Wednesday 7 September 2016

Alan Maxwell Eustace Illuminati Kealey ARan Tomorrow Hoaxbusters Farage Clinton

'Alan Watt (Aug 21, 2016) Related Articles of a Kind Which Form Opinions in Your Mind'

'Don't try to think outside the box', 'It's just continuous war', 'Dumb and stupid animals to be used (for foreign policy)'.
Jordan Maxwell is back doing the milk rounds at Jeff Renses', on Mami's Shit. Rense pushes him along, but he takes even longer to say the same things. 'You'll never get to see the people who really run things', he has to believe that he started things off, somehow, ignoring Ezra Pound (extra pound,extra weight?), Eustace Mullins and others and ignoring the fact that what he's learned can be gained from reading in a public library or by studying the media or life at all. Jordan Maxwell's head is rather like a button, I think he squats in a cubicle and when he's wanted, someone like the 'Higher being' pushes him in and up he pops and off he goes like bugs bunny with whatever media offended him in the last 20 years. 'Do I look to you, like someone who talks to 6 foot something tall bunny rabbits?', he might have said. Jordan Maxwell started off a bit sweary but then the meds kick in I guess.
It could be called 'Age Old Arguments' first ILL gets U then you get small (humble; MINimal) A(to) TI(join), ILLUMINATI; solve et coagula (that's a with a grave accent(gothic?), a la francais). U and ILL are looking for a New Order to complete the Word ILLUMINATI.
I think Michael Tsarion deleted the post containing my comment about Brexit as used by David Icke referencing Jacob Rothschild poking Prince Charles. Truth de Mayervment. David Icke was trying to use it as a pro-Brexit statement, but of course the pic was taken January 2016 or thereabouts.
Sage anagrams to gases; the old fart blows. All that pussy and Glen Kealey can't get an erection.

The Aryan is supposed to have blue eyes, but Josef Mengele might have spread that story because the Aryan has green eyes. This is hinted at in Tomorrow People, the Blues and the Greens

'The Tomorrow People, The Blue and the Green 1/9
"John and Stephen find themselves with two mysteries to investigate-the possibility that Stephen's new teacher Elizabeth M'Boah is a Tomorrow Person and some ..."'

Maybe the M is because Elizabeth has a maggot in her ear? People don't notice when other people are listening usually, they assume that they do. It's possible to let them talk for years, just nodding occasionally as a response, and her actual crown that she stole from the Burger King. The real one might have been sold to pay off a gambling deal she lost with the devil, and maybe that wasn't enough.

Hoaxbusters are slowly discovering that the OWO and WO and NWO may be related, OWO = Oriental World Order, WO=(World Order, the Roman Empire;reich's), NWO=American World Order;Order over the new world. maybe they'll find out it's a conspiracy of writers, pen and tellers.

The body language on this puzzled me; Either Nigel Farage is acting very stupid 'Look you stupid, Nigel' Trump might be suggesting, or he's subservient to Trumpty Dumpty. I think Nigel Farage might have been a plant to get Europe out of Britain, so that if the British Empire is invaded by American Empire, with Emperor Trump, Europe won't intervene. Also to prepare UK for European invasion. Europe probably won't intervene in a US invasion of the UK after seeing Britain as it was demonstrated by Nigel Farage as a place of 'rude arrogant barbarians', if he's their ambassador.
These things might happen in the next 2 years, or by 2020: America invades Britain, Britain is caught off-guard as it was going to invade Europe. Europe is backed by Russia. But Trump could decide to invade Britain anyhow for the sh*ts and the giggles. Trump's talking about expanding the US military.

Trump pledges big US military expansion - BBC News

Peace through strength,strength through joy. Clinton, cillington,killingTon.

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