Saturday 25 June 2016

UK EU English David Rifat Gay

Maybe some pensioners are going to try and toss the UK into space, they could shout 'I hate EU' and throw punches at each other to simulate throwing the European Union away. Google searches for EU from the UK went up after Brexit result was to leave EU. 'I don't know what it is so I want out', it's like they are talking about vagina. Any phrase that has the word European goes over them, I saw one person's eyes boggle when I said 'European Union'. I was indicated to leave the country by someone at work. A pakie, I've never said anything about Europe at work. Then after work he said my name, like 'Hey John?' as if in apology, I couldn't see him as he was in a car with blacked out windows and I was walking, he calls me John English because he's a pakie and gay I expect. I saw someone else get that sort of reaction, but they said that they were known to be pro-Europe. BJ (not the BJ in Necroscope The Lost Years unless in disguise) was talking about selling French knickers to France from Scotland, and lobsters or crabs are sold in Spain, from Scotland, which was used to promote leaving the EU. Crabby knickers indeed! Scotland voted to remain in the EU and may join the EU which would mean leaving the UK, also BJ's mayoral province of London wants to join the EU.

David Cameloon(Cameron) has resigned. Speeches from European spokespeople has been getting to be all about austerity, and David Came'loon wanted to use Europe like running a train on a sleeping whore, special deals for him and his mates, and poorer deals for the working class I expect. Jeremy Corbyn would be more in line with European austerity measures I expect, not sure about BJ, he's a clown until October I guess. Most people don't know what they voted for. If they voted 'Leave' to get Cameroon out, I guess it'd be in the media by now. Apparently lots of Leave voters are saying that they never expected the Leave vote to win, in that case why vote? Remain was 'well ahead' after 11pm, by 7am, Leave was well ahead. David CameRon = divide god's spunk,or divide the son of god. I imagine a lot of the leave voters would be in government, working for defence and such, or maybe a lot of older people. "Johnson" is slang for penis,"BJ" is slang for blowjob. Boris Johnson, bore his johnson, deep throat.


Tim Rifat's planned appearance on Rense radio on the 14th of June never happened because the Police arrested him. They also denied him legal defence trying to pin mental illness on him.
Tim Rifat says 'all of us'. "Finally we have returned...All of us" King Diamond ~ Conspiracy ~ At the Graves.

These are the 19 best countries in the world to be gay

Met Police officer proposes to his partner at London LGBT Pride 2016

The same guys, different haircuts?

Scrolling to the first message in a chat. 'computers going insane trying to process this data', Saved to make the backup. 66.6 MB (69,929,885 bytes).
There's so much comedy drama material regarding Brexit, it could be reported on all day and still not catch it all.
Hoaxbusters host flipped out Pepsi truck style on the latest show, talking about oil wells filling themselves up, and then got stopped by talking about gators.
Thing is I played some music Vulture while playing the show back, just to sample it, at the time he lost it for a bit.

'Vulture - World Remains (Death Metal | Brazil) (only about the first 7 seconds)'

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