Monday 5 February 2018

Banky Hanky Panky

Hooray hooray it's a bank holiday!
Let's all celebrate the bank!
You can buy a tank!On this holiday! 


Banks are idiots anyhow, i had women bank staff crawling all over the place, when I went for a check up about my account at my local branch. Thing is, I earn the minimal wage.

It might sound sexy, but these 'ho's were not.

Worse thing is I had less than 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 trillion in my classic account
I mean 18 trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian trollian gorillian pounds in my account, is that so much?

I didn't know they was going to wiggle their butts in front of the manager for me, in the Private Porno Palace that they led me to. Do you think they'd have smelt of money if I sniffed them close?

Vaginal Squids
Well I've been promised everything from them. But this is normal to those who devote themselves to Satan, or are Satan themselves!
It's always in the future 'tho, like the return from an investment
In 2018 if you don't understand the power of the banks (of the river Nile) I don't know what to say
I could say you'd be better off dead, I see the living dead in town any day.
Moses split the banks so he could pass, was he then a secret agent?

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