silo 3D. Richard Garriott would only have to force the Queen to leave Britain, which might happen if we vote Yes to stay in the EU, or she might quit on the Coronation 90th, 'Give it up for the Maggot' as Leo Zagami disk jockeying might say. V is William, W for Wendetta(V for Vendetta), also W as in double-you can mean anti-Christ and Christ.

Berg Katse with Bee Stung Lips.
Stung by the British? Maybe the artist is implying BK(Burger King;Berg Katse) is a blackened burger(berger).

The chlld molestation stuff is likely to come out around the time of the Coronation or referendum, refer-end-you-majesty(referendum). Obama ordered the Canadian government to imprison Glen Kealey's wife, the smelly Jenny(jeni, geni'tals) 'For her great beauty made all around her jealous' possibly. Ian Hislop was saying that SIR Jimmy Saville boasted about his child molestations and prostitutions openly in public, on air, so the Queen  can either retire into claims of moronity, senility or elsewise quit with her hordes of whores. Sir Jimmy Savile the victimized hero, that's the scheme of her cohore'ts, co-whore-tarts(cohorts).
Bullsh*t (A dam Curry perhaps) media manipulation, nobody likes gays, or trannies or queers or perverts, they are tolerated but nobody wants them. I posted a link to that Kanye West clip 'all dead', where he's saying about being dead, and Ellen has that dead look on her face, that queers have. They know it's a lie, a hex. He's giving names of famous fags.

'Kanye is dead'

Ellen=I lean. Kanye West (death by Cain) ie Cain (the wizard bloodline) is going to kill off the queers. I guess it's to draw out the poison, or it could be for a laugh. The bloodline of cain may also be known as the Jester Race.

Looking like Leader Z of Gatchaman F there.

'You Have No Proof that the Cell Even Exists', 'Ants that grew up as human beings prior to the ice age', says Glen Kealey on TS-1074124 of Ultimate Reality. MI6 is another organisation he mentions questioning the Cell. Glen Kealey might have been buggering the cats in the cardboard box, then being caught buggering cats in the box, he was knocked out and when he came to, he was somewhere else, thence, in his mind, teleportation. The sell, the story they are selling, the soft sell (akin to the band soft cell), the padded cell, queers should be kept in a padded cell, Erasure erasure, queers to be erased from memory, pet shop boys, queers should be in a zoo.

Alan Watt imitator amongst the revellers exiting the Orlando club 'Pulse nightclub shooting'. Of course the lumbersexual look is quite the rage. 'Hello folks, if I sound a bit hot and bothered, it's because I am. I had quite the bloody night out I can tell you, at Pulse, indeed I had to take a taxi out before it got too bloody' Alan Watt might have said.
Maybe Alan Watt recognised Celtic Rebel if he was at Pulse nightclub and it escalated from there.
It is quite possible that Hoaxbuster's host has shrivelled heads of other hosts that he keeps in a box, and allows them to talk.

Orlando blooming wig as Elric

Well, that's odd I was looking for Bloom heavenly bloom?, that female eternal slapper in the Michael Moorcock stories who teams up with Una Persson and got Orlando Bloom.

Orlando nightclub shooting: How the attack unfolded

Apparently there's no inside footage of the gay club, Pulse at Orlando, 'Nobody wants to see that shit' is the blanket reason given I expect. I thought at the time there would be lots of footage, iPad, iPhones etc.

The Beatles are actually Queen?

It would be nice if Queen was somehow a covers band, but I can't imagine the Beatles doing Bohemian Rhapsody.
I've only seen one pic of the inside of the Pulse nightclub and it was big and empty. They could have been letting anyone in to keep the numbers up, apparently only one bouncer on the door. It's sort of like the '2 Pigs' in Cheltenham.