Wednesday 26 August 2015

Stapleton Katse Hero Gatchaman Gittish

Hoaxbusters host makes Stapleton's (Stapleton of 'Computer One' by Warwick Collins) error in Darwinism. He read 'fitness' as in the athletics term: fastest, strongest etc, whereas it's (survival of the fittest) is survival of the best fit, the best fitting within the template, the least dangerous...or dangeresque. He picks up Alan Watt's built-in obsolescence regarding car parts. Maybe some Don should tell Chris Kendall (Chris+ Ken Doll) that they are Alan Watt's enforcer, one of his hard men, and tell him to respect the Wart or they'll send Lenny Bruce onto him. This Hoaxbusters Call show sounds like it's all debate so they continue to get paid it's a pseudo-scientific football match.

Maybe someone could make a montage of cartoon villains laughing at 'tragic' events sort of like they are now, but using 'real world' events, for example Berg Katse laughing at the W+C collapse. Whenever they speak of humanity or the human race in movies, they aren't talking about the audience. 'Heroes' and 'villains' are above what the audience would call humanity, which the audience sees themselves as. In fact, the audience are the nameless who get pwned, they are the nameless ones 'killed' in movies. Even when a hero rescues someone, it's to bring power to themselves, the villains do the same but through destructive means and heroes need villains in order to stay in power. It's psychepolitics(politics of the psyche). Villains use heroes as developers for their schemes, a way of not becoming complacent. Heroes are only heroes where villains are known, left to themselves they revert to slobs like slime or a dormant morph humanoid. Heroes in the JewVies are Jewish whenever they use shackles/shekels shackles, religio, heroes are most shackled by the family, heroes can't do this or that. A person who dies rescuing a baby from a fire is kosher hero, the same person who does not rescue a baby from a fire has not submitted to the shekels, and is therefore not kosher. Thence the Jews are above the audience through the heroes, but less than the villains who they ultimately serve, in the name of democracy, freedom, truth jewStice, justice. That's why galactic villains abound, but no galactic heroes although later maybe Starlord and such have heroic backgrounds but don't do anything. until the Guardians of the Galaxy movie I guess. The villains behave more heroically, but only the heroes get the attention for heroic behaviour, a hero can heroically limp off with a broken leg, same isn't said about a villain in the same situation. The story won't even show the villain to have a broken leg, you'll hear them cry out in pain, never say things like 'My leg is broken' even to their comrades / fellow villains. The Joker said 'You wouldn't hit a man wearing glasses' in Batman, but he's the Joker and the audience knows not to believe him and if they do, who cares, nobody will find out about it. No story has been made that I know of where an apparent hero behaved like a villain and got away with it, then the villains come back with video to prove the hero as a villain, except maybe Jonah Jameson and his reporting of Spiderman. Apparently the Incorruptible story does.

Unlike Matthew Schwabb and Mo Webb I can't edit Facebook messenger messages. No team Facebook privileges for me!

Joe the Jew in Gatchaman thinks that Jewne(June) must be allowed to live even if tens of millions die (episode 39), Ken disagrees and Joe's smacked in the marf (mouth). Jew-ne is even in a special skin suit to protect her from being eaten by the woman killer plants, one of which she is inside.

Graves at left and right of a church in Dragon Quest IX, one for Ned, the other for Kelly, both fighting against the Gittish Empire. Edward (Ned) Kelly and the British Empire, where the Devil is John (Devil John, John Dee). He might be the black dragon that steals the 7 figs from the celestial golden train. The mayor in Upover village in Dragon Quest IX says that the black dragon 'was' called Barbarus (he was beaten 300 years ago).

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