Saturday 18 June 2016

Vaporware Middle Trump Blade Rifat Astley William Father Swallow

Vaporware has become a series of memes and videos of the simpsons. A site of media from Vaporware would probably be better
Really, this age should all be about Vaporware, it should be the true Post Modernism, rollocking around in the debris of a dead society and a dying civilisation, so to speak. Also TV adverts for discontinued products should be used, whether it was for safety reasons or the company went bankrupt or otherwise and fictional adverts for games that were never made, and TV shows that were only ideas.
As per the 4th and 5th age of Middle Earth, humanity stumbles around in oblivious haze, also imagery of bands that split up and won't play again, and musicians who are deceased can be used and their audio of course, but it would be better to have that distorted as if on n-generation cassette tape.

'Japanese Donald Trump Commercialトランプ2016'

"See what I did there? I vaporized the entire planet" Donald Trump might have said.
Hollyewood(Hollywood), j and y are interchangeable biblically. If anti-aliasing wasn't used in videos, you wouldn't be able to tell if green-screens / blue-screens were used, anti-aliasing is used to compensate for low resolution images. Blade Runner had a puzzle scene which was founded in high resolution imagery, it was a 'spot the clues' type puzzle with reflections(probably also a metaphor for thought, memories).
Tim Rifat's appeaRense's(appearances), maybe they went into the Bermuda Triangle for a couple of years. 'Talk like no-one's listening' I might have as the motto for the Truth MOOvement, maybe it's a shared brain development disorder, like a broken parachute that won't open fully they'll still die whenever they hit the ground, except they never do so they are in infinite free-fall. Rick Astley dyed his hair dark brown/black to hide the ginger, What if he is the father of Prince Harry or Prince William or both?

Nissan to take legal action against Vote Leave campaign over leaflet

I guess it's even at pole position

DD is calling it a father's day week
'Strawberry like my father's severed choad mouldering in my mouth'

David Wilcock sell out: David WilSuckCock 4 cash. Davros is also Berg Katse, he has a face like a burger or is a berg, sees' kats (daleks have cat ears).

The EU referendum result has upset David Attenborough

BBC woman (didn't catch whether she was part of Leave, but who obviously was pro-Brexit) said that they might get SIR David Attenborough to speak for them to leave Europe They said that people aren't voting leave because although they see that the European economy is bad, worse than Britain, they don't see it affecting their pocketbooks. Pocketbooks, who uses pocketbooks in the 21st century, you'd have to go back to World War II and rations to find the last time pocketbooks were issued. They brought up pocketbooks, they used it in the 90's I guess they must be talking to the pensioners.
"In the run-up to the referendum, Sir David did not make his feelings on Britain’s membership of the European Union known, but after being questioned by the Guardian on the impact of a Brexit on the environment, he said: “That is sad. Swallows aren’t members of the union, and migrant birds and so on.”"
Swallow is one of the names of G4 in Gatchaman(1972).

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