Tuesday 13 October 2015

Pope Monk Cheltenham Mortiis Fangs Dame

Pope Francis: Children have right to a mother and father
Pope Bacon got it wrong "Children have a right to grow up in a family with a father and a mother capable of creating a suitable environment for the child's development and emotional maturity.".
Mother and Father should be mummy and daddy. Mother is more like your divine feminine, and Father is like-a more wise and closer to God than you. I may meme it, using Leader X, any child without parents is provided with them by the state, yes? It's called adoption, and if they fail to be adopted, they are made into Berg's burgers, perhaps. Pope Bacon and Kim Davis meeting on facebook. Cats have no parents, another thing about Kats Berg. Biologically they do, but they behave independantly of them. I think the pope's perhaps getting confused 'It was-a so clear to me in-a the golden palace. Now that I walk amongst the decadent and sinful, I find that my vision is less clear than it-a should be', said the Pope Bacon perhaps.
Is Pope Bacon just paying lipservice to the gays? I think he's following a centuries old plan, maybe of the Francescan monks. Berg Katse could also be said to pay lipservice to the gays, hence the lipstick
lipservice means 'speak nicely to'.
Burger King left Cheltenham with no reason given 'You want it your way, at Berg(er) Katse you got it', and they had a poster with an image of a hand print with a king reference when I visited last, and I worked there.

Ultimate Reality - Live & Recorded Episodes
A linguistic archaeologist digs for the very roots of our languages, many millennia before writing was invented. ...
Smelly Jenny in jail, and you're all rats, oh my!
Jordan Maxwell be crying like 'I get death threats!'

Secrets of my Kingdom by Mortiis

Secrets of my Kingdom by Mortiis was about $4000.
"First Printing, Earache Records Ltd., 2001. Leather (or imitation leather)-bound book and CD, limited to 850 copies worldwide, signed my Mortiis. Gilt titles, gilt edges. Illustrated by Mark Riddick, Tania, Juha Vuorma, Kerry Bartlet, and Conscicide"
Gail Zappa, Frank Zappa's wife died a few days ago. Apparently there's a documentary being made about Frank Zappa, but as everything said about musician's personal life is most usually a lie, they probably didn't get much valuable information, so they probably masoniMurdered her. Some chav was going on about Frank in town. A fitting tribute to Gail Zappa!

Nation and World Briefs, Oct. 13 *Archive Article* Putin craze takes hold 
in the Middle East
BEIRUT — Amid the ornate walls of Damascus’ famed Omayyad Mosque, preacher Maamoun Rahmeh stood before worshippers last week, declaring Russian President Vladimir Putin a “giant and beloved leader” who has “destroyed the myth of the self-aggrandizing America.”
'Submit before Vlad's Fangs', he could have said. Fangs are the name of Galactor's foot-soldiers, it's only used maybe twice in the whole series. 'Vlad the Impaler' by Notredame has in it's lyrics 'but he's so very generous on fangsgiving day'.

'Notre Dame - Vlad the Impaler'

Gary Bell did most of his last show on...The Wizard of Oz, he named the author as Frank L Baum at first then changed it to Lyman Frank Baum, which is how I have it, I got it from Wikipedia, but it has been written as Frank L Baum in the past. Gary Bell reads from lots of the books, and it's relevance in mind control, in addition to the movie which everyone talks about, but nobody talks about the books apart from the first one that I'm aware of. Gary Bell's done a WoO show before, this time it's more complete. He also talks about Lewis Carroll and 'The Tall Book of Stories', and he mistakenly calls C S Lewis instead of Lewis Carroll, although he doesn't mention Narnia in the show, and Tolkien gets a mention towards the end. Fans were moaning 'Why doesn't he talk about the Canadian elections etc', Canada elections, they don't get it, he's 'ratchetting' (rat-chatting) up for Halloween.
The K in Philip K Dick was kept secret, it's Kindred.

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