Saturday 28 May 2011

Belated Mother's Day Causes Shock Jesus Second Coming

I had a several weeks late Mother's day family get-together, very strange and lots of odd talk involved, I ended up paying for my mothers meal even though 5 family members turned up. I got bored with the insinuations that Jesus was gay based purely that he had men around him.

Not my actual family - Orangutan family meal

Jesus = He's us (he is you and me / the everyman).

Jesus produced no written works of his own. Everything said about him is hearsay / heresy.

He was surrounded by men who I doubt he elected to stalk him.

The level of arguments about Jesus show the pettiness / brainwashing of the people who argue about details on his life eg 'did he actually walk on water'.

In particular, homosexuals have a fixation on the crucifiction as it involves Jesus suffering and dying. Probably because he made statements that upset them like 'homosexuals shall be denied heaven' (don't worry I repeat that line in a bit).

The crucifixion is more accurately a work of cruci-FICTION. I told them that one of my proposals is that we should kill all gays. Definition of gay - Those people in society who are so weak and simple-minded they are of no use to society. I remember shouting ‘kill all gays’ several times, and following it with ‘what’s the matter, you’re all for free speech aren’t you [being anarchists and all]’.

The reason I brought that up and in light of the time I said it, is that around the time of Christ's second coming (this meal was on Monday after Easter Sunday), Christ would demand all homosexuals to be killed before he started his kingdom. Also I expect Jesus Christ wouldn’t even turn up until his kingdom to be, had been cleansed (being a spirit made flesh). I then said that no Christian can be homosexual, it is impossible!

Christ's Kingdom is the kingdom of heaven on Earth.
On Earth as it is in heaven (from the Lord's prayer)
'homosexuals shall be denied heaven.' (from the Bible)

George and Zira at a restaurant

This was all said very closely at my babbling brother George and his red-haired wife Sarah (Asherah) haha, and then the waiter was of course a spy imitating a plainsclothes police officer. Probably he was an agit-prop - the whole thing was a setup. Even with about twenty fake secret agents turning up just after to trash the joint hehheh. Asherah/Sarah is supposedly the wife of Jehovah/God - the woman/whore that Jesus spoke to in the bible.

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