Monday 16 November 2015

Delcroix Greece Bummerstick Rothschild Pigs

Delcroix sings some U2 songs and talks for a half hour about making peanut butter, making peanut butter out of his arse. Peanut butter = penis butter / batter, his grandmother would be about 100? Oh, peanut butter got in my eye! Someone Greek in the house has been rolling their shits up in toilet paper and wrapping wads around it, the last one I saw had shit smeared onto the outside of it. They leave them in the toilet sometimes, the plan is to block up the toilet, it's the height of Greek culture. Reminds me of fig rolls, wiping shit onto the fag roll would imply that he's playing with it, fag fig roll. This is Greece's revenge no doubt for having to pay their debt like anyone else, their big job, that took 1000's of years to brew and build.
GAY Paris, France pulled out of talks with Iran/Iraq a few hours before, because wine wasn't going to served the closest word in French to gay is jolie. That's why I called my step-dad jolie(pronounced as jolly) japester. Although the French is pronounced jheheuleuio, friendships, frenchChips, le french friends cue Jewish 'Friends' TV show theme. Another funny thing is 'sacre bleu'. I guess it doesn't mean anything like what the French would say

Legend Confirmed: Metallica Contemplated Firing Lars Ulrich in the 80s - MetalSucks So says Kirk Hammett.

Metallica wanted to fire Lars Ulrich since 1985, apparently he owns the name 'Metallica'. Lars (ars*) shows possessive perverted behaviour and suspicions concerning the death of Cliff Burton AND himself being a Swede. He's hugely unpopular, worse than Phil Collins. Lars Ulrich is a train wreck of a drummer, a chicken bummerstick(drumstick).

'Worst Drummer Ever - Lars Ulrich'

'Worst drummer ever', on video at the studio utterly wankered and unable to play, he's the one doing the kissing and crotch grabs and other possessive behaviour is him saying 'I own you, you have to keep me on, 'cos I've got dirt on you'. Maybe he actually has bagged their turds. Metallica used Cliff Burton material up until the black album, black and after sounds like a different band. Cliff Burton wrote the insightful conspiratorial stuff, Lars Ulrich probably goes for the 'Yehhh! YEH!' stuff lyrically and musically.

Batchaman, Gatchaman shooting venue. Woman on ledge, she'd have slipped within a minute, nothing to grip, and who thinks up hanging off a window ledge as a plan of hiding especially with a Frenchman shouting 'Why are you doing that'? The guy near the camera is shouting at everyone, asking what are they doing (in English as I recall), but even with long fingernails (which aren't generally worn by women in metal), she'd have fallen in a minute or so, I think she's balancing on the ledge, and the video cuts before she falls or anything. There's someone saying 'Come on, come on' someone else is dragging somebody away, amateur drama school stuff even if the killings are real.
I was saying this to some Rothschild outside the '2 Pigs', that people react in the same way as Hollywood actors do, because Hollywood actors dictate how people should react, the irony being that the situations they emulate are family situations, and the actors that they are inspired by, take their cues from, default to, are orphans!

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