Sunday 27 December 2015

Christianity Reindeer Deadpool Boxing Watt Evan Rebel

Christianity was a slave religion, as such anyone above the level of a slave could do whatever with it. Jesus Christ was the name given to the slave who would become Lord of misrule over the Saturnalia. Christmas was the name given to the period from the Winter Solstice until 4 days later, the mass itself being held at the pinnacle of the Saturnalia, and Boxing Day to the first day PC (Post Christ). It was to show that slaves could not rule.
Rudolph (Randolph) may be the imposter reindeer. There are supposed to be 9 reindeer (as can be guessed), 3x3. 'Randolph the brown-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny bum' as I believe the song goes, the Elf would have to be called David.

I just finished reading Axis, it was OK, Apocalypse gets called 'pokky', a reference to Pokie, Grumpy Cat's brother. Deadpool zenpool or deadzen. Deadpool talks to him as if he were Evan anagram of Knave (silent K).

'Santa and his Reinbeers - Thomas Andrew Eagles'

I'm expecting the cardboard cutout of Lord British from Lord British when I go to my parents on Boxing Day. Material goods MAKE them happy, they lick the plastic and eat the wrapping paper. It makes everyone happy to know that they are polluting the planet.
The latest Ognir podcast is quite good. January 2015? It might not be the latest, it's the latest uploaded to Mami's shit. it took him 11 months to record, 11 months of hard work went into that recording.

Celebrate Christmas by blowing up a mosque. Lords of miss rule? HenPecked Christ, or 'how a woman would rule'.

"Sheen sex scandal ensnares Alex Jones"

Hernia swallows up Texas truth movement. They're calling it Charlie Sheen's scarlac pit of Texas, or is that a veruka? You can get groin hernias.

Alan Watt cuts into his intro music in 10 seconds now, 'It's my enhanced hyperfast show' he might say. Christisanity, fundamental Christianity? Or maybe more about mind games than christianity fun-da(de,of)mental(mind). Mental means mind god which reminds me to read Mortiis's book, Although I'm still working on my pet project, Arthur. I do have other stuff to read first as well.

On the left, Magneto, on the right Evan (Genesis).

Evan is in hiding, but all that's going to happen post-Axis is that there's going to be an amnesty besides Evan doesn't look like King Kongy-dong, so what's the worry. Maybe son of Thanos returns in Axis, Thane.

Rebel Music Eclectic Sounds

'Vicki Sorenson · Bowling Green State University
Not understanding how to play the show!'
Latest comment on the Rebel Path live stream page.

Listening to the playback before it gets hidden. Although it's the last show of the year 2015. He opens with 'please kill me' repeatedly. Celtic Rebel *blame whiney/blame whitey* he's very cutting edge, the hope of mankind. I tried to capture the live stream, he needs to go to AA (Alcoholic Apocalypse), native Americans can teach him at least how to drink. Native Americans lost the race, that's what racing is about in movies, racial supremacy. That's why the race in the movie Herbie is won by white middle-class Caucasians. Celtic Rebel is convinced those 3rd world people sharing his videos on his neglected YouTube channel with it's years old sound clips. 'man with 99 children says Celtic Rebel taught him everything about sex' I think he lives in a different time ratio than everyone else relative to shows, he does shows in real time, but other times he turns into a statue.

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