Sunday 28 February 2016

David Fear Galactus Hitler Sheep Apocalypse Jew Bible

David Cameron unleashes ‘project fear’ Downing Street will put the prime minister front-and-center in a big-spending referendum campaign.

David Cameron unleashes ‘project fear’. That's what Galactor does, makes the people fearful then the natives, Science Ninja Team dress like native American Indians in one episode rescue the people, then the people join forces 'to defeat Galactor', uniting themselves on the way, which is what Galactor wanted. The defeat of Galactor is always somewhere over the horizon though.
Cameron's playing sheepdog, my meme of him has a new meaning now.

Galactus is the whore of Europe, whore / whole, hence 'his' hunger. Thanos rapes the whore of Europe, Thanos mind-raping Galactus, Thanos seems to draw from various entities for instance Mimir, and in that scene a tree drawing from the well of Galactus's knowledge.

MK Ultra could be about Hitler's Mein Kampf becoming a global struggle. A global struggle for self-realization. I don't think anyone who claims to be involved in MK Ultra knows what they are talking about, demented, they fantasise a story that makes no sense, because they live their lives in nonsense from their failed personalities. iHelp was a product of Steve Jobs, when it was exposed that all the money from it went up his bum he lost so much weight that he could pretend to be a woman and then died accidentally.
The Inhumans have powers that are supposedly awakened by the Terrigen mists, but really what is going on is that they step into a confusing cloud, fall asleep, and start dreaming that they have all these superpowers. Supposedly they go into these cocoons and awaken, but perhaps what really happens is that they just go into mental cocoons and dream that they hatch out and become superheroes. Wasn't there some movies about people who were mental cases and thought they were superheroes? It's typical follower behaviour, you have a few people with power, and the followers who copy and imitate/irritate those people; thence the global spy network. Those who are being spied on aren't told about it, this is why Luciferianism is sly, crooked because the leaders have a tendency to break out or suicide or cause damage to society. Leader = one in the lead, ahead, a head; Christianity is follow the leader. 'Wool over the eyes' sheep cover the individual (I's), sheep's I's(eyes) soup(a man;superman)!.
It's a standard movie spin, looks like 'Kick-Ass' has it in that the crazy people do really have their special powers. I haven't seen Kick-Ass, but that seems to be a standard thing. It's made for a specific (Jewish) audience, nobody in that audience wants to find out Magneto got electrocuted and only imagines he can control metal objects, as Axis storyline hints at. Suspension of dis-belief, something the Jews do without thinking.
Trauma applied to sensitive areas brings out the talent, the methodology is different between Xavier and Apocalypse for example. It is Trauma Based Mind Control, but not called as such. The whole mystique and negativity about MK Ultra, even giving it an identity which is made up, is to put people off experimenting on themselves. Others have tried and failed, and don't want others to win.
Jews and Muslims fail because they aren't even human as males, being circumcised. They can't reach superhuman level because they can't reach human level so they became stewarts / Jew-arts of the gentle genital folk. Whether they want to or not, it's a physical handicap they have, and it's their fault that they pass it on to others through ritualised circumcision.
This would all be standard pre-Wprld War 2 'Nazi' ideology I suppose. The Jew rationale of being superior because they are circumcised and that makes them more Godlike is like a partially blind Biblical Christian person saying that they are more Godlike because it's in the Christian Bible.

Corinthians 13:12King James Version (KJV)
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Gary Bell has a whole show to expose who the world leader is to be, he's gone off on a tangent at the point in the show where I'm listening, but he was saying it was a CEO, and that everyone owed him / her / it.

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