Friday 8 April 2016

Trolls Forever Star Rats Culture Facebook

Trolls want you to...stop stroll, Troll's motives are always the same. The attacks don't stop if you give in, or if they do stop it's because you lost more than your face, perhaps as in the Japanese 'lose face' phrase, Winston scared of losing face, gave in to the rats(trolls) in 1984.

There are 7 parts of Forever Evil
Forever Evil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Forever Evil" is a 2013–2014 crossover event published by DC Comics that began in September 2013 and ended in May 2014, consisting of an eponymous, central miniseries written by Geoff Johns and art by David Finch. It is the first line wide crossover since The New 52 reboot of their shared fictional…

Septagram 'Fairie Star' does it know that it is Evil Forever? No Evil Star Rats Live On
lol@Linda Wolford for confusing herself with an old male sexual deviant
This is the video she posted:

'Crazy Jay Brewer #LivingTheDream with Pythons'

Some guy was in the a corner of a big snake pit, 'i like big snakes', sexual references throughout, i said 'Show me photos of your favourite snake' was him hoping for getting dick pics.
She either blocked me or deleted her account after. She said 'I HATE SNAKES!!!!', so why did she post it? She posted it directly to my page with her mental illness not even as a message, and now I can't share the drivel she wrote, and she liked my comment 'he's hoping to get lots of dick pics' first.

Schwabb has the mental illness where when I put something in quotation marks, even when the source of my quotation is visible, they say it's my words ...
I post this link:
...and he thinks I wrote it? He's going on about the kablabla, I heard their creation theory and I'm guessing it's all compensation for loss of foreskin, 'Separated from the godhead', 'God does nothing for us'. Billions of people mutilate themselves, making themselves holey, and end up aiding the unholey, regardless of their will or intent. People going back in time would be burnt at the stake or otherwise as witches, although they might survive as mercenaries, which is the premise of Evil Dead 3.

Merc with an absurd perk

People are involved in the Cult of Self-righteousness, a more involved cult than any other in history, they'd be recognisable with their complaining and outlandish mannerisms, for example the inability to walk in any predictable manner. Amazon sent me a list of Iain M Banks books that I might be interested in. I've only ever bought them from a second hand bookstore, terrifying! They were Culture books as well, I'll have to blow it up now. I bet whoever did this hasn't read any of the books, they only know what I sent on Facebook. Probably an attempt to fish information, the Amazonians bring the destruction of earth, possibly as in HH guide to the galaxy. The 'bad guys' blew the earth up to make room for a highway, but this could be code. It can be interpreted that the Earth was destroyed as Arthur Dent had no further need of it, he was the seed that was germinated by the Earth. 'Highway' AD takes the highway, every one else dies.
Man-ure (your men), use men to spread the shit. I archived my Skype chat already, soon it may appear as a book on Amazon.
I can get hold of Facebook chats etc, compiled into a book it's over 400 pages of posts, but the chat is more important, le chat. They'll try to kill me first, I'll get an attack of giant 'Likes', like the fist in Yellow Submarine.

Probably as close as it got to a thumbs up.

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