Wednesday 18 November 2015

TV Monkees Paris Metal Sheen Baguette Penis Enlarger Headbanger

'TV remote controls' phrase is probably meant in a 'It'd be funny if you could control people like with the TV remote' sense rather than TV remotely controls you even when you aren't watching it, like a Monkees scene where the Monkees were being controlled by Frank Zappa's TV remote. Zappa, a name given to the TV remote, it means to strike with electric. Frank means straight. The taser is used by crooks, so they didn't want to call it the zapper.

"Metallica's project manager was one of the people killed at last week's tragic Eagles Of Death Metal show in Paris:". The one person who could have stopped Lars Ulrich perhaps?', what are the chances of that happening? 'Eagles of Death Metal were on their sixth song when the attack happened, the sixth song on their playlist (according to official site) is apparently titled "Secret Plan".'
The Ill Eagles(illegals) of Death Metal are still playing upstairs at the house, their 'fans' are hoping to make a Christmas number one out of one of their songs.
If Alex Jones did a Christmas time special called 'Pulling the beard of Muslims'...maybe that'd be a win with Charlie Sheen on HIV Human Insane Vocals after his numerous intimate encounters with Mr Sheen product. I doubt I'll find a pic of someone using Mr Sheen on their jones.

'Glenn Beck - Alex Jones to Charlie Sheen: "I've seen your hernia!"'

Charle Sheen appearance on Alex Jones sounds like Butthead, they don't get the awe in his voice 'Ive seen your hernia!', as if it was something like 'Ive seen your purple striped tiger!'. Alex Jones still needs to do an outrageous show about Paris, with French voice, baguettes, men on bicycles riding behind him in the studio, 'THEY WORSHIP THE BAGUETTE!' so it sounds like maguette(maggot)!
Maggot is no longer God in French.

'Spanish fly aphrodisiac. 
Mr Big penis enlarger spray'

Finland was 'awarded' worst economy in Europe, days within them using a headbanger as their national emoji. I don't know how they beat Greece at that.

Finland emerges as the 'new sick man of Europe' as euro's worst performing economy

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