Sunday 2 April 2017

Douglas Christian Kendall Deadpool Red Dwarf PSN

Douglas Dietrich sounds more tolerable with Christian Rock in the background, Taiwan rejects same-sex marriage, I think that may undermine DD's agenda to turn everyone into Thai lady-boys. It's on the latest Spurtwars (Spirit Wars) show. Tragically it's another Lara Le Slug (Laura Lee Solomon) produced show, I can't hear a thing DD says. British (April) Fools' month, and Marvel has joined in. John Harrington was the black man in Rising Damp.
There's a Facebook group called 'Flat Earth Revolution', Alex Jones could become a flat Earther just to promote the phrase.

Chris Kendall obviously didn't read the Scott Onstott book 'Taking Measure: Explorations in Number, Architecture, and Consciousness', or maybe he's shilling for Christian Fundamentalists.
Agenda 31 is a reversal of M, it starts after NoAgenda so it could be retitled proAgenda, negAgenda or counterAgenda or -Agenda, and noAgenda could be Agenda. On Agenda 31 they talk about legal stuff, even mentioned that Magna Carta facepalm 'cos that's so relevant in 21st century.
I read that Marvel have admitted sales have dived since SJW's got featured. I wonder if the Trump Disney connection via Donald Duck screws up Truth Movementeers daily? Donald Duck had insight, shows with him exposed new inventions etc (Donald Trump Tesla connection).

'Boy, 9, found hiding under bed after three-hour search'

The first headline was actually 'hiding in bed'. I read the first headline and thought 'how did that work for him and nobody else ever?'. They dispatched helicopters as well apparently.

Someone on Agenda31 calls FaceBook FaceBorg, maybe i'll call it FaceBooger.
I wonder if Deadpool is going to be holding a copy of 'Split Second' in the second Deadpool movie at some point, seeing as it's been used in so many promotions? It looks like Hela, main villain in Thor Ragnorok movie apparently will double as Death in Infinity War movie...' hela nice! HEL's Alpha, or HEL's Answer, Hela is female in both?
In 'Red Dwarf', 'The Cat' got PC'ed (Politically Corrected; changed due to Political Correctness) perhaps, the AI computer got replaced several times. First it was a woman, then a man. Holly was one, Holly and the Eve'y I guess. Holly was a dizzy blonde, so non-threatening I guess.

PSN started their Easter Sale today, but I placed an order and it didn't go through. I'll have to leave it a day, as I tried again to see if I get confirmation emails although it should only process the first time even if it goes through. 4 5 1 day of sale Sun(NY) Easter.
2nd day now of Easter sale not working, I checked out my freudian account, no transfer has been made. Saw a 'Europe is going down' ad for insurance I think, on Marvel as well. Quick enterpreneurial British talent 'tho, they could have run that for 44 years. It's funny that Marvel runs Google ads and doesn't vet them, as if 'we dont care we need the money'.
3rd day of Sony Easter Sale not working, will it (the servers) rise today?
4th day of Sony Easter, no acceptance of my payment, I tried changing cards and their servers failed to apply changes. PSN (PlayStation Network) seems to be better according to google results etc, which showed a page (12 or more )  results about the Sale, and I can't find anything outside of 'downtracker' (which tracks down sites statuses) saying that there's anything wrong with the sales. Even then, downtracker is reporting back from PlayStation Network results finely, if that's a canadian phrase, I imagine the PSN is getting feedback from new Canadian EUsers.
I added credit card to my PSN account, after trying and failing it defaulted to the PayPal account. I have now bought PSN cards from Amazon which are added to my wallet, and purchasing through these.

So I've been hammering the beJesus out of Christ the hippy chick with three devices (Galaxy, AMD, PS Vita) to three places, both hands separately and both feet at once all to get some yEast,er, produce from it.
Also ordering from the PS Vita gives me the option to post my purchase of the product as an activity, although I can only order one item at a time. I can also only order one card at a time.
The Internet connection is 'Very good, much faster now!' according to tenant Maxx (actual name? He never gets any mail or has anything to identify him or her or it). For years people have been whining about poor signal at the house including GCHQ people, yet I can get signal from the Ballet school across the street, here after trying other WiFi USB. I think 'weak signal' is about all they understand, not tampering or anything else. I think Maxx is here to imitate me, a doppelganger to placate Val as he's chums with her. He looks about like a psycho(stares and grins) and does stuff like sniffing the back of my head.
I didn't go to the NoAgenda chat room, ruining their plans it seems, as Mami's Shit still hasn't posted a download link for the new show, maybe it was super poor because I hadn't chatted?

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