Wednesday 7 October 2015

Drain Christians Black Lionel Spectre Bummed

POURING DRAIN CLEANER IN YOUR EYES: THE NEXT TRENDY SOCIAL JUSTICE MOVEMENT? Not supporting people who want to blind themselves is bigoted and intolerant
They should pour drain cleaner into their eyes until it pisses out of them, a double whammy!

As if Christian was a word that dropped out of the blue, printed on white card in Israel blue. Christ-ian means follow the leader, however people have their own idea of 'the Christ'. Christ = chosen, ian = follower of. If he said 'follow Christians', it's almost like the follow the yellow brick road, he'd be saying 'follow the leader followers' or follow the sheep being led by some shepherd (neither phrase is excluding himself, but neither phrase is himself excluding all others). Christians get all tied up in knots of woolly thought, the origin of the fish association maybe has to do with Christians following someone's rod through a line, their explanations all sound a little fishy. The fish symbol might be due to Jesus being a 'fisher of men', it could also be the origin of the phrase 'fishy' like a drug addict I guess.

I posted this on DSBM (Depressive Suicidal Black Metal). There's no waiting for approval, it went straight to the wall.

'I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, You Rascal You - Louis Armstrong'

Radio 2 host called Lionel Rothschild Lionel Ritchie several times today! I think someone was calling in to say that Lord Rothschild's manor was infested with vermin. They had some pest control guy on call. Lionel sounded like lion-o when they said it as well, I think that was the inference. Jumped up jews, chosen ones by Apocalypse for laughs. Marvel Apocalypse as Queen Mother, Queen Mother as Mother Nature in 'Journey to the West'.

Vladimir Putin not only looks better than Daniel Craig, he also has his birthday on 007, 1007 (7th October), one 007 (winning 007). Maybe he'll be the head of Specter in the latest James Bond movie, but I expect that it won't be it'll be Robbie Williams or Gareth out of Take That. James Bond did bone M in the last movie (almost), it was fairly obvious that he already had f*cked his ma'am.

Gary Bell is talking again about how Michelle Obama touched the Queen even 'tho it was 6 years ago, he says that there was a response first time ever, that the Queen liked it very much! It suggests to me that moles are running the crown's messages. Of course she made no comment, some troll commented instead, and for diplomacy no statement was issued forth from her directly. Funny that nobody picks up on it, although it is, indeed a fishy reply for the palace to issue, maybe a middle finger Middleton to the Queen? Michelle Obama touched the Queen a big black transistasexualien, transSistaSexuAl'ien. MO (Michelle Obama) probably got some chicken out of it.
Daniel Craig says he would rather slit his wrists than play Bond again, "I'm over it at the moment," "Spectre" actor said.

Daniel Craig says he would 'rather break this glass and slit my wrists' than play Bond again
He was never going to do Bummed again, then he was going to do Bummed again, now he's never going to do Bummed again. Why does he keep on changing his opinion about playing a character in a movie that's already finished filming?

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