Saturday 6 June 2015

Chris Varg Watt Monk Jew

Chris Kendall is talking about BB as a cult (BB Body Building, of course!). The Rock is the absolute worst name for a body builder, what a rock is, in body building is an immovable part of the body's musculature. Everytime his name is heard, in every gym he goes to The Rock has the most offensive name, it's like calling yourself n*gger in the KKK or something.

Alan Watt he's sort of the hunch-back slave of the plutocracy. Too deformed to join, but dreams of their wealth, he should be putting out some songs 'tho, he might be good at Depressive Suicidal Black Metal, at least the guitars. Maybe he could join forces with Varg Vikernes, VV, Vargy Wargy.
Varg Vikernes is also doing Youtube videos, unaffected by the string of murders he's committed en route to his location in France.
Here's some lyrics I made up that Alan Watt could use:
"No escape, theres no escape from this...
I fall asleep from the blood pouring out of my cut wrists...
They'll be here to staunch the flow, constrict the veins, and leave me to wallow ...
I'll clean up the mess, of course, I'm such a good slave ...
Soon I'll forget this ever happened, my wounds will disappear
If I don't misbehave"
'Alan Watt blamed for 911' just because he's so ugly, or Scottish 'They did 9/11 just to put me through hell.', 'One of the reasons Kissinger's planned all this is because it forces me to research.', ''John' Henry Kissinger planned this so he could laugh at my voice and my poverty, and accuse me of having sex with my dog and all sorts of rotten things', 'Well, I'm forced to drink out of the guttering now, that and snow that I've reheated with my own urine', 'Hamish made me a decent Sunday roast. Sometimes I wish he were still here to appreciate it, but that would be impossible without some kind of cryogenics' are things he might say.

People refuse to believe that they are on a stage or that anything is fake, then when the shock of part of the staging being exposed wears off, it's back to gay one. Tomas De Torquemaeda means 'twin burning tower', I posted some memes of it and 'dem JEWs have been covering up TdT's legacy. Tom and Jewry, Tom and Jerry cartoons. It can all be traced back to Monks  the language being partially global since it was first written is due to travelling monks, those educationalists.
Gardening monks planting seeds of globalisation. 'In the beginning there was God and the Word'
It's more to do with the monkish attitude. Monks spread the word. Monks are anyone who studies, is mentally outside of society I guess, progressive thought-addicts. 'The word' literally the written language and because monks travel (pilgriMages/crusades) this would cross-reference the word, then eventually you got the dictionary which would be another step towards globalisation, and why it was emphasised in GO's (George Orwell's) 1984. GO 1984, reminds me of the Moby song GO.

Maybe Celtic Rebel will lose his virginity one day, one day ...Or his foreskin will grow back.

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