Wednesday 18 November 2015

Maggot Magus Muslims France Galactor Eagles Josh

Maggot moon, maggot moon, be back soon! Maggot moon (Button Moon). 'There's Maggots on the MOON!', as sung by Texe Marrs supposedly.

A Maggot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Here's another Maggot reference, haven't read this book or Magus.
A Maggot (1985) is a novel by British author John Fowles. It is Fowles' sixth major novel, following The Collector, The Magus, The French Lieutenant's Woman, Daniel Martin, and Mantissa. Its title, as the author explains in the prologue, is taken from the archaic sense of the word that means "whim", "quirk", "obsession", or even a snatch of music (see earworm). Another meaning of the word "maggot" becomes apparent later in the novel, used by a character to describe a white, oblong machine that appears to be a spacecraft. Though the author denied that A Maggot is a historical novel, it does take place during a precise historical time frame, May 1736 to February 1737, in England. It might be variously classified as historical fiction, mystery, or science fiction. Because of the narrative style and various metafictional devices, most critics classify it as a postmodern novel.
The Magus, John Fowles, a cockatrice, a rooster or cockerel is a type of fowle (without the e, I fouled up using the olde English variant). It would be maggot's perhaps of a singular mind, funniest one I heard was maggots growing in a horses' cock (under the foreskin) sure to be an Alex Jones tale of the Elite. 'They dip them in honey, put them in their mouths as a delicacy, of course, the horse has to trample a slave girl to death first'

I have seen the movie Magus (1968), it's quite good.

Alex Jones could film Muslims 'actually bumming each other' in Mosques 'I've uncovered an bucket of buggery', 'if you see a meme of me saying 'Kill all Muslims' I didn't make it', followed by dreamily saying 'reminds me of the last time I went to the lodge'.

France 'cultural capital of Europe' cannot even get their flag right on the Eyefull tour(Eiffel Tower)? It was 'le noticed pas, they've cocked it up wrongways since whenever, apparently it's too dificile for l'engineers de gay Penis, its off 90degrees or maybe it's supposed to be the Russian flag, done color-blind.

Je suis une brain enorme for cleasou'ing that one, n'est pas, the French should fly the Galactor flag. That Eyefull tour (Eifel tower) flag is probably a sign that France is occupied anyhow, occupied by Galactor, perhaps.

Americans fly their flag upside down anyhow, they should fly the Union Jack instead, at least they can't raise that upside down. That'd make a funny twilight zone episode, if returning US soldiers came back to find that the union jacks had replaced the US flags, and they'd think it was because the British had taken over, but really it was only because the Americans had changed their flags out of laziness. They'd storm the White House, to find out the tooth, probably an old robot janitor would tell them while spring-cleaning the oval room, the awful office, the VAL gets 0 orifice, the vagina, the vag, the sore eye, sore eye, sorry, office.
Every week Tim Rifat isn't on, I assume he's skiiving before I remember he has a week off once a month.

Peep Show: The curtain is coming down on television comedy – and it’s no laughing matter

Peep Shows' Robert Webb 'famously' gay, I know he's gay, not sure if it's in the media no more BBC comedy after Peep Show finishes it's current season.
I posted a link to it, 'the death of bbc comedy' or similar, no need for comedy when people don't get that the media is a joke.

Gray (Gary) Bell called Eagles of Death Metal, Eagles of Death. They are Eagles of Death Metal, because they pinched the idea from a band name that Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age) invented. Eagles of Death, Gary Bell might be implying that it's about the phoenix.

Probably an I'll'uminati coverup, blame it on the Queens 'Death metal' is whispered in 'songs to the deaf' deaf metal def 2 it's more to associate JH with GAY Paris.

Eagles of Death Metal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In a video interview[15] taken at a converse sponsored event at the Soho Revue Bar in London, Hughes states that he and Homme were in a bar watching a man dance to the song "Wind of Change" by the Scorpions. When asked what he was doing, the man yelled, "This is death metal, dude!", to which Homme replied, "No it's not. This is like the Eagles of death metal." An alternate story concerning the origin of the band name claims that the name originated during an exchange in which a friend of Homme was attempting to convert Hughes to the death metal genre. When the friend played a song by the Polish band Vader and made a claim that the song was within the death metal genre, Homme then referred to Vader as "the Eagles of death metal". After hearing this phrase, Hughes wondered what a cross between the Eagles and a death metal band would sound like.[16]
So Josh Homme was referencing some unknown band which was actually one of his own bands.
So far, no links to their songs have I seen on Facebook, it says he rarely plays live so I think that bearded guy is the bands' usual vocalist.

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