Monday 1 May 2017

Floating Trump's Lay Back's Tiny Tim

Laibach - No History (SPECTRE), official video, 2015

Laibach's video for no history shows one plane hitting both towers (which then collapse).
Chris of Ho's ax busters said that he saw one video where the plane comes out of the other side of the tower.
There's a Led Zeppelin inference in there (the plane was made of lead or steel or something)

What aircraft (if any) are made of steel? "Early aircraft were steel tubing covered with fabric, like early tail draggers such as the Piper Cub, Aeronca Champ, and the Citabria. But not made all of steel. Steel is strong and durable but just too heavy a material for the weight trade off. "

I expect a steel plane with rocket fuel could do the job.
Did you know that if you swallow seeds, such as sunflower seeds, magic Jesus talks to them: 'I have prepared a new house for you to grow safely in, my child', and if you don't shit them out fast enough, you became a person of the vine, that is a vine goes out from your butt and tries to marry itself to the Earth. Once embedded thus, you too become a flower child.
Finally found a review that actually has scenes from Rogue One, it seems that it's as full of holes (is as holy) as Farts Awaken, but they've held back on the commentary. It sounds like some Final Fantasy extension, for the GameBoy or something, where you get a side story, apart from that it's pretty much the same movie as Farts Awaken it seems. The Seth priests all fight like emo kids on medication tho'.

'Breaking news... Prophecy... Suppressed information... MOST AMAZING DVD'

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too."

The color code for gray is 0.502f,0.502f,0.502f , which is 128 in byte format. Now this is slightly off gray (if gray is defined as only one shade of gray, the middle). So, in the song 502 by Megadeth, Dave Mustaine must have been referring to checking color charts, to find the meanest gray, and the cops chasing him, the drugs and speeding, was only a diversion.
'Stop for a shade correlation check'

Hoaxbusters put up a 'No call tonight' post on the hoaxbusters call page , I think for the afternoon commute, someone complained and I posted a pic:

'eArly Cuyler-inner'

That is Early Cuyler. Maybe eArly is too clever, both are puns on how Chris+ would say it. 'Christ eats babies, or is that Satan'. Linn went apesh*t about WTC 9/11 stuff being real and how people should be well-hung because of it. They haven't got to steel plane yet tho

'aErly Cuyler-inners? Any caller-inners?'

 I suppose it works, sounds greek 'tho or aegypt'ian or aetlant'ian.

Linn just can't handle that people believe cartoons.Was she Soltan Gris's landlady? The Trump rump joke is stale, Trump already bankrupted Trump Steaks (not bankrupted, but were discontinued).

"Believe me- I understand steaks, it's my favorite food!" The man himself- Donald Trump, promoting "the next star in the Trump galaxy... TRUMP STEAKS!"'

'Sir Tim Barrow named as UK's new ambassador to EU'. You can guess he's not going to come back with much with that name.

'Sir (tiny Tim) wheelbarrow'

'Following my escapades in Europe I have 2 shillings for her majesty the Queer' he trilled

 'Luke, for your breakfast I have a sausage. But how can you see it when behind you I am...' crooned Yoda excitedly

'BBC The REAL HouseWives Of ISIS 
BBC comedy depicting brides of terrorists in a spoof reality show-style sketch has been criticised for being "insensitive".'

British satire has been so lame recently, nobody blasted Brexit as they could, and now this. It's really not something you'd expect from BBC2, Four Lions is the only comparison

Facebook is checking with organizations to give you points, and enables other users to view so it'd be DL new GIF animation code <> award: 10 points. If only they'd have made a 3rd Tron this would have been explained.

Sick means Great in Azagthoth

MOSH031 (31 even) it's still a backwards M

To make this hacking story work (Russia hacked America to make Trump win), they'll have to claim that Russia remotely hacked Americans CNS's (Central Nervous System) and walked them remotely to and from the voting booths, and erased their memory of that time period.
A StarWars shooting, were the last 2 movies that bad? I was thinking 2 StarWars movies released in one year, with no memorable quotes or memes that I've seen Star Wars, Batman, two stories about Orphans

'Sheriff Scott Israel' he's gotta be kosher with a name like that. 'The asteroid (5099) Iainbanks was named after him shortly after his death.' it's a 23 skiddoo!

Mark Zuckerberg is Caesar? He looks like his head would suit a laurel wreath.
'Hail Zucker!' (zeukar) zeus ksar zeus tsar.

Does Trump look like the lion? The lion has his eyes closed in a few pics, which makes him look CHINA'e's

TRUMPelPUTskIN (floating god of Trump and Putin (combined)) el=god,ski=float

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