Thursday 30 June 2016

David Jesus Brexit Farage Makara Banks Culture Superman

David Cameron mentioned David Icke
PM denies 'giant David Icke EU conspiracy' as he unveils £17m border cash

David Cameron: There is no ‘David Icke-style Conspiracy’ to Keep Britain in the EU [videos]

So that's another global Truth Movement first that never got mentioned, first time a conspiracy theorist got mentioned by a Prime Minster / President / leader. Obama never mentioned Alex Jones, Alex Jones should rant about it. I wonder if there's a soundbite of that, probably buried under one of the so-called suicides in the white house.

Headline: Jesus Christ blames Jew'lia's for 911!"
Chief Rabbi condemns 'offensive' Corbyn anti-Semitism comments - BBC News
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is accused by the Chief Rabbi of making "offensive" comments at the launch of a Labour party inquiry into anti-Semitism.
Jeremy Corbyn is hinting that Jews did 911, it's part of the opening of the petals of the flower of doom!
""During his speech, Mr Corbyn said Jews were "no more responsible" for Israel's actions than Muslims were for "those various self-styled Islamic states"."
In other words, they were! This is why they want to get rid of JC, perhaps. The Romans are Europe(free borders/roaming), Jeremy Corbyn is Jesus Christ and the establishment are the philistines? Philistines becomes phallus steins=stone cocks masons, men who pretend to be gay / dildos?
The Brexit show could have an opening with a brick smashing a window 'Just another Brex-it the wall'(brick wall as backdrop). Someone who JC appointed resigned with 48 hours,  he placed her on a pedestal so she'd fall off, possibly to draw fire? She's now going to try for leader apparently.

PM Tells Corbyn 'For Heaven's Sake Man, Go'.
David Cameron told the Labour leader it was in the "national interest" for him to go after his performance in the EU referendum.
'For heavens sakes, man, go' is a Jesus Christ reference, coming from a pig-headed demon DC DemoniCunt? It is something that Pigsy as the idiot might say to Monkey.

Nigel Farage is like the astronaut in 'Planet of the Apes' in the court scene. Someone could spook him with the head of a commander Makara doll sticking out of the ground, like the statue of liberty. Then he could sing 'You finally made a monkey out of meee'.

Iain M Banks in State of the Art, the first Culture story, published in 1991, used the word piffling, which I invented in the 1980's to describe trash that is associated with PIF(Planetary Investigations Force). I called it piffle, things that mimic the activities or behaviour of Planetary Investigations Force, and I invented it to describe people who'd try to mimic me. Piffling was itself derived from trifling, as also in the pudding; a trifle. Truffles; pigsy. Superman II;Superman I vs I, is all about piffle, that's why they dress in trash bags, leads in with the piffle(Eiffel) tower.

 Trashing the trinity

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