Friday 13 May 2011

The Search (For) Intelligent Terrestrial Life (SITL)

Any unknown type of sentient lifeform with humanoid characteristics
example : the queue for the checkout had many people standing or sitting or otherwise claiming their territory within it.

Sheeple are people who are unable to think for themselves effectively.

There is a 'new' breed of sheeple who I call creeple.
Creeple are a by-product of the modern hero-worshipping culture. These are people who act like they have woken up, but have only memorized enough in order to gather and spread gossip on those who do think for themselves and are known for it.
Example : Creeple will parrot popular slogans at you to draw you into negotiations, but their purpose is gather 'scary' intelligence on you. They then spread it to the sheeple.

Creeple give fear-based knee-jerk reactions to statements of truth or gathered intelligence. Creeple live in a twilight world of denial. The creeple are basically the same as counter-intelligence agents, some are volunteers unpaid by government. They can claim to work for 'surveillance'. Creeple are more easily identifiable as being simply spies, or as I call them 'crap spies'.


Mainly distinguished by not being Buddha.


Buddha the people who think for themselves although you could just call them human or people if uncertain.

Human being

human beings - not fully human, they are only being human. They are in essence 'fake' humans, actors trying out roles in order to gain viewpoints on what it is to be human. Human beings are a hierarchical bridge between humans and avatars.


These are people who are unable to think only of themselves.

This usually happens around the human being type of reality. Typically Avatars recognise that materialism is just a means to achieving spiritual/soul connection en mass. Also known as enlightened ones, the 'good' Avatars seek to bring others up to their level whilst the bad Avatars want people to at best remain as they are and more typically to keep the people as slaves. Avatars are living in the 'next phase' of the spirit form in human form. There are Avatars of at least as many levels as people in the world, many people are actually Avatars and don't recognize it. However the level above Avatarhood is beyond the scope of this presentation - its something you either know or are aware of for yourself.

Elite scum

See bad Avatars within Avatar definition


Same as Creeple except in addition Trolls have access and ability to use the internet but inability to make non-sheeple/creeple content on their own. Can operate covertly in groups. Aspire to the hivemind which is a feeble imitation of the developed Avatar. Female Trolls are called Trollops.

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