Wednesday 16 December 2015

Douglas RAT George Trainspotting Moore Drugs Winners

DD says that if there was a declaration of war in America, Alex Jones would be arrested and imprisoned as a traitor for working with Russia Today, he apparently runs Russia Today American branch, an anagram of RAT.

'Delusional Trash (Alex Jones)'

Why does he have still that red stain under his top lip? 'It's a late birth mark, that appeared once I reached 40' I'm guessing his response would be.

I saw a painting of George Warrshington(Washington), he even looks like royalty of that era. I bet he never sailed on the MayFlower, probably had a private 1700's era yacht that got there in one sixth the time and armed guards eyeing the coast for n*ggers posted once he arrived.

'X-Men: Apocalypse | Teaser Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX'

Apocalypse reminded me of Ian Curtis in the trailer (facially).

It is shameful that 2000AD still hasn't been a Nemesis the Warlock Christmas special. what is wrong with them? It's like a bunch of retarded masons who fell off the rails years ago.
My Tomas De Torqueking Christmas tree could well become their new mascot! Even the name 2000AD implies that they weren't invited to 'Alan Watt's post-millenial parties'.
They boast 'We have Simon Bisley doing stuff'. Great, it turns out to be Judge Dredd, oh great more Dredd(Mordred!)!

Trainspotting was a propaganda piece to discredit Grant Morrison he's the skinny Jedi played by Ewan McGregor. Probably penned by Alan Moore, it was his first screen role, so I heard. Apparently the script was covered in dog filth and Moore's sputum, but they accepted it anyhow. Could even be to do with blocking the supermarket Morrison's. I don't remember the movie Trainspotting much except that it wasn't very good, a movie about a bunch of losers doing drugs. Fail but feel great doing so, it's like 'Winners don't use drugs' on the arcade games. They put that message out, and some people were 'Ahh they don't want us to do drugs, so we'll do them because I bet they are doing them', and then they failed.

I can't even find a pic for 'Winners Use Drugs' online.

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