Monday 5 December 2016

Josh Punk Mindless Christmas Fortuna Chakra Strider Meio Monster G5

Josh Hommer(Homme, Homer), an ex-building contractor who happened to invent a riffing style and with a sense of music and formed bands and toured. I wonder if Hoaxbusters hosts would say 'no, Josh Homme, you stay at being a building contractor and that's the way to stay!', 'don't you go busting our paradigms!'. I doubt that history of punk is going to include Mindless Self Indulgence.

Are all the Christmas TV adverts spoken by women? Is this because it's the only time anyone talks to them? What gifts would be appropriate at Christmas? Crosses? Tombs? Women wailing Christmas, all the song clips were of women. I forgot that people pretend that Christ was born on Christmas, when it's more likely he was crucified, hence the mass. It's Fortuna(ate) greed of Fortuna, some kind of comfort thing, so they can pretend that people like them I guess, a communistic thing. Mass is a communal thing. Christmas has become an amalgamation of various pagan festivals, a Bacchanalian of indulgences. Tammuz, vegetate in front of TV. The left over festivals that hadn't been packaged up are bundled with merchandise as Easter and Halloween.

The Chakra system is wrong, it should be in order of planets distance from the Sun, ie Mercury is 1, Uranus is 7, 0 would be the Sun. I didn't find any reference to 'Planetary Chakra alignment', Neptune is poo, falls out like a pen(backwards) and makes a sound,tune 'plop', and Pluto is more poo, plus(spoken in Francais as plu)-too, more of it.
ChakRa would probably turn out to mean 'of Ra', or Hack Ra (same thing).

I still have fond memories of someone worrying about my sanity for posting a link to the Grand Master's theme on Investigations, put in there for no apparent reason

'Strider - Grandmaster'

It was a woman i think, she probably died soon after, probably fell off a ledge after getting too high, the most usual death fighting GrandMaster Me-io in Strider.

'Strider Hiryu (PC Engine) - Grandmaster Meio'

Meio is a funny word, partly because of meio-sis. 'Meiosis is a type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cell by half and produces four gamete cells. This process is required to produce egg and sperm cells for sexual reproduction.', so the Grand Master is the dark side of strider, or his 'sis-ter', 'sis'ter.

I was talking to Matthew X and he doesn't get how wrong it is that rr (Revolution Radio), supposedly a multi-cultural against the man / machine venture is pushing Christianity through it's shows and it's Ace pilot DD, is a Christian and has Christian guests. I haven't even got through the intro to a Laura Lee Solomon show yet because it's full of Christmas queer. They should just admit that they are a Christian station.

Monster is a good anime, it's about a surgeon who has to flee because there's a serial killer loose, and the protagonist is worried that people might suspect it's him.
What happened to Pro-think someone asked me, 'Didn't he go to prison?'.
I'd heard of witchblade already, bizarrely through Gatchaman. G5 'Swan', swine, the flying pig, the girl had been contacted by the witchblade, she resists it, it's sort of like the black blade of Elric of Melnibone.

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