Sunday 20 November 2016

Trump Jones Hoaxbusters Michael Brexit

Trump's Inside Plan To Defeat The New World Order Leaked
Published on 20 Nov 2016
The US has been a leader in all facets of the progression of the Human race and has recently been seized as of 30 years ago, the proof is in the tens of thousands of quotes by world leaders and the folks behind the scenes that post they’re opinions on world govt in white papers.'
In Mission Earth by L Ron Hubbard, 'Private planetary government' is exactly what Soltan Gris supposed that Lombar Hisszt wanted of planet Earth while the Voltarian empire jubilant in it's apparent dominance and 'enlightenment', planet Earth was to be part of the Voltarian empire, but not in the areas that Soltan Gris supposed that Hisszt wanted to rule. A 'nest-egg' of vipers. However the Soltan Gris interpretation is woefully (woesfully / Rose-fully) inadequate and Will-fully(Will folly) misinterpreted. 

Lombar Hisszt was to deal with all the resistance/backlash/farts that objected to the integration of Earth with the Voltarian empire, however in the story Mission Earth he had given in to temptation, not much, but enough (and the sh*t of earth was so much stronger than his agents anticipated) that he fell (from grace;grace shown as an infinite prison sentence, fell literally from a cliff).

If one world government was set up to fail, it's part of some plan, so that Voltaire would abandon Earth and the cream-in-al's would have a base. It's about heaven's mandate not touching base (Earth) I guess.

I listened to the latest Gary Bell, around an hour in he starts going on about William again, it's like he's saying ill'i'am about William, even after I mocked his obsession in the 'Gary Bell A View From Space' Facebook group (I stopped listening about then).

Arkanoid revenge of d'oh-nald trump, 'You dare to break my walls?' Special new version, with ladder item (ladder lets the ball go over bricks, or the player, but the 'safety net' would have to move as well)
or maybe you get to use the ladder twice, once up, once down the screen or, exactly the same game, with Donald Trump head instead of Easter Island head.

"Kanye West Kidnapped Forcibly Taken To Mental Hospital"

"Obama 'chokes up' awarding Ellen DeGeneres medal: 'It's easy to forget how much courage was required to come out' " how little, not how much. Who's career has been ruined in show business by coming out as gay? (I'm guessing nobodies', and it's only boosted their public relations). She looks like a dyke witch, she has no talent, what's she going to do to get ahead?

This is the only relevant page I found, plus it's really badly coded, oldey worldey as if it was done in Netscape or something. That's 6, not 60, or 600, 6.

One of them was in friends, that's about all I could see

This is exciting news! Yesterday, the media was all about Trump isn't metal, he's no metalhead. Today, the media is all about Trump makes Metal great again!
'Trump builds us a wall for us, so we can headbang it down with our pinheads' said one supporter
pinhead (the name of the ball in pinball, I think)

Chris Akabussi is worried about people acting on suspicions that he's an anarchist on HoaxBusters Call

Nothing can be done about Clinton corruption until Trump is President, something which nobody (else) is saying (because when Trump is President, the Clinton administration has to leave the white house, otherwise there'll be more killings etc) I don't know if the Clinton's would be able to retain any staff at the white house, but I guess the corrupted power structure wouldn't have the same backing.

Archangel Michael Mouse
Archangel Michael Mouse

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