Saturday 21 November 2015

Christ Bum Queen Nolan Buddhism Selfish

Christ is a godblocker, block s the self God by getting attention. Xmas could be like Halloween for self godhead,  ie a time to transfer, a portal. Self godhood, not self godhead although either could be applicable, self godhead implies leaving with or to a coven or cadre. Being Christian bad, being Christ good, or the difference between pilot and passenger, pirate and messenger.
What if Charlie Sheen got gAIDS from Alex Jones! 'I did actually bum Charlie Sheen. This was about the time when I saw his hernia', 'the hernia made me hornier', 'and I think it may have been this session, the hornier session that may have resulted in Mr Sheen getting the gAIDS'.

'Gatchaman (1994) OVA Part 3 Message of Hope Originally broadcast Christmas Day 2014 The Queen's Speech'

6 42 hexes you, 4minutes 26seconds, my edit of the Queen's speech. On Jeff Rense's shows, Tim Rifat says 'Dear leader' that could be Leader X, sealed with a kiss, KISS (Knights In Satan's Service), also using leader as a tag in YouTube gives 'Leader x'. Some bad guy in Darkwing Duck is called Spectre Leader X or some such.

I've converted two videos on my Youtube channel for DD, I don't know if he wanted to keep it secret until he does his show, I just made them public, they've been ready over an hour already.
I don't know why it doesn't share properly (DD's) on Youtube.

(I almost wrote “DEAR JOHN,” but that Opener denotes quite Negative Connotations in any number of way [at least here in The ‘States]):
As you most likely know by now, I finally Terminated Relations with my Former Manageress, the vile Villainess LORIEN-ANNE FENTON, Some Months Agone. I Turn to Yourself, my Friend, in Beseeching You Assist – In Return For Monetary Remuneration Should You So Reqᵫst – my Permanent Recovery of Copies of both mine own Presentation as well as The Last E’‘er Known Presentation of One of Your Almost Certainly Decedent Fellow Countrymen (Now Missing and Presumed Dead), THE LIKELY LATE MISTER JONATHAN NOLAN (an Upright Citizen of The United Kingdom of Northern Irish Extraction).
I Beg of Thee Apply Thy Skill-Set In Permanent Retrieval and Recording of Solely The Presentations of Mister Nolan and I from the Cybernetic clutches of The She-Fiend Who Hath Stolen So Much of myself, e’‘en whilst continuing to Unconscionably Exploit The Spent Effort(s) of Fine Men No Longer Among Us, In Righteous Redress.
Please, Sir, To Publish Such Upon Thine Own YouTube Channel, Should You So Wish or, at the least, Provide myself The Video-Files “In Box.”
Here Are The UFOCON Instructions:
In Order, these are:
1.  Serena Taylor
2.  Michael Horn
3.  Preston Dennett
5.  Grant Cameron
6.  Miesha Johnston
7.  Len Kasten
8.  Plutronus
 ~ 林 一平 (“Lin Yī-Píng [Douglas Duane Dietrich]”)
Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(The “Renegade Human Weapon of Mass-Instruction”).
Click HERE to setup an appointment ahead of time with Steve. If you wait until UFO CON, he will probably already be booked the entire weekend.
Jonathan Nolan died recently, apparently. Peacock of Toast 'He goes by many names' oh, Peacock's character is from near Warrington or some such. Peacock...peacock Sutra, longevity, long gevity, long gravity, long genitals, monk.
DD's (rr's)soul would be covered in grease paint of Aquino. Asians orient to the United Kingdom, UK (oo kay) mm kay, UK (United over Khaos), similar to my SO (Supreme Order). The two extra videos are really good, especially DD's
The Jonathan Nolan is less so, it's more 'things what John said at school', which is what dreamtime is, what I say and what I do becomes an overarching reality for them. They are living in my dream (in this sense), a la Moby (this is my dream). Moby, the MOB says Yes (mass mind control), which removed from any sinister association means 'being in the right', common sense. Moby dick, the mob think with their dick.
Buddhism needs nothing to learn it's basics, no drugs, no trauma, no experience, just thought. Buddha the laughing bud (seeds bud), joyful growth,it's all Buddhism, satanism is watered down, cultured Buddhism. Pure satanism is less than pure thought Buddhism, pure thought Buddhism is best expressed in Amitabha Buddhism.
But you can only really know Amitabha Buddhism have lived and died a 1000 times...if you know at least 3 of the ways, so I've read. The 4th way is the one you build yourself, the 4th way is the exit way, not to EXcITe too much. Satanism is watered down pure thought Buddhism.
Buddha is the one who 'makes' you think, Buddha - everything lives in the palm of my hand, Buddha is you. Satanism could be interpreted as Buddhism for the West
Selfish and selfless, the irony, you can best be selfless by being selfish. If I selfishly did what I wanted, and everyone knew about it, and my life was so much like what they wanted...they'd emulate it, or their relatives or people they told and their lives would be so much better because of it, and it'd all be because I selfishly did what I wanted. That way I am being selflessly selfish, it's short term / long term, of course Christ (in the Christian Bible) was selfish. Many times he uses the word 'I' or references himself.

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