Wednesday 29 June 2016

Rifat Rense MI Trump Queen GCHQ London European Scotland

I heard the RiRense (Rifat Rense) show, after Tim Rifat put up some pictures of the Royal Family as monsters. Tim says he doesn't even have a computer! Excellent work by the MI(Military Intelligence) people, he said that he took down the images yet I've been sharing them from his site on Facebook's group 'Using Social Media Wrong'. I didn't even bother downloading them to my computer, they are still on the Internet. Of course me browsing the upload directory of Psychic Warfare is the biggest evidence that he works for MI whatever, all the pictures are still there, it's click bait. Tim Rifat claims a lot of things concerning computers, he runs an Internet porn company for instance. It's suspicious that they picked my birthday to have him arrested, or maybe they thought it was Donald Trump posing as me, 'Donald Trump is actually Maggot'. DD announced my birthday on one of his shows, and it could be fallout from that. Now I have heard the reasons Tim gave, it's less suspicious, but I thought they might have arrested him thinking he must be me. That RiRense show is pretty random, does anyone follow Rifat's opinions? He just seems to place things in opposition to other people's opinions. Person X doesn't seem to mind Y, so I'll hate them, they like Z so I'll back A who hates Z, and so on sort of covering his allegiances, he says on his website he expects to become a trillionaire through his Star Wars merchandise. Right now, Tim Rifat hates poles, hates Europeans, very pro-Queen, before he was pro-poles, hating blacks, anti-Queen. When someone becomes very pro-Queen after uploading a bunch of stuff that could be seen as undermining the monarchy, and being sent to a mental institution as a result, and comes back with a paper-thin explanation for what's enough to make Jeff Renses' hair curl!
With the pic's still being there, were they ever seen as subversive or threatening to the establishment, or just part of the propaganda. Maybe Tim Rifat got arrested, and used his MI whatever credentials or bluffed his way out then he had to make up a cover story for shows, there's even a recording of Mike calling him at the loony bin on his website where he sounds really hearty for someone who's just gotten off from almost been banged up, so maybe got out of jail free.

Still waiting for the truth movement to adjust to talking about Europe.
Someone contacted Steve Outrim regarding Douglas Dietrich and mentioned GCHQ, probably random schizoid behaviour I expect it fell to pieces already.

Spain will block any talks between Scotland and the EU

So Tim Rifat was perhaps premature in comparing his invaders to the Spanish Inquisition.
UK looks like a witch riding a pig, UK without Scotland and London would be a headless witch riding a pig with her heart cut out. A delicious thought for the children who'd only get to eat bangers and mash as importation of all other foods had been blocked by the European Union. Scotland if they did join the EU, what I have suggested could possibly happen, so in order to eat croissant in the UK, you'd have to be in London or Scotland. No new vacuum cleaners for non-EU areas of the UK, no new EU products of any kind to be allowed in Britain, it'd be like Dalek's invasion of planet Earth, where if you are slaves of the Daleks you get to eat different foods. I think Boris had no post-Brexit Leave plans. He bluffed, saying that he did. If the truth movement was dynamic or young, there'd already be radio shows about Brexit, Internet ones, with pictures. Also, there could be a 'Fahrenheit 451' recall of EU products from Britain or mass burnings of European goods. All those chavs with no hair-driers, what'll they do!

'EU Trade Commissioner: No trade talks until full Brexit'
"The referendum - which of course we take note of and respect - has no legal effect. First there has to be notification, which the next prime minister will do, I hope swiftly. And then that process can start." - Ms Malmstrom(Maelstrom?), the EU Trade Commissioner. 
Britain may have to go back on Brexit, stay in the EU and face the eggs that are pelted at them. So nothing at all until October or whenever there's a new prime minister. Messy, long-winded and pointless 'a waste of time' as the saying goes from Gatchaman 1994.

Scottish lobsters and knickers, it's more like trading in Elite, both those backfired now that Scotland wants to join the EU. This means Scotland may have it's independence from the UK just to join the EU.

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