Thursday 17 November 2016

Bernie Lashomb Trump Clinton Pence Homosexual Kealey Jack Morbid

I think it's bullsh*t that Bernie would have won if... Obama's tear jerking performances to get a 3rd term in office. I never saw a live rally, I tried, but they froze every time, except once which was an almost empty room with nothing happening. Trump calls Barron Don? or is it Don Lashomb he thanks?

'Donald Trump FULL Victory Speech President Elect ! - November 9, 2016'

Barron's later. Maybe Trump was looking at someone invisible, maybe he was looking at a hologram of Don Lashomb. Bernie is an amateur, so no way he could have won, he'd be that clueless old man. I bet Bernie explode from a drug overdose, a combination of penis pills and champagne. Bernie probably sweated so much he slept in a swimming pool, in a donut, then he went down a giant water chute spinning yelling 'Its a Ron Paul revolution!'.

All of the crying Clinton 'voters' are women or feminine men, I wonder if someone is going to post a meme of Trump as Conan with the 'lamentations of women' quotation. In his victory speech Trump says that his parents are unbelievable, don't believe that he has parents.

Some people draw signs on a small map with a big marker pen, to prove connections. They even had that as part of the story of Artemis '81, a pentagram drawn on a map of, maybe, Europe to prove where the killer would strike next.
I read that Pence says homosexuals should be electrocuted?

Mike Pence Supports Electroshock Gay Conversion Therapy-Fiction!

The article says it's fiction, then puts that bold statement above in a picture at the bottom. So it must be true! 'Gay out out', energise a negative gay wave to pass out of the body? Mike Pence has supported electroshock gay conversion therapy that would “electrocute the gay” out of teenagers. Don't sit on the fence Pence, electrocute those homo's you know it makes sense.

Kealey is terrified that it may be so, or aroused, pounds and pence. The pound has the image of the ruler so if Trump conquers England and thenceforewithwardeth Britain, his would be the new face of the pound coin, perchanceth. There is a connection, digging (trump) spades, 'Ace of Spades' is a trump card, 'King (of) Diamond(s)' is a trump card, so KD could be Satan, Trump could be Dragon (as in the worship of the dragon, Revelations etc), the beAst would be ace of aces, Ace of BEST.

Standard 52-card deck - Wikipedia

The Jack of Diamonds is sometimes known as "laughing boy". Fifty two is the hidden dragon, "3" cards are also known as treys.

Triumvirate of Trey Azagthoth from Morbid Angel album Formulas Fatal to the Flesh

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