Friday 30 May 2014

Improvements To The Holy Bible For Muslim And Jew

I made comments and posted links in the Celtic Rebel catroom , to a few Skype contacts and even the Cybersage shoutbox which have seemingly destroyed the Muslim and Jewish communities worldwide.

'Jewish Rabbi Explains Why Baby Penis Is To Be Sucked'

Jews and Muslims have been making excuses for 1000s of years for a bunch of perverts who want to suck baby cocks... oh 'but its a tradition', well OK then. It is as if a father commits an act of perversion and the whole community makes excuses for this in every subsequent generation.

I know who that father is ....Abraam, who later became AbraHam. That whole god telling him to kill his son thing was probably a metaphor for Abraham sucking baby Isaac's cock.

Kill = orgasm

Extract from the corrected and improved holy of holies

So Jehovah was like 'dare you to suck off your baby on the altar until he comes' and Abram was like 'yes masser', so he started sucking on the miniscule pecker of Isaac = I suck. But before the non-existent orgasm occurred, Jehovah laughed out 'I was only joking! Now everyone knows that you suck baby cock!'. Abram was like 'oh no masser please', but because Abram enjoyed it so, many more times did Isaac get sucked, until one day Abram was caught on the job/Job (lol) and bit I Suck's pecker in shock. Thusly was the grande olde tradition of circumcision beguneth, which was taken up by both Muslim and Jew because they abstained from their wives clitorii preferring the same taste of little boys cock.

Cricumcision sucks...ask a rabbi.

Friday 9 May 2014

Secret Freeman Celtic Anal Wolverine

The Secret Archives of the Vatican, is a place and a band name, I probably suggested the name to them.

I haven't written any 2000AD stories, but there probably are 2000AD stories based on Maggot. Judge Dredd vs the fatties (rolled fat looking like Maggots).

Listening to the 'World Freeman Society/American Freeman' show will not help you to get any pussy.

'035 Maggot On 31st May 2010 World Freeman Society American Freeman'

Please support the Celtic Rebel's weak in bed campaign. I was talking to the Celtic Rebel, who has sex with prostitutes for intimacy...Except he doesn't, because he can't even get laid at a prostitutes bar. His prostitute's bar story was a ridiculous rehash of my experience in Cuba, it was no big deal, too hot. I told him or one of his clones that everyone smoked there in clubs, but someone else must have told him most of the night was spent with women eyeing my crotch. Everyone must have seemed like a prostitute to this spy on me. There were prostitutes are the club I went to (I only went once the whole time I was in Cuba), i was propositioned, but i didn't take any. Anyhow, everyone smoked there, a lot of cigars and their smoking got into sequence, so I'd see about 50 cigar puffs go up at the same time. The smell is even worse than the taste and they didn't have air conditioning running, it was awful.

Alan Watt (Anal Twat) is getting feisty. 'I can no longer continue this expose service for free, however', he might say in response to requests. Someone should ask him if he was Alan Watts in a former life. They have similar faces and probably bodies, although, I don't think Alan Watts' body would be considered desirable. I could paste Alan Watt face onto Alan Watts topless pic. I was considering asking him is if he gets royalties everytime he plays his f*cking song as his intro, also was he dancing to 'Baker Street' (his song) on his rusty truck a la Teen Wolf whilst the vehicle was in motion and without driver.

On the left Alan Watts, on the right Alan Watt.

Alan Watt's Action Comic Overview

Alan Watt's face onto Wolverine, or other werewolves, snarling and with blood? Caption 'There is no escape from the elite societies. They are watching your every move, they are spying at you from flies(drones) and spiders(spy-ders; spasticated spies)'

Alan Watt receives message in sky-writing 'I have received a message from someone who has been monitoring you "I am not impressed with your current sex life. Your hand action leaves much to be desired"'.

From his location in the wooded fortress of Xaltun, Alan Watt shoves a rocket into Hamish's butt and when Hamish farted the missile launched and took down flight MA17. 13117=1+3+1+1+7=13.

Also, the conflict between Kealey and Watt that I helped start needs to be kept going, Twatties (Alan Watt fans) could mention 'old wounds' and 'sordid improprieties'.