Tuesday 10 November 2015

Cutting Fainting Jesus Star Death Gay

With his website www.cuttingthroughthematrix.telaviv Alan Watt is encouraging the kids to self-harm. cuttingThroughTheArm , cuttingthroughthevein , cuttingthroughtheartery , cuttingouttheheart .

Da proof of da troof. 

Someone could record Celtic Rebel's live shows, and offer to sell them for more than he does, charge 50 times Celtic Rebels' price, telling them that their's is unedited.
Flat Earth theorists: Meteors are fallen debris from the black dome we are under, sent from Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII). Maybe the parents of that person who died after Star Wars can sue Mark Hamill for being gay, 'Luke Gaywalker killed my son!'

School pupils collapse at Outwood Academy in Ripon - BBC News
Up to 40 school pupils simultaneously fall ill at Outwood Academy in Ripon.

It's a fainting ripple to die for, it seems.

Remember that your parents died to feed your drug problem and your TV programmes, and your ability to complain about everything and do nothing.

Jesus, he knocks louder and louder until the house is shaking and still he knocks!

Star Bucks orients religion for the USA?The problem with Christmass is it isn't taken seriously enough. People should wear habits, and chant and there should be at least one crucification. This woman has the right idea!

SIR Terry Wogan cancelled his appearance at Children in Need, people on David Icke's Facebook group are already claiming it's because he's a paedo. The ambition is, I think, to have everyone the Queen knights arrested and jailed as a paedo. Robbing whore'd and her gay men (Robin Hood and his merry men).
Merry Took it up the arse (Mary the virgin), Pippin Took it in the mouth(took the 'pipe in'), or was it Peregrin Took, anyhow those Hobbits are bad news, I tells ya, they'll lead us to moida(murder / Mordor).

If Tomas De Torquemaeda went to America, then he or his descendants would be Mexican.
Brian Fargo is the first FaceBook person I know of to link to Eagles of Death Metal shortly, after I mentioned that nobody had mentioned them to Lenny Bruce on Skype. They were named 'The Eagles of Death Metal' in order to get 'Eagles of Death Metal' as much radio play as 'The Eagles', the name was given in anticipation of the Gay Paris event, perhaps.

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