Saturday 10 December 2016

Philip Emperor Statue Man Castle Ozzy Hoaxbusters

I remember reading Philip K Dick having written that the head of the statue of liberty gets blown off by a terrorist missile in 2017 or similar. 'The Man in the High Castle' may lead to that event. I was looking to see if the builder of that statue was a fascist, as I had heard, he was a type of conservative, building for a particular type of conservative, the type of conservative that would be considered a fascist? The design was a secret.

t could be the face of an Emperor or the face of the Sphinx

The Statue of Liberty stands 93 metres tall, 93 is the number of Thelema, acting magic, is liberty real or is it a trick?

Lucifer was the God of Rome? After reading about DD's Roman salute, I posted that the Roman Salute used in 'Man in the High Castle' is to say 'This is Rome'. Got no replies, not even comparisons of America (the Great) to Rome (the Great).

Make America Roman Again or Make America Rome Again.

Concorde, con in accord, to agree to con, spires(conSpires; conspiracy) atop the head, moon symbol of witchcraft and as a crescent of Islam,

'The Roman Empire never ended' is a phrase used in a Philip K. Dick novel , Valis I think. I doubt that in the 1960's people would be surprised to hear America was the new Roman Empire. It's probably the Jews who obscure the obvious so that it seems incredible to them and their goy.
'The Man In The High Castle' TV series is really slow. there's one scene of two guys talking in a restaurant, the camera is on each guy as they are talking in each other's direction, in that 'really intellectual conspiracy talk' style and there's a cleaner in the background and no other sounds. They actually stop talking so you can hear her cleaning, with the camera focused on her cleaning, it's so slow even saying 'Wooooah!' at half speed doesn't fill the gap it's a scene that would fit on less than a page in text, spread over minutes of screenplay and there's some utterly retarded inside joke reference prop in that scene, that the camera is lingering on. They thought that the cleaner was a spy, I think that was the point, but there was nothing else going on. At another point in the screenplay, a woman appears out of nowhere, with no money, at a restaurant, she's eaten a meal but has no money. So a guy pays for her, but how she got there is never explained. The 'Man In The High Castle' TV series is really Jewish, all the persecution is of people like Jews, and namedrops of 'showers'. It's really cheaply made, they use the bare minimal everywhere. There's nothing to recommend it, the camera resolution is quite high as is the audio quality probably, that's supposedly enough to amaze the audience. It's a turd, but it's a turd in High Definition, and the plopping sound as it's rolled about is in Dolby Surround 7.1! Probably the same with WestWorld, I have it, but it seems that only one thing happens at a time in it, dull to watch past the introduction.
Both seem to be jewvies, movies made by Jews by brainwashed into following Jews, their cattle. I imagine them laughing at the goy who watch it, and people pay for that entertainment (via netflix etc). Netflix is more like dirty toilet brush flicks. FaeceFlix. Jewvie, Jews vying for attention.
I spoke to Slayer Todd on Facebook messenger with video. He was trying to convince me that Black Sabbath are the most metal band and Ozzy Osborne the most metal musician, but Ozzy has been driven by Sharon(Charon, over the river Styx), and putting him, the big 'O' at #1 is putting men at #2. Slayer Todd had Black Sabbath at #1, Metallica at #2, Slayer at #3, I couldn't record any of the 'interviews' because my apps don't support recording calls.
I suppose he should have renamed it 'Wives of Metal', with Sharon Osborne #1, arse Ulrich at #2, and Tom Araya's wife at #3.
Hoaxbusters 500 years ago, they'd come up with some cr*p about snuff. I think maybe nuclear weapons are designed to kill a certain type of person, nuclear, new clear, and that it's esoteric, and that it doesn't work anyhow. In 'IT! The Curse Of The Golem', they used a 'micro' nuke to kill the golem, and it didn't work, just like in Akira, and didn't work against Kato in 'Doomed Megalopolis'.

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