Saturday 27 August 2016

Punk Metal Huxley Harambe Dietrich Jesus Morbid Elite

Punk became thrash metal, but thrash metal would have come out anyway (from Japan) I expect. I prefer thrash to punk anyhow. punk sounds like alt.pop, it's all old Evstratios Constantine Moraites material, Hoaxbusters just finished off what he talked about. Aldous Huxley and co although they talked bollocks, they were used to brainwash people who influence other people. I think they are used by governments to assist mass-brainwashing. Aldous Huxley's statements are silly / absurd but enough influential people believe in them, and these people stay in jobs for no other apparent reason than to propagate this, that and other hippy bullshit. The people who believe in those things generally have parent issues and believe they deserve better in life, fodder for people like communists.

Aldous Huxley looks like communist prototype and where did he get those big gay lips, and then communists are used to build anarchism, which disempowers individuals, as those individuals get compared to 'the establishment' or 'authorities'. Almost typed arachnism, rule by spiders? I guess it's like spices, too much of any one spoils the food. I get the impression that people like that wrote and made their statements under the influence of heroin and other drugs that they had access to, also that they saw their races becoming mongrelized or inbred, so they wanted to shoot at people from the high tower before they fell. 'Last of the (s)elves' sort of thing.

My 'Jesus Harambe Christ' meme didn't appear, people haven't even started on the whole Harambe bummed a boy angle, I wonder why? Sir Jimmy saville would be spinning in his customized throne!
There is the jimmies have been rustled angle tho'.

I told Douglas Dietrich that my channel had almost as many or more views than his, now my channel is down to 501 views, and I got some comments on it after years of 0 comments, 2 weeks ago all done at the same time...
Harambe, herambe, hisambe, harambe is a derivation of Henry, "Guerrilla warfare" becomes "Harambe warfare", a Japanization if you will. Harambe has one of the most offensive words to my mother in it. Haram, she's terrified that I have a secret haram, haram scare'm!
The gorilla in satanism would represent the beast in man that's why the meme won't die, he's every f'rust-rated(frustrated) office worker, frustum, Anton La Vey said that 'frustum' would become more important over time after publication of The Satanic Bible. Frustum is the masonic symbol adopted by the Illuminati, but more importantly, it's the masses being frustrated.
Harambe buggered a human infant, like God did Jesus, the bumfinger of Christ, if you want a more literal translation: the spirit of god entered Jesus, from the first ye unto the last, obviously referring to chakras there; Uranus etc. Harambe; as unto those who would enter the haram of maggod(t). Haram-be. Theology that might have sounded like bullshit or mental illness is now credible due to the flaccid ignominious wilful whoreish acceptance of Islam, in other words they let the crazies in.
'Dawn of the Mad', 'Dawn of the Angry' as in the Morbid Angel song. I said those days would be coming since the 1990's, the DAO(Death All Opposed) in my story. David Vincent's voice turns into a missile I thought on that song, or is it in fact a maggot? Always offer to get your dick out 'for Harambe of course'.

Beloved gorilla dies after being sedated so he could be taken to another zoo

I was watching some 'No mans sky; One man's lie' and he consistently compares the multiplayer to Journey and Dark Souls, there is no multiplayer in No mans sky, it was abandoned, his lying is quite obvious. It's almost like a p*ss-take. Spore's a better game, although I haven't played No Mans' Bi. The refunding system is really strange as well, refund even if you've played for 10 hours? I think the whole thing is a psy-op(psychological operation) of distraction, it was pushed as some game that could be played 'forever', to rival Elite, but perhaps in so in the imagination of it's fiercest 'future' fans, No mans' sky has lost 90% of it's customer base already, after only a few weeks the 'genius' behind it has gone from nerd to hermit wierdo, as if he's been awake 24 hours a day working on the game, telling the same lie at every interview. It's not as if you can accidentally implement multiplayer 'oh we only have about 50 people in our offices, and infinite numbers of people who'd play test multiplayer for us, we can't possibly confirm multiplayer until a few hours before launch' could have been said.
Take t from nativite, gives naive, the naive play. Homer Simpson eats donors,  people are sacrificed to him, Chronos style.

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