Friday 11 September 2015

Negative Aquino Watt Neutron Ken

'Peter Steele on Divinity (Type O Negative, Anesthesia, Second Chances, Children & Facing the Future)'

Peter Steele mentioned the neutron bomb.
Michael Aquino was the first to mention the neutron bomb, the subject of his graduation thesis. I think it's all a psy-op 'tho, a metaphor for brain-washing. "When we are at war and the bomb he is talking about takes out the cell towers and no computer how will they navigate through life?"
Partial paralysis by fear does their job before anything like that happens.
Battlestar Galactica 2004 also had the effect of killing people, leaving shadows that is associated with nuclear weapons, maybe a brainwashing metaphor as in 'shadows of their former selves'. Maybe nuclear weapons are not romantic enough for writers. I've volunteered myself as a test subject to have nuclear weapons used on. They should introduce global spa competitions just so Hiroshima and Nagasaki can win them.

I caught Alan Watt posing as someone else (Charles Skinner) spamming the Elite Dangerous Facebook group. Charles Skinner 'That should have cost a pretty penny'. Alan Watt probably thinks this sort of negative sales pitch will overthrow the Elite. 'Dam your right Mr Skinner, what was I thinking. I'll sell this machine right away and use the money to buy storeable foods' could be a reply.

Gatchaman 1972 episode 66, exposes that the Science Ninja Team are sponsored by princess Flake, with the same connotation as Frank Zappa used in the song Flakes, and I'm guessing it's the princess of Monaco they are talking about, a country where it's all about fashion and racing. 'Hell yeh' and 'hell no' are phrases used in Gatchaman (1972). Gatchaman (1972) Ken's gone mad, his daddy waddy (leader of Red Impulse) died by flying a rocket ship into the Van Allen belt to detonate bombs to send the Van Allen belt back into outer space, episode 52 or so the last episode of Season 1. In a later episode, Berg Katse imitated the leader of Red Impulse and gave Ken a totally different background to events that led to Revolution Radio's (rr's) death, that he disappeared searching for Galactor's secret base, which Ken seemed to buy, although he found out that it was Katse in disguise by the end of the episode. In episode 68, Ken, the Gatchaman of the series says that it's OK to fly someplace, it's just like going into the Van Allen belt in a rocket ship. They go into God Phoenix mode (which 'rr' couldn't do). They are headed to a town hit by a nuclear weapon, whose effects are those of a Neutron bomb, although they call it 'a hit by a nuclear weapon'. It was only in that episode of Gatchaman (1972), that it killed all people leaving only shadows.

Macaulay Culkin's brother is going to play the part of Varg Vikernes in a movie based on 'Lords of Chaos' by Michael Moyniham.

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