Sunday 11 December 2016

Trumping In The Chair Galvanises Curry

What's the deal with the chair? It's design etc, surely not impressive enough, not even made of gold It looks to me like a cheap hotel chair, or maybe one found in an old person's home.

Change Jesus to Harambe

DD said 'that's like saying taking Anton LaVey's bible and saying God made this too!' (as if that's ridiculous/impossible). He was talking to a Christian.

'The Horror at 37k feet'

Is there a movie where some Cthonic entity has attached itself to a plane and mind-warps it's occupants? It could do so, and eventually the survivors are sank below the waves, where they get taken through a sunken cathedral, but escape en route, capture a submarine and return. I made that up, I don't think such a movie exists.

I don't recall seeing that Horror at 37k feet movie either, but saw no monsters, so haven't watched it (or again).

It! The Curse Of The Golem H J Leder 1967

'He who in the 21st century invokes me must be of gods hand himself because on this earth the person of man existeth no more'. (exists not existeth). Strange quotation to be said of a movie set in the 20th century and filmed in the 20th century
'Starring Taylor Swift and Margeret Thatcher/Theresa Gay'. 'miss Marple' actress also has that sort of profile, marple,maypole,margot...

'Help' is 'rule' because a ruler helps you measure (as God measures the world)

Join Le Measurer

'The news that Big Ben will cease ringing while renovation works are carried out was met with dismay but one young Radio 4 listener.

So upset was Phoebe Hanson, 8, at hearing the news that she decided to write a letter to the BBC offering up her services to shout "BONG" before the news comes on while the bells are out of action.'

Scott Onstott: 'Romans used X to denote nothing'
I don't know how they wrote 10 in numerals. Possibly an I with a dot above
"Zero The Roman numeral system did not include zero and Romans had no concept of it in their arithmetic. Which is one reason why Roman numerals are so clumsy for calculation, though it is possible. "
So I guess this is false, I got that 'Romans used X to denote nothing' from Scott Onstott. X as 10 has an esoteric meaning of next to the abyss(as the unfathomable)

'Adam Curry & Max Keiser Unleashed At Infowars'

You might want to lick the screen for luck, as I have Max Keiser on my Skype list, plus I've spoken to him or something.

Alex Jones thought he ordered 'a dam curry'. The gonad electricity joke went on and on he may have to prove it's true, a career make-or-break

Guy at GCHQ was saying how there isn't much work this time of year.

Galvatron (Transformers)

That's Galvatron of Transformers, the vehicle could be described as galvanised if the driver was dead whilst it was being driven. Galvanization applied via the accelerator/throttle pedal.

I read that he was shot and killed inside the vehicle, but they found no weapons. Probably no blood either, a crash test dummy?
As I recall, Galvatron is an invention of the humans, reverse engineered from Megatron, in other words they want to blame Megatron for something they did.

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